Thursday Open Thread
January 19, 2012 6:50 AM - BoerumHillScott

January 19, 2012 7:11 AM - DeadCatBounce
Great Photo, Scott.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:11 AM
January 19, 2012 7:18 AM - BoerumHillScott
Thanks, I took it myself :)
I do wish I had a better quality version of it.
What you see is the highest resolution I have.

Edited at January 19, 2012 7:18 AM
January 19, 2012 7:34 AM - Kensingtonian
Damn Scott, didn't realize you were THAT old and lived on Atlantic avenue back in 1905
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:34 AM
January 19, 2012 7:51 AM - BoerumHillScott
I think the picture is from 1900. It is hard to tell what the last digit is in the date, but when I blew it up, it looked to be a zero that got messed up by a defect in the photo at some point. The file name says 1900.

1n 1907, the new LIRR terminal opened, so I assume in 1905 the block looked more like this (taken from the opposite side):

Edited at January 19, 2012 7:50 AM
January 19, 2012 8:24 AM - dibs
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:24 AM
January 19, 2012 8:24 AM - Arkady
See the guy trying to cross the street from the left? That's my uncle Mikey & he died in 1901 so it must be 1900.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:24 AM
January 19, 2012 8:28 AM - dibs
You sure it wasn't your cousin?
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:28 AM
January 19, 2012 8:29 AM - dibs
"Canada Pledges To Sell Oil To Asia After Obama Rejects Keystone Pipeline"

Way to Go, Obama. What a jackass.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:29 AM
January 19, 2012 8:38 AM - bfar
So Atlantic Yards is really a historically accurate recreation of photo #2?

You guys see the Italian captain's claim that he 'tripped' and fell into a lifeboat? Unreal.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:38 AM
January 19, 2012 8:41 AM - Arkady
And his ears got plugged w/ water so he didn't hear orders to go back on board?
January 19, 2012 8:43 AM - dibs
We don't have a real trader here so I'm not tied into all the trading floors anymore. because of that, I haven't heard any of the jokes about the Cruise ship and the captain
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:43 AM
January 19, 2012 8:45 AM - bfar
gotta get you a squawk box, dave.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:45 AM
January 19, 2012 8:46 AM - dibs
I'm old enough to remember real squawk boxes.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:46 AM
January 19, 2012 8:47 AM - dibs
"First time jobless claims reach lowest level in four years"
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:47 AM
January 19, 2012 8:47 AM - dibs
New York may get snow "coating" overnight.
January 19, 2012 9:00 AM - bfar
glad the snow is holding off; gotta trek in for a meeting with the urchins...
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:00 AM
January 19, 2012 9:03 AM - bfar
So, does obama get credit for the jobs thing, dave?

I see Kodak finally going into bankruptcy. No nostalgia here.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:03 AM
January 19, 2012 9:05 AM - dibs
bfar, jobs would have improved MUCH faster had Obama focused on doing something there INSTEAD of that asinine health care package. But no, he had his liberal agenda that the majority of the country disagreed with.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:06 AM
January 19, 2012 9:12 AM - Donatella
Santorum ultimately won Iowa by 34 votes. Gingrich's 2nd wife (they don't talk) gave an interview, a very nasty interview, to ABC. They ultimately decided not to air the interview before South Carolina.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:12 AM
January 19, 2012 9:14 AM - Donatella
I remember real squwak boxes. Also Pneumatic tubes to send orders to wire operators. (OMG)
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:14 AM
January 19, 2012 9:15 AM - dibs
What would one expect from a scorned ex-wife?
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:15 AM
January 19, 2012 9:17 AM - dibs
remember this, dona???
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:17 AM
January 19, 2012 9:17 AM - Donatella
Apparantly she pulled her dump truck up to ABC and unloaded.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:17 AM
January 19, 2012 9:19 AM - Donatella
No, dibs. Not that. But I did send telexes. In my assistant days, I sent research by telex by telex tapes. By big wads of yellow paper tape at the end of the day.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:19 AM
January 19, 2012 9:20 AM - dibs
bfar, the pipeline construction would have added more than 20,000 jobs just for the construction aspect
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:20 AM
January 19, 2012 9:22 AM - bfar
Yeah, I figured he didn't get credit. Just checking.

I love pneumatic tubes; there are still retail places that use them for taking cash from the registers to the office. Not quite the craziness of B&H's merchandise-moving system, but still fun to watch.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:22 AM
January 19, 2012 9:22 AM - Donatella
Bfar, I saw your pictures going back over the day last night. Very cool. (love the hair).
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:22 AM
January 19, 2012 9:23 AM - bfar
Yeah, and filling in the grand canyon would generate jobs too.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:23 AM
January 19, 2012 9:24 AM - bfar
heh. thanks- Every time I take a shower I'm glad I cut it off, though.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:24 AM
January 19, 2012 9:26 AM - Donatella
dibs, that pipeline will be built. After the election. By either Republicans or Dems. It's route may be changed slightly (in Nebraska) but it will be built. The budget bill requiring a snap decision was a win for Republicans. This country NEEDS that pipeline.
January 19, 2012 9:26 AM - dibs
"Yeah, and filling in the grand canyon would generate jobs too."

Edited at January 19, 2012 9:26 AM
January 19, 2012 9:27 AM - dibs
I know, dona. It's just in the process of being rerouted.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:27 AM
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM - Donatella
The cruise ship story is coming in focus. Captain, bad.....very bad. (tripped and fell into a lifeboat??) Petty officers, Coast Guard, passengers......good. The crew bitterly complained about the inaction of 40 minutes while the ship was still upright when they could have evacuated passenger without incident.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:31 AM
January 19, 2012 9:32 AM - rf
Rick Perry dropping out.
(f.u., Benson)
January 19, 2012 9:33 AM - bfar
Hey, at least I get a nice font.

Dave, if a) I think that oil is particularly destructive for the environment, b) encouraging oil usage is bad policy generally, and c) the pipeline also had negative environmental impacts, then opposing the pipeline makes sense. My point was that just because something creates jobs, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

I don't think obama nixed it out of any principled environmental stand (I've never particularly liked him, I don't think he's an environmentalist or even a liberal) but I'm not sorry it is delayed.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:33 AM
January 19, 2012 9:33 AM - dibs
Legion, wait until Romney's tax returns come out and hear the moral outrage. Frankly this country would be a lot better off if more people were getting their income from capital gains.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:33 AM
January 19, 2012 9:34 AM - bfar
Legion, I don't think most people would say the Bolshevik revolution was what they were going for. As you'll recall, it wasn't a peaceful one.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:34 AM
January 19, 2012 9:35 AM - dibs
Do you really think that not having the pipeline is the right way to encourage the use of less oil???

that's just stupid environmentalist thinking. The sort of thing you get from bumper stickers on the back of Subarus.

Edited at January 19, 2012 9:35 AM
January 19, 2012 9:36 AM - bfar
"Frankly this country would be a lot better off if more people were getting their income from capital gains."

No shit, because that would mean everybody had a bunch of extra money lying around. And if we taxed capital gains at a higher rate, none of this would be a controversy (except for his cluelessness w/r/t normal people - eg $362k is 'nothing')
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:36 AM
January 19, 2012 9:38 AM - bfar
Making something easier to do means you're more likely to do it. Easier oil means more oil use. More roads mean more driving. etc.

Is it the 'right' way to do it? I'm not sure, but I certainly don't see how letting the pipeline go through is the right way to reduce oil consumption.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:38 AM
January 19, 2012 9:38 AM - dibs
"And if we taxed capital gains at a higher rate"

Typical Democratic thinking. how about cutting back on spending????????????????????????????????
January 19, 2012 9:38 AM - Legion
You can't make this stuff up.
p115 of this same issue has a photo of three writers from
the NY Times, Newsweek and Time magazine laughing it up at a cafe somewhere in Manhattan.

Groupthink anyone?

Edited at January 19, 2012 9:38 AM
January 19, 2012 9:38 AM - Slopefarm
It's obvious the issue is rerouting to minimize risk to the aquifer. All the rest is kabuki.

34 vote margin for Rick, 8 for Mitt -- either way it is a statistical tie (three decimal places) and no grounds to claim a victory. (It's not like either one got 46% of the electorate to sign a petition or anything. ;)> -- that's a winking smiley emoticon with a goatee, in case you were wondering).

Meanwhile, looks like Newt is pulling away from Rick in polls for 2nd place in SC and chipping away slightly at Mitt. If that keeps up we'll have a few more weeks of fireworks at least.

Edited at January 19, 2012 9:38 AM
January 19, 2012 9:39 AM - dibs
I'll probably buy another car after I sell the house. Increase my carbon footprint.
January 19, 2012 9:42 AM - bfar
Dave, I never said you were an environmentalist.

Sure, cut back on spending, if there's any to cut. But why *not* increase capital gains taxes? The people who get _most_ of their income from cap gains are already crazy rich.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:42 AM
January 19, 2012 9:42 AM - dibs
Whoever wins Iowa is assured NOT to get the nomination if history tells us anything. Good for Ricky. Maybe he'll move to Iowa.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:42 AM
January 19, 2012 9:43 AM - Donatella
I think I might be the only one who reacted to Romney's statement about his speeches as an attempt to make a joke ("I do some public speaking, but don't get much"). I think he was TRYING to make a joke about Gingrich and his claim to be a speech earner super star. But Romney isn't much of a comedian and it didn't come across. I also thought that it was silly how the press picked up on that comment about liking to fire people. It was made in the context of having the choice of service providers.

Edited at January 19, 2012 9:43 AM
January 19, 2012 9:43 AM - bfar
Newt's a complete prick, but I'm glad he's in the race. Makes it more fun. I'd be sorry if we went into the final stretch with only your standard evangelical nimroddery.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:43 AM
January 19, 2012 9:43 AM - dibs
"Sure, cut back on spending, if there's any to cut. "

I suspect 15-20% of the federal government could be cut back or retired with no effect on the incredibly efficient way that it currently operates. State & local too
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:43 AM
January 19, 2012 9:44 AM - lechacal
My trees probably offset the carbon emissions of every single one of us on this board. Seriously.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:44 AM
January 19, 2012 9:44 AM - bfar
Yeah, the liking to fire people was sort of silly - but I think both comments go less to him being a bad economist and more to his being tone-deaf to what the world of the non-rich is like.
January 19, 2012 9:45 AM - bfar
Were your trees new things planted where there were no trees/plants previously, lech? Existing trees continuing to exist isn't an offset.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:45 AM
January 19, 2012 9:46 AM - lechacal
So you could all act like two-faced hollywood enviro-assholes like Susan Sarandon and fly around on a jet but claim you're carbon neutral by paying money to someone who has a forest somewhere. After all, it's OK to burn tons of fuel and complain about other people who do the same thing as long as you're rich!!! No promblem when Susan Sarandon flies off to Europe to jack herself off for a week, but God forbid some Republican somewhere wants to drive a pickup truck!!!!!
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:46 AM
January 19, 2012 9:46 AM - Legion
...perhaps bfar,
there was definitely a sharper edge to the OWS protesters than the tea party though, as far as their dealings with government authorities.

I was making a comparison about the intellectual "weightiness" of the protesters when talking about the Bolsheviks though.
The OWS protesters were only down for the struggle as far as mommy/daddy money would allow them to go.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:46 AM
January 19, 2012 9:47 AM - dibs
lech, I actually planted three trees last year. i suspect you actually didn't plant any additional trees, just watched yours grow.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:46 AM
January 19, 2012 9:47 AM - lechacal
"Existing trees continuing to exist isn't an offset."

Completely incorrect. The carbon that is fixed as wood in annual growth has been taken from the atmosphere.

A lot of the bullshit carbon credits you can buy are just getting paid to some dipshit with a forest somewhere.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:47 AM
January 19, 2012 9:47 AM - Donatella

Legion. There IS a liberal media. I agree with you. It is not monolithic though. I think it is safe to say that Vanity Fair has a liberal bias. Don't let it ruin your day though. :-)
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:47 AM
January 19, 2012 9:48 AM - Legion
Newt is making great talking points,
but his manner is coming off as desperate at times.
January 19, 2012 9:48 AM - lechacal
"i suspect you actually didn't plant any additional trees, just watched yours grow."

I'm surprised that you would succumb to low-quality liberal type thinking, DIBS. Planting trees isn't the point. Net carbon fixed is the point.

Logging is the key to net carbon fixed rather than having it be a wash.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:48 AM
January 19, 2012 9:49 AM - bfar
Legion- The characterization of them as trustafarians is really unfair. There were plenty of broke people there, plenty of working-class people. And the organizers of any movement have always been people who have enough leisure to lead a movement... and altohugh it isn't a big sample, most of the OWS people I know don't have rich parents supporting anything. They're shmucks like me, working a couple jobs and scraping together a living out of it. No big money backing them up, which, frankly, was part of the whole difficulty they have.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:48 AM
January 19, 2012 9:49 AM - lechacal
[all of the liberals are googling the issue now to try to back up their pre-conceived notions... didn't I go through this with cobble and CMU already????]
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:49 AM
January 19, 2012 9:50 AM - bfar
There's no mainstream liberal media. They're still supercentrist. You're just way off on the right. ;)
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:50 AM
January 19, 2012 9:50 AM - Biff Champion
Shit New Yorkers Say

Pay particular attention at the 1:11 mark
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:50 AM
January 19, 2012 9:51 AM - DeadCatBounce
I find it astonishing that Obama has not made an effort to develop a national energy plan.

January 19, 2012 9:51 AM - lechacal
Every tree I cut down and sell into the lumber industry represents permanently fixed carbon, and that leaves room for new trees to fix even more carbon.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:51 AM
January 19, 2012 9:53 AM - bfar
lech- If you have some trees that absorb carbon and yet the population's carbon footprint is increasing, you would need to add trees to make up for that difference. So existing trees doesn't actually help net carbon, unless you're double-counting them as 'not getting rid of them is the same as adding them'. Am I missing something there?
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:52 AM
January 19, 2012 9:53 AM - lechacal
"Am I missing something there?"

Yes. Completely.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:53 AM
January 19, 2012 9:53 AM - Donatella
I don't think I am so different from a lot of people in having a personal reaction to politicians which is not necessarily connected to their politics. Politics drives my voting but from a strictly "this is an attractive human being" vs "this guy is a nauseating creep" I have to say Newt fits into the latter category. I think Perry is an attractive man and person. I have no feeling about Romney, which I guess is one of the problems he has in general.
January 19, 2012 9:53 AM - Biff Champion
How to cheat on a test...
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:53 AM
January 19, 2012 9:54 AM - dibs
Biff, nice of you to start the day on a positive note.

I liked:

"Look, Mario Battali!"

Edited at January 19, 2012 9:54 AM
January 19, 2012 9:55 AM - Deleted

I don't know where you get your information from, but the interview with Gingrich's wife airs tonight, before the SC primary.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:55 AM
January 19, 2012 9:56 AM - bfar
Ah, didn't realize it was timber-harvesting you were doing, thought it was just a wild forest. So your point is that you actually are adding trees and also 'sequestering' carbon in lumber.

Which is sort of sketchy as an argument considering the resources used in making those trees into commodities, but isn't as gibberishy as what I thought you were saying.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:56 AM
January 19, 2012 9:56 AM - dibs
Is that a Husquarna, lech???
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:56 AM
January 19, 2012 9:56 AM - lechacal
"Am I missing something there?"

Yes. Completely.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:56 AM
January 19, 2012 9:56 AM - DeadCatBounce
Biff, that "Shit New Yorkers Say" clip was oddly fascinating.
Good to see you back among the PlusAs.
January 19, 2012 9:58 AM - Biff Champion
Thanks DIBS and DCB

That clip even had a maple syrup reference...what's not to love?
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:58 AM
January 19, 2012 9:59 AM - lechacal
"Which is sort of sketchy as an argument considering the resources used in making those trees into commodities"

Do you have any basis in at all in fact or experience to make that claim, or are you just pontificating about the military capabilities of Middle Eastern countries from in front of a computer screen?
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:59 AM
January 19, 2012 9:59 AM - bfar
(And also sort of sketchy in that a tree just hanging out in a forest continues to sequester carbon w/o any fossil fuels being used to do that. And with plenty of other benefits. But still, I'd rather you have a forest than, say, a suburban development.)
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:59 AM
January 19, 2012 9:59 AM - Deleted
Regarding the Keystone project, let's allow President Obama to have his say about the economic benefits. Mr. President? What sayeth thou?

"However many jobs might be generated by a Keystone pipeline, they're going to be a lot fewer than the jobs that are created by extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance."

There you go folks.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:59 AM
January 19, 2012 10:00 AM - rf
Perry endorsing Gingrich.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:00 AM
January 19, 2012 10:01 AM - bfar
Sorry, lech, do you use solar chainsaws? Magic battery trucks? hydro sawmills?

Yes, resources are used in getting your 'carbon' out of the forest, dumbass. And I don't recall mentioning the middle east.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:01 AM
January 19, 2012 10:01 AM - Biff Champion
"You have to go to's the law"

"All I ate today was a bagel"

"You read the Post...not ironically??"

"OMG, Sarah Jessica Parker...ah, who cares?"

January 19, 2012 10:03 AM - Donatella
Why, D-Cat? NO PARTY has ever had a coherent energy plan. Ever. Maybe Carter, who presided over an explosion of legislation in reaction to the oil embargo and resulting oil price shock after the 73 Israeli war. All of this was designed to increase domestic energy production.

OH NO. Are we going to start talking about carbon sequestration? Bfar, I warn you. If you think Lech has endurance with this distance running, there is no comparison to his ability to bloviate on trees. For days. He opined sometime ago that a good way to combat carbon emissions from tree decay would be to transport dead trees to the desert where they would desiccate into little piles of tree crud without going into the environment.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:03 AM
January 19, 2012 10:04 AM - dibs
Biff, do you still sit next to the annoying coworker???
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:04 AM
January 19, 2012 10:05 AM - dibs
More importantly Biff, come April (nh) I'm going to be your neighbor every now and then when I'm in NYC "consulting" every second week.
January 19, 2012 10:05 AM - bfar
I think mowing lawns and lawnmowers are both stupid, but this hovering husqvarna mower is great, tried to get my suburban friends to get one.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:05 AM
January 19, 2012 10:05 AM - Deleted
"The cruise ship story is coming in focus. Captain, bad.....very bad. (tripped and fell into a lifeboat??) Petty officers, Coast Guard, passengers......good. The crew bitterly complained about the inaction of 40 minutes while the ship was still upright "

I seem to recall that there was some poster here who pointed to this fact from the beginning. Who was that again?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:05 AM
January 19, 2012 10:07 AM - bfar
Hey, if lech wants to support treegrowth, I'm in favor of it, even if it's because he's a nutcase. Luckily I've got a meeting to go to, so I'll miss his arguments.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:07 AM
January 19, 2012 10:07 AM - bfar
Hey, if lech wants to support treegrowth, I'm in favor of it, even if it's because he's a nutcase. Luckily I've got a meeting to go to, so I'll miss his arguments.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:07 AM
January 19, 2012 10:07 AM - Arkady
Why are you using a Husky instead of a Stihl?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:07 AM
January 19, 2012 10:07 AM - dibs
bfar, that mower is cool
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:07 AM
January 19, 2012 10:09 AM - dibs
Chili anyone?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:09 AM
January 19, 2012 10:09 AM - Donatella
You, Benson!.

You are wonderful, Benson!

You are right, Benson!

(BTW I said the same thing so all of the above applies to me too)


Edited at January 19, 2012 10:09 AM
January 19, 2012 10:10 AM - lechacal
I grew up using Huskys. A lot of brand loyalty there.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:10 AM
January 19, 2012 10:10 AM - rf
Yet exactly how much work Keystone, a proposed 1,700-mile pipeline that would transport oil from Alberta, Canada, to the Texas Gulf Coast, would generate remains in dispute. Transcanada (TRP), the energy giant bidding to build the pipeline, projects the undertaking would create 20,000 jobs in the U.S., including 13,000 positions in construction and 7,000 in manufacturing.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:10 AM
January 19, 2012 10:11 AM - Slopefarm
benson, if you'd managed to illustrate your point with a cat pic, perhaps we would have paid attention to you. If a tree falls in a forest (or ship sinks in a sea) without a lolcat photo, does anyone know about it?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:11 AM
January 19, 2012 10:11 AM - lechacal
"he's a nutcase"

I believe that's the precise argument cmu relied on when he realized he had no grasp whatsoever of the facts.

Liberals hate logging. They don't understand it, most have never even seen it, but they hate it and say irrational, uninformed things about it.
January 19, 2012 10:12 AM - Deleted
"You, Benson!.

You are wonderful, Benson!

You are right, Benson!"

You're finally getting the idea. Keep repeating that, and your thinking will grow sharper.

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:12 AM
January 19, 2012 10:13 AM - dibs
"Liberals hate logging. They don't understand it, most have never even seen it, but they hate it and say irrational, uninformed things about it."

Very true. They also irrationally condemn hunting.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:13 AM
January 19, 2012 10:14 AM - lechacal
The oil pipeline isn't that big a deal. Fine, sell to Asia. Like I've said (parroting several times something I was told by someone who should know), it's a global market and it really doesn't matter where you sell. Supply and demand are what matter. It really doesn't much matter which particular supply meets which particular demand.

The only way to improve our oil security is to reduce demand. But we won't, until we're forced to, which we will be, and then we will, and it will all be OK.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:14 AM
January 19, 2012 10:14 AM - Deleted

No need to debate the economic benefits of Keystone. The President has spoken. It's worth repeating:

"However many jobs might be generated by a Keystone pipeline, they're going to be a lot fewer than the jobs that are created by extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance."

Fantastic. Just fantastic.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:14 AM
January 19, 2012 10:15 AM - bfar
I have lived across the street (well, across the river) from a GP plant and also in a forest that was being logged. So I have at least seen it. But if you can get trees and make things out of them without using carbon, that's cool with me. Impossible, but cool.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:15 AM
January 19, 2012 10:16 AM - dibs
"extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance."

Most economists are in agreement that all this does is foster a sustained level of unemployment. Why look for work???

It really shows how poor a grasp Obama and his advisors have on economics.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:17 AM
January 19, 2012 10:16 AM - BoerumHillScott
The pipeline decision should have been a routine one that never made it anywhere near the president.
Dozes if not hundreds of new or expanded pipelines of similar length and capacity have been built in all areas of the country over the last 80 years.

Environmentalists choose to make this one a referendum on global energy sources, and the President played right into their hands.
January 19, 2012 10:17 AM - bfar
I'd also say that there's an underlying difference in our worldviews, ala 'the physical objects that make up a forest are commodities' and 'forest qua forest is a good thing to have'
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:17 AM
January 19, 2012 10:17 AM - rf
Benson, I was not debating. I don't debate with you.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:17 AM
January 19, 2012 10:17 AM - lechacal
There is much, much more carbon fixed in a mature tree than the amount of carbon used to cut, transport, and mill it. I've done all of those things, many, many times over. I suggest you look up the facts before making proclamations about anyone being a "nutcase" (a sure sign you're backed into a corner and don't want to keep going by the way).
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:17 AM
January 19, 2012 10:18 AM - Biff Champion
"I grew up using Huskys."

I grew up husky.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:18 AM
January 19, 2012 10:19 AM - Biff Champion
Dave, which of my neighbours will be putting you up / putting up with you?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:19 AM
January 19, 2012 10:20 AM - rf
Lechacal, you are much more amusing projecting your gaydar on sports.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:20 AM
January 19, 2012 10:20 AM - Deleted
"Benson, I was not debating. I don't debate with you."

Good gosh, what a stinging statement. Yes, Rf, my ability to do a search on Google, or - better yet - the New York Times Online and post the link here is limited. Best not to debate me.

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:20 AM
January 19, 2012 10:21 AM - lechacal
"Lechacal, you are much more amusing projecting your gaydar on sports."

OK, well then I suppose we can all agree that there is actually something kind of gay about logging, but only because of the Monty Python skit.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:21 AM
January 19, 2012 10:21 AM - dibs
Xing, Biff.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:21 AM
January 19, 2012 10:22 AM - Donatella
bfar, get out of the house now.....while you can.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:22 AM
January 19, 2012 10:22 AM - bfar
lech- you may well be correct; I'm willing to cede that point. However, not cutting it down and milling it uses no carbon at all, and is self-sustaining.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:22 AM
January 19, 2012 10:24 AM - dibs
Yes, let's stop making things out of wood and make them all out of plastic.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:24 AM
January 19, 2012 10:24 AM - Biff Champion
If words could be gay "webinar" would be flaming.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:24 AM
January 19, 2012 10:26 AM - dibs
I think that's blasphemous^^^^^^
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:26 AM
January 19, 2012 10:26 AM - lechacal
"However, not cutting it down and milling it uses no carbon at all"

Completely wrong!!! If you don't cut down a tree, it eventually dies and rots, and that releases the carbon right back into the atmosphere. A mature forest with no logging fixes much less carbon than a forest that is actively managed through sustainable logging practices.
January 19, 2012 10:26 AM - Biff Champion
Did they have wooden dildos back in the day? There are certain areas in which one just really wouldn't want to get splinters.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:26 AM
January 19, 2012 10:27 AM - Donatella
From a purely tactical point of view, Obama wanted to drag his feet on the environmental impact study (Dept of State coordinating that) to be finished after election so he would not have a showdown between environmentalists and labor/energy industry. The Republicans won that battle. But a 60 day window was very much a rush and there are issues in Nebraska about the route, so Obama will (and has) made that point.

We need the pipeline. Oil is trapped in Cushing OK and being trucked to Gulf refineries which is crazy.
January 19, 2012 10:27 AM - bfar
Oh, and this one's for benson. My Pope John Paul II beer access device, more commonly known as:

"The Bottle Popener"
January 19, 2012 10:27 AM - Deleted
"Bottle Popener".

Very good Bfar!
January 19, 2012 10:27 AM - lechacal
In other words it is the logging itself that permanently removes the fixed carbon from the cycle.

Buy wood and save the planet!!!

Buy wood and save the planet!!!

Buy wood and save the planet!!!

(preferably Northeastern red oak)
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:27 AM
January 19, 2012 10:28 AM - dibs
"Did they have wooden dildos back in the day? There are certain areas in which one just really wouldn't want to get splinters."

Is this a request to see the collection again????
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:28 AM
January 19, 2012 10:28 AM - Donatella

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:28 AM
January 19, 2012 10:29 AM - bfar
Doesn't *use* any carbon, not "doesn't release any carbon". And is still a net decrease in carbon. And is a forest.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:29 AM
January 19, 2012 10:29 AM - lechacal
Anybody want to go on a road trip with me on Saturday up to my land? It's my birthday, so I'm treating myself to:

1. half marathon in Central Park

2. Smith & Wesson shooting range in Springfield Mass

3. Walk on the land

Would depart Manhattan at 10 amish. I promise to be nice and not pontificate too much about carbon.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:29 AM
January 19, 2012 10:30 AM - dibs
Typical of most liberal thinking, they can't seem to see the forest for the trees.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:30 AM
January 19, 2012 10:32 AM - dibs
Lech, I would love to go but I need to be in Philly this weekend. maybe in the Spring sometime. Maybe bfar will come too. he can ride bitch.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:36 AM
January 19, 2012 10:38 AM - Arkady
You can't get much more liberal than I am but I hunt, use a Stihl (they're a good client), & advocate buying real xmas trees (that can't be harvested w/o cutting timber.) So the statements conflating liberalism w/ dislike/avoidance of any of those things are specious.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:38 AM
January 19, 2012 10:38 AM - BoerumHillScott
Lech, sounds like fun but I have kid duty this weekend.
I thought about signing up for that race, but I'm not quite ready for a half yet.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:38 AM
January 19, 2012 10:38 AM - bfar
"depart Manhattan at 10 amish"

Does that mean you're traveling by horse-drawn carriage?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:38 AM
January 19, 2012 10:40 AM - lechacal
LOL @ amish, bfar.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:40 AM
January 19, 2012 10:41 AM - lechacal
ooh xmas trees are really bad arkady. Naughty, naughty liberal!
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:41 AM
January 19, 2012 10:42 AM - bfar
Okay, i wood love to stay and argue, but gotta leaf to hit a meeting in the city and some start-of-school errands, will probably be gone forest of the day.

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:42 AM
January 19, 2012 10:42 AM - Legion

About the OWS protestors.
I'm basing my assessment on the amount of college students involved, reports on those arrested showed their home addresses to be in very leafy suburban areas, as opposed to downtrodden and desperate.
I'm basing my assessment on the number of Hollywood poseur types attending, including but not limited to Susan Sarandon, Mark Ruffalo and Michael Moore.
I'm basing my assessment on the number of college professor types, the types with tenure.
I'm basing my assessment on the fact that the entire production was orchestrated by a left wing organization (adbusters) based outside of this nation.

This was no "grass roots" movement. It was a calculated effort by organized Leftists with little to no organized message at first except their distaste for the capitalist system which affords them the ability to live well.
Later on of course, in an effort to save face, the aforementioned "liberal media" was very busy papering over their lack of a coherent message with article after article decoding the "message" of the OWS protestors.

I suppose I would have to give the OWS protestor threatening to throw a molotov cocktail through Macy's some credit for at least being honest in his convictions. The others were mainly posing.

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:42 AM
January 19, 2012 10:43 AM - Slopefarm
I thought something was amish in that comment.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:43 AM
January 19, 2012 10:44 AM - DeadCatBounce
"Most economists are in agreement that all this does is foster a sustained level of unemployment. Why look for work???
It really shows how poor a grasp Obama and his advisors have on economics."

I actually think they do understand economics, but actually choose to make long term economic goals secondary to a social agenda related to their personal ideal of a "fair" or "just" society.

I find the idea of setting government policy this way ludicrous, but it is the only explanation I can come up with that explains Liberal decision making.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:44 AM
January 19, 2012 10:45 AM - Deleted
Yesterday I spent most of the day in a meeting at IBM's Central Research Lab (called the Thomas J. Watson Research Center) in Yorktown Heights. It's too bad that this facility is closed to the general public. You can't even approach the building, as it has gates at the perimeter. I say that because the building is an architectural museum piece. It was designed by Eero Saarinen in 1961 and it captures the spirit of that time and his work better than any others I have seen ( the TWA building at JFK, and the Bell Labs building where I used to work in Holmdel, NJ.). Moreover, he designed the interior too, and IBM has kept it exactly the same, and in very good shape. Confidence in the future was very much infused in his work.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:45 AM
January 19, 2012 10:46 AM - BoerumHillScott
I knew a number of people who participated in OWS, and all had jobs and lived in NYC.
Of course, that is more indicative of my circle of friends than anything, and is can't be extrapolated to say anything about the overall makeup of OWS.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:46 AM
January 19, 2012 10:47 AM - Legion
"Legion. There IS a liberal media. I agree with you. It is not monolithic though. I think it is safe to say that Vanity Fair has a liberal bias. Don't let it ruin your day though. :-)"

tehehe donatella,
no, I always feel better after a good OT rant!
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:47 AM
January 19, 2012 10:47 AM - dibs
Legion, also remember the heavy union participation. The fact that unions are by far, bigger contributors to politicians than Wall Street, seemed to slip through the cracks
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:47 AM
January 19, 2012 10:48 AM - lechacal
Isn't Eero Saarinen the guy who did the St Louis Arch? I know that guy is Finnish, and you can't get more Finnish than "Eero Saarinen", so wonder if it's one and the same.
January 19, 2012 10:48 AM - DeadCatBounce
Legion, by mid year OWS will be completely forgotten.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:48 AM
January 19, 2012 10:49 AM - Legion
"I actually think they do understand economics, but actually choose to make long term economic goals secondary to a social agenda related to their personal ideal of a "fair" or "just" society."

That's the exact premise of Mark Levine's new bestseller: Ameritopia

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:49 AM
January 19, 2012 10:49 AM - Deleted

Same guy.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:49 AM
January 19, 2012 10:49 AM - rf
Not by the 99 percent!
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:49 AM
January 19, 2012 10:50 AM - CGar
Beware of PLUSAs bearing wine, lest you end up loaded.
January 19, 2012 10:50 AM - dibs
a "fair" or "just" society."

yes because Marxism, Communism and Socialism has worked so very well
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:50 AM
January 19, 2012 10:51 AM - CGar
et tu, Legion?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:51 AM
January 19, 2012 10:51 AM - Arkady
2 Saarinens - father & son - Eliel & Eero.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:51 AM
January 19, 2012 10:51 AM - dibs
CGar, I suspect it was the apple pie, not the wine.
January 19, 2012 10:51 AM - Legion
True dibs,
I forgot the very heavy union involvement, especially towards the end around Thanksgiving.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:51 AM
January 19, 2012 10:53 AM - Legion
"et tu, Legion?"

quo vidas CGar? ;o)
January 19, 2012 10:54 AM - lechacal
"Not by the 99 percent!"

Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!

OK gotta go to a serious meeting and do serious things now.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:54 AM
January 19, 2012 10:55 AM - MontroseMorris
Morning all.

Fortunately have too much work to do today to respond to the gratuitous liberal and Obama bashing. It's like being trapped in a room with a looping soundtrack. Lemme know when you great pundits and policymakers come up with solutions, not complaints.

Solutions are not sound bites like, "It's so simple, just reduce spending", btw.

Carry on.

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:55 AM
January 19, 2012 10:55 AM - CGar
Well, then. Kindly remind me not to do so many apple pie shots again.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:55 AM
January 19, 2012 10:56 AM - dibs
"OK gotta go to a serious meeting and do serious things now.'

Like in Boston legal???
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:56 AM
January 19, 2012 10:56 AM - sixyearsandcounting
GM, Asshats.

OWS introduced the terms 1% and 99%. As we see from this thread they're still in use, even if the movement itself fades away. As those tenured professors say, OWS has "shifted the discourse" and brought inequality back into play. I think Obama will gain from that shift if Romney is the nominee (Gingrich, not so much).
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:56 AM
January 19, 2012 10:57 AM - dibs's this: Retire 10% of the federal workforce, RIGHT NOW. I bet if you offered a retirement option, even more would take it. it does reduce spending.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:57 AM
January 19, 2012 10:57 AM - DeadCatBounce
"OWS introduced the terms 1% and 99%. "
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:57 AM
January 19, 2012 10:58 AM - dibs
I'm craving pizza.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:58 AM
January 19, 2012 10:58 AM - sixyearsandcounting
ROFL - Just got this email announcing an academic conference (which will be even more incoherent than usual):
“Principles of Uncertainty”
A Conference on Critical Theory
We invite papers from all disciplines focusing on works from any period that explore the theme of uncertainty as it pertains to literary and critical theory.
This conference welcomes papers centering upon any individual theorist, period, or school of critical theory, as well as comparisons of various theoretical approaches, including, but not limited to literary theory, psychoanalysis, philosophy, gender studies, and political theory. Some of the questions this conference seeks to answer include, but are not limited to:

• How is the meaning of a text uncertain?
• Is this uncertainty purposefully placed within a text or a by-product of the act of reading?
• How is this uncertainty demonstrated in the relationship between author and reader?
• How can uncertainty be understood not only with respect to literature but in ethical, gendered, political, and/or social terms?
• How is identity shown to be uncertain?
• How does an “undecidable” future impact present ethical and political actions?
• How is history (whether of language, narrative, and/or society) destabilized and called into question?
• How does language contribute to the uncertainty of meaning and interpretation?
• How does the theorist’s own writing present the reader with an example of uncertainty?
• How does uncertainty function in the methodologies of interpretation and the making of meaning?
• Can a text have a stable meaning or is it always uncertain?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:58 AM
January 19, 2012 10:59 AM - sixyearsandcounting
Ok DCB, maybe not introduced - popularized.
January 19, 2012 10:59 AM - Deleted

Liberal #1 (Montrose): "Solutions are not sound bites"

Liberal # 2 (Six Years): "OWS introduced the terms 1% and 99%. As we see from this thread they're still in use, even if the movement itself fades away. As those tenured professors say, OWS has "shifted the discourse" "
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:59 AM
January 19, 2012 11:01 AM - DeadCatBounce
Six, I first thought that the conference was going to be about Chaos Theory.
(They got me)
I couldn't even read the bullet points.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:01 AM
January 19, 2012 11:02 AM - sixyearsandcounting
No contradiction, benson. I don't think anyone would say that talking about the 1% and 99% is a solution. It's a very effective soundbite though.
January 19, 2012 11:03 AM - dibs
I've never seen more academic gobbledygook than that!!!!
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:03 AM
January 19, 2012 11:03 AM - sixyearsandcounting
DCB, let me summarize this conference for you. Nothing means anything except what you want it to mean.

Ok, now we can finish the coffee and doughnuts, go to the bar, and adjourn the conference.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:03 AM
January 19, 2012 11:05 AM - Legion
haha six years,

Have you read Legion's groundbreaking social theories?
-The Theory of Causal Attenuation
-The Theory of Tangential Humanism

My scientific, Frayed String Theory might just apply to this question you listed:

• How does an “undecidable” future impact present ethical and political actions?

I think I could submit a paper
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:05 AM
January 19, 2012 11:07 AM - Arkady
Heisenberg sure has a lot to answer for...
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:07 AM
January 19, 2012 11:07 AM - Legion
headline: Chaos Theory Conference Will Probably Be Held This Year
January 19, 2012 11:09 AM - DeadCatBounce
Six are you trying to prove that we would all be better off if the conference organizers were busy collecting unemployment instead?
In light of this new evidence I might have to re-evaluate my position on entitlements.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:09 AM
January 19, 2012 11:09 AM - Legion

...are you certain of that?
January 19, 2012 11:10 AM - sixyearsandcounting
Legion, have you heard of the Sokal Hoax?
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:10 AM
January 19, 2012 11:10 AM - Slopefarm
GM, CGar. Are we yelling too loudly, today? (Apple pie shots? What do you chase it with, a scoop of Blue Marble vanilla?)
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:10 AM
January 19, 2012 11:10 AM - gay smurf hoodlum
OWS introduced the terms 1% and 99%.

no they didnt. im reading a book written in the mid 90s called So Who Really Pays The Taxes and the authors use those terms in the book.

also im sick of hearing 99% when i can only identify with people in like the 40th percentle. why would i care about the still mad rich people in the 99% why are they even included? they are just as villanous.


Edited at January 19, 2012 11:10 AM
January 19, 2012 11:11 AM - Legion
Breaking News:

Schrodinger's Cat Wanted: Dead or Alive
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:11 AM
January 19, 2012 11:11 AM - Arkady
Positive, Legion.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:11 AM
January 19, 2012 11:12 AM - Legion
Sokal Hoax sixyears?
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:12 AM
January 19, 2012 11:14 AM - dibs
Naughty, Arkady.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:14 AM
January 19, 2012 11:16 AM - Legion
"also im sick of hearing 99% when i can only identify with people in like the 40th percentle. why would i care about the still mad rich people in the 99% why are they even included? they are just as villanous."

There's a recent interview with Michael Moore where the interviewer asks him about the fact that he's in the 1%.
After nearly choking on his tongue, he denied it.

I suppose he then got into a first class seat at the airport and ordered ten souffles.

Edited at January 19, 2012 11:16 AM
January 19, 2012 11:17 AM - rf
DCB, the Dept. of Education just put the decision day for high school admissions on the calender: Feb. 29. However, there is an asterisk: subject to change. This year for the first time, they said they plan to give everyone's results on the same day, not the specialized high school offers in February and then 6 weeks later, everyone else.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:17 AM
January 19, 2012 11:18 AM - sixyearsandcounting
DCB, not sure about that - the conference organizers are at CUNY so they're already on the dole.

Legion, an NYU physics prof, Allen Sokal, submitted a fake article using the most incomprehensible academic jargon possible to a respected academic journal. The paper was designed to play to the editors' ideological pretensions and they published it.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:18 AM
January 19, 2012 11:18 AM - MontroseMorris
Kitties rule!
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:18 AM
January 19, 2012 11:19 AM - DeadCatBounce
Just googled the Sokal Hoax.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:19 AM
January 19, 2012 11:20 AM - dibs
MM, what do you have against stock analysts?????

Buying Whirlpool (WHR) today.
January 19, 2012 11:20 AM - Legion
I googled it too sixyears,
The mind hears what it wants to see.
January 19, 2012 11:22 AM - sixyearsandcounting
"Americans' satisfaction with the size and power of the federal government is at a record-low 29% and their satisfaction with the size and influence of major corporations remains near the all-time low at 30% -- making both highly susceptible targets for politicians and presidential candidates in this election year."
"Democrats, as would be expected, are disproportionately displeased with the size and influence of major corporations, with 71% dissatisfied and 23% satisfied."
"Republicans in particular are displeased with the size and power of the federal government, with 16% satisfied and 84% dissatisfied."

So a candidate who runs against big business *and* big government might get somewhere. Not gonna happen.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:22 AM
January 19, 2012 11:22 AM - Deleted
Those of a certain age will remember a literary hoax called "Naked Came the Stranger":
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:22 AM
January 19, 2012 11:22 AM - DeadCatBounce
Thanks RF.
Really anxious to see if younger son got in to LaGuardia.
Should be a layup, but recently found out his attendance and punctuality have been abysmal.
This might count against him heavily.
Ironically, he lives 3 blocks from his current school.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:22 AM
January 19, 2012 11:23 AM - petebklyn
I'm going to sit in a whirlpool today.

So you read that Rick Perry is a double-dipper. Collects 92k pension plus his governor's salary.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:23 AM
January 19, 2012 11:24 AM - dibs
What's wrong with a novel with "no literary or social value whatsoever?" Aren't most of them like that?????
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:24 AM
January 19, 2012 11:25 AM - sixyearsandcounting
DCB, I was a student teacher at LaGuardia in 1999. I hear it's a much better school now (not that it was ever really bad, but I thought it didn't live up to its potential back then). Do they look at attendance and punctuality in admissions decisions? I thought it was all in the audition.
January 19, 2012 11:26 AM - dibs
Pete, Romney doesn't get a MA pension because he didn't take salary as governor. Are there any Dems like that?????
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:26 AM
January 19, 2012 11:28 AM - rf
DCB, the attendance-punctuality thing is, indeed, a big deal and could screw him for the "other" list of schools too. Most schools that are allowed to look at it (not the test schools but La Guardia and the selective schools) look for fewer than 10 combined absences and latenesses in 7th grade. It could screw him if he listed a lot of District 2 schools--all of them rule kids out on that basis.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:28 AM
January 19, 2012 11:30 AM - petebklyn
why should he get a pension or salary as governor when all he did was create socialized medicine and support abortion rights?

heard that is coming out that he has some big accts in cayman islands.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:29 AM
January 19, 2012 11:30 AM - gay smurf hoodlum
NYC public schools are so ass-backwards


Edited at January 19, 2012 11:30 AM
January 19, 2012 11:32 AM - petebklyn
ass-backwards is very forward thinking.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:32 AM
January 19, 2012 11:33 AM - dibs
"he has some big accts in cayman islands."

Nothing wrong with that.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:33 AM
January 19, 2012 11:34 AM - rf
LaGuardia definitely looks at attendance/punctuality and the 7th grade report card. They have an honors track with good academics.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:34 AM
January 19, 2012 11:35 AM - Slopefarm
Yeah, why would you want your schools to be ass-forwards (nh)?
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:35 AM
January 19, 2012 11:35 AM - gay smurf hoodlum
ahhahah i havent read all of this yet, but looks funny

Understanding the Fed using Gilligan's Island as an example


This is a great hypothetical example, by author Tom Mullen, that shows how Ben Bernanke's printing of more money redistributes wealth from the poor and middle class to the elites and robs the poor and the middle class of the purchasing power of their money and reduces their standard of living. It also shows we we NEED TO REIGN IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE !

"Imagine if life on the island were different. Instead of seven stranded castaways, there were only four: Gilligan, the Skipper, Mr. Howell, and Ben Bernanke."

"....Imagine that there was only one thing to buy on the island, coconuts. Now, of course, this takes a willing suspension of disbelief, because we know that these four people would need more than just coconuts to survive...."

" this example, the only thing that they trade for are coconuts....."

"....Mr. Howell owns the coconut orchard, which produces 100 coconuts per year. Mr. Bernanke is in charge of the currency, the Island Reserve Notes (IRNs). In order to purchase the only available product for sale on the island, one must use IRNs. Barter or the use of other commodities to make this purchase is prohibited. Each coconut costs 1 IRN....."

"....the IRNs held by Gilligan and the Skipper have no value of their own. Their value is wholly derived from the coconuts that they can buy with the IRNs......."

"...Gillligan and the Skipper are equally wealthy, ......They are each able to buy one half of all coconuts produced in one year in Mr. Howell's orchard. In other words, each has the same purchasing power in the island economy....."

"....Now, suppose Mr. Bernanke decided to print 5 additional IRNs and give them to the Skipper. The Skipper would immediately be wealthier, as his purchasing power has now increased by 10 percent. He can now buy 55 coconuts instead of 50....."

"....there are still only 100 coconuts available to purchase. Since there is no way for Mr. Howell's orchard to produce more than 100 coconuts during the current year,............................................. .................................................. .......... How can the Skipper take advantage of the additional IRNs? Obviously, there is only one way. Rather than trading 1 IRN for each coconut, the Skipper will now offer Mr. Howell 1.10 in IRNs per coconut. This is the new market price, which Gilligan has to pay as well. Mr. Howell certainly isn't going to sell coconuts to Gilligan at 1 IRN apiece when he can get 1.10 from the Skipper. So, with Gilligan and the Skipper each paying 1.10 per coconut, the Skipper is now able to buy 55 coconuts, while Gilligan can only buy 45........"

Read the whole article here:

Gilligan, The Skipper, and the Federal Reserve | Ron Paul 2012 | Peace . Gold . Liberty

Read more:
January 19, 2012 11:38 AM - dibs
Mr. Howell is a very, very smart man. He probably bribed Bernanke to do this.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:38 AM
January 19, 2012 11:38 AM - DeLepp
dibs, so with WHR you're optimistic on home building future prospects?
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:38 AM
January 19, 2012 11:39 AM - dibs
Would ass-forward sex then still be called buttsecks???
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:39 AM
January 19, 2012 11:42 AM - Arkady
Why are we rear-ranging our derrieres?
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:42 AM
January 19, 2012 11:43 AM - sixyearsandcounting
I'm going to butt out of this conversation.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:43 AM
January 19, 2012 11:44 AM - CGar
DeLepp, I just noticed your new avatar, lmao.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:44 AM
January 19, 2012 11:45 AM - Slopefarm
Enough with the wise cracks.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:45 AM
January 19, 2012 11:48 AM - petebklyn
i gotta go - sorry I can't stick around for the bun-fest.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:48 AM
January 19, 2012 11:50 AM - Arkady
pete - You just came in for the tail end anyway.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:50 AM
January 19, 2012 11:52 AM - dibs
Some would say that buttsecks isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:52 AM
January 19, 2012 11:53 AM - Slopefarm
Turning the other cheek, Pete?
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:53 AM
January 19, 2012 11:55 AM - Arkady
Tush-tush, dibs. A posteriori Slopey already had that.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:55 AM
January 19, 2012 11:55 AM - Legion
Butt jokes now?'ve got to be shittin' me!
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:55 AM
January 19, 2012 11:56 AM - Arkady
Some of us have a faecesility for them, Legion.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:56 AM
January 19, 2012 11:57 AM - dibs
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:57 AM
January 19, 2012 11:57 AM - Legion
Are you crackin' wise to me arkady?
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:57 AM
January 19, 2012 11:58 AM - Slopefarm
"A posteriori Slopey already had that."

nh, of course (not that there's anything wrong with it).
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:58 AM
January 19, 2012 11:59 AM - Legion
the part of my brain responsible for punctuation is out of order today,
I can't even get question marks and exclamation points straight!
January 19, 2012 12:00 PM - Arkady
Stern admonishments, Legion, that you're lagging behind,.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:00 PM
January 19, 2012 12:01 PM - dibs
How bout them Packers?
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:01 PM
January 19, 2012 12:03 PM - Legion
...yes, like my mind is driving while looking through a rear view mirror!
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:03 PM
January 19, 2012 12:04 PM - Arkady
The end is near, guys.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:04 PM
January 19, 2012 12:06 PM - Legion
Sometimes dibs is very cheeky.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:06 PM
January 19, 2012 12:08 PM - Arkady
We keep going back to the same old poop.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:09 PM
January 19, 2012 12:15 PM - sixyearsandcounting
The worst people in life are those with diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:15 PM
January 19, 2012 12:15 PM - Legion

Just reading through next month's issue of Vanity Fair.

I love the magazine for its interesting content, great photography and overall coverage of cultural matters. This issue includes a very nice homage to Christopher Hitchens by Graydon Carter and Salman Rushdie. It also includes an interesting article about the late artist Lucian Freud.

When it comes to politics however, they are as transparent as a Victoria's Secret negligee.
Right in the middle of the issue is an entirely predictable article covering the OWS protests as if they were the equivalent of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Complete with breathless quotes from precious participants beneath gauzy photos (including fatuous professors and insipid actors). Their expressions suggesting constipation more than anything else.
In short, a blatant attempt to write their own history and create their own mythology on the issue.

...and of course, the back pages have the obligatory, "in depth" , hit piece on Mitt Romney. It's an election year so I suppose they have to start up the character assassination engines that will provide the momentum behind the verbal assault from the liberal media. The "liberal media" that officially doesn't exist. Deny, deny, deny.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:15 PM
January 19, 2012 12:17 PM - Arkady
That's some anal-ysis, 6.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:17 PM
January 19, 2012 12:19 PM - dibs
All this butt talk makes me crave Mexican.

Shall i post the pic again????
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:19 PM
January 19, 2012 12:22 PM - Deleted
If this pun-fest continues, I'm going to start making some citizen's arrests.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:22 PM
January 19, 2012 12:22 PM - Donatella
Benson, the last I had heard about the Gingrich Wife #2 interview was an article posted on Real Clear Politics or Drudge which described the hand wringing and internal dissention at ABC. Didn't see that the interview would be tonight. Ok.

Edited at January 19, 2012 12:22 PM
January 19, 2012 12:22 PM - Arkady
Cool-a, dibs.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:22 PM
January 19, 2012 12:23 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
i try to start some intellectual discourse here, only for it to turn into a stupid punfest. i give up


Edited at January 19, 2012 12:23 PM
January 19, 2012 12:23 PM - Donatella
Sometimes I am not totally up to date, like I think I am going to pass on the ass puns from the asshats.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:23 PM
January 19, 2012 12:24 PM - Legion
The occasional OT punfest is like a train that passes through on a regular schedule.
Sometimes the posters prefer not to ride on the caboose.
January 19, 2012 12:24 PM - Donatella
frustrating, huh *rob*?

Edited at January 19, 2012 12:24 PM
January 19, 2012 12:25 PM - Donatella
I'm speechless. I was saying that.....

it's frustrating, right *rob*?

Edited at January 19, 2012 12:25 PM
January 19, 2012 12:26 PM - Legion

I was thinking that there might be a perfect neighborhood for you in Queens.
A place like Sunnyside which has no moonfaces, is convenient to the City and with reasonable rents.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:26 PM
January 19, 2012 12:28 PM - sixyearsandcounting
"I'm going to start making some citizen's arrests."

Benson, good thing you don't know the places I regularly plant my ass (nh).
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:28 PM
January 19, 2012 12:28 PM - Legion
I haven't been to Astoria recently,
that's another possibility. They have their own restaurant scene going there though, so it's probably a lot like the Smith Street and 5th Ave vibes.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:28 PM
January 19, 2012 12:31 PM - Arkady
Can you get a good rump steak there?
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:31 PM
January 19, 2012 12:31 PM - dibs
Motgan Stanley Cuts Senior Banker, trader Pay 20% to 30%
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:31 PM
January 19, 2012 12:32 PM - Arkady
The Park Slope Chamber of Commerce, the merchants association for 7th Avenue businesses, is fielding a survey about shopping on the avenue, which also lets you opine on the types of services you think the strip needs and your feelings about neighborhood conditions, like the state of maintenance and public safety.
You can take the survey here:

Edited at January 19, 2012 12:35 PM
January 19, 2012 12:33 PM - dibs
Only around the rimm, Arkady, not in central Astoria
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:33 PM
January 19, 2012 12:36 PM - Arkady
Don't be sacral-igious, dibs.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:36 PM
January 19, 2012 12:37 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
I was thinking that there might be a perfect neighborhood for you in Queens.
A place like Sunnyside which has no moonfaces, is convenient to the City and with reasonable rents.

im not looking to move anytime soon tho. a friend of mine lives in sunnyside. it's okay, nothing to write home about and her rent isnt exactly that cheap. also i would not wanna do the queens to manhattan commute, sorry. also i dont think i can live somewhere named "sunnyside", it would be too much of an oxymoron


Edited at January 19, 2012 12:37 PM
January 19, 2012 12:39 PM - dibs
'Taint sacral-igious at all.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:39 PM
January 19, 2012 12:41 PM - Arkady
My aunt fanny, it isn't.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:41 PM
January 19, 2012 12:42 PM - Legion
A friend of mine used to live in Sunnyside, a few years back.
It was a pretty good location just a couple of blocks from the 7 train. Amenities were easy to get to and restaurants and diners all over the place.
She moved to Portland and gave up a Rent Stabilized apartment which was something like 400 dollars a month for a solid one bedroom on the ground level.
January 19, 2012 12:42 PM - dibs
scat, go away, Arkady.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:42 PM
January 19, 2012 12:43 PM - Arkady
I'm not taking you litterally, dibs.
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:43 PM
January 19, 2012 12:44 PM - dibs
Very cunning of you
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:44 PM
January 19, 2012 12:45 PM - Arkady
Good for our souls, eh?
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:45 PM
January 19, 2012 12:48 PM - Legion
Queens Center Mall in Rego Park is in Crain's news today because Disney is expanding their store there.
That place is worth going to just for people watching!
Edited at January 19, 2012 12:48 PM
January 19, 2012 1:01 PM - lechacal
My Sunnyside is better than your Sunnyside.

Edited at January 19, 2012 1:01 PM
January 19, 2012 1:01 PM - Legion
...I guess the craving for butt puns has been assuaged!
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:01 PM
January 19, 2012 1:01 PM - CGar
Brooklyn teacher limits students' bathroom breaks to 3 per WEEK . . .
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:01 PM
January 19, 2012 1:05 PM - dibs
That teacher should be fired butt, of course, the union assholes will never let it happen.
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:05 PM
January 19, 2012 1:11 PM - sixyearsandcounting
That's crazy for elementary kids! I limited my students to five per quarter/ten per semester because there was always some asshole who just HAD to go every single day for twenty minutes. I remember I had one kid who used up his five trips in the first week because he didn't believe I would enforce the rule. In fact, he was the reason I made up the rule. Tough luck for him.

I also let only one kid go at a time. That cut down on the amount of time a kid would spend "away" because she/he would face the wrath and ridicule of their peers if they were gone too long.

Of course I had students only 40/50 minutes per day so they had plenty of other opportunities.
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:11 PM
January 19, 2012 1:13 PM - dibs
Only one kid at a time is a perfectly acceptable policy. Any other limitations are just asinine. If the kid stays there too long, tough luck. he'll miss the lesson and his grades will fall. He'll likely be destined to remain part of the 99% for his entire life; unless of course he gets a job as a trader at a hedge fund.
January 19, 2012 1:15 PM - dibs
The Gingrich ex-wife WILL be aired on ABC tonight
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:15 PM
January 19, 2012 1:16 PM - sixyearsandcounting
You have to instill discipline somehow. That kid who used up his privileges was a disruptive influence in several classes. Once he learned he couldn't put one over on me, he became less disruptive. Some fools don't learn on their own.
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:16 PM
January 19, 2012 1:17 PM - dibs
In fact, Marianne Gingrich, the scorned wife, began dating Gingrich while he was still with his first wife.

WTF??? How does this beoch get off criticizing him when she was part of the initial problem???????
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:17 PM
January 19, 2012 1:18 PM - dibs
How about after the first bathroom break you JUST SAY NO?????
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:18 PM
January 19, 2012 1:19 PM - Deleted
Hell hath no fury like a scorned mistress.
January 19, 2012 1:19 PM - sixyearsandcounting
I thought five was sufficiently charitable. Once every two weeks ain't bad.

"How does this beoch get off criticizing him when she was part of the initial problem???????"

How did Gingrich get off criticizing Clinton? And it wasn't just for perjury either!
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:19 PM
January 19, 2012 1:22 PM - dibs
I hope the interviewer asks her about that situation. Otherwise the whole thing is terribly slanted.
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:22 PM
January 19, 2012 1:22 PM - Deleted
Latest Rasmussen poll has Gingrich surging past Romney in SC.
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:22 PM
January 19, 2012 1:26 PM - Deleted
Casey Anthony is reportedly being paid $1M for an exclusive interview with some production company.

They should rot in hell.
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:26 PM
January 19, 2012 1:28 PM - Slopefarm
Other polls show a Gingrich surge but not one that has advanced that far. Interesting -- but he is making the best play now for primary voters as the alternative to Romney. If he wins or comes very close second, it will be a race, at least for a while. Perry dropping out helps him.
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:28 PM
January 19, 2012 1:34 PM - dibs
Buying CREE, VECO & RBCN...looks like short squeeze off the bottom. These are all LED plays

My work for today is done!!!!!
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:34 PM
January 19, 2012 1:39 PM - sixyearsandcounting
Republicans now have a race between the four basic branches of the party:
Romney (moderate Establishment)
Gingrich (conservative insurgent)
Santorum (religious right)
Paul (libertarian)
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:39 PM
January 19, 2012 1:43 PM - dibs
Not really, six. You really think Santorum and Paul are going to get anywhere??
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:43 PM
January 19, 2012 1:47 PM - sixyearsandcounting
I don't think either has a chance to win, but each has a natural level of support that might carry him to the convention.
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:47 PM
January 19, 2012 1:51 PM - Deleted
There's only one person who can unite the various wings of the Republican party in a common purpose: President Obama!
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:51 PM
January 19, 2012 1:59 PM - DeadCatBounce
Benson, I am worried that Obama may not oblige.
He is an astute politician and all he really has to do is stay low, and let a slowly improving economy and job outlook do their talking for him.

Edited at January 19, 2012 1:59 PM
January 19, 2012 1:59 PM - Legion
haha benson
that is very true about Obama uniting the Right.

If there's any modern equivalent to casting somebody out of society,
Casey Anthony deserves it.
A child is missing for 1 month and the mother who takes care of her is
out partying and doesn't bother reporting it?
And her agreed upon defense was that the child drowned somehow but
she didn't know where the body ended up?
...but she felt like getting her party on nonetheless?

Juries will believe anything today. I hope they understand the depth of their irresponsibility on that case.
Edited at January 19, 2012 1:59 PM
January 19, 2012 2:00 PM - dibs
Obama the narcissist won't be able to stay low. His liberal agenda beckons for him to further ruin the country. People caught on and there was a shellacking.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:00 PM
January 19, 2012 2:02 PM - dibs
The Casey Anthony thing really is a travesty of justice. Hopefully there really is a hell.

[saying a quick Act of Contrition]
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:02 PM
January 19, 2012 2:04 PM - Deleted

I fully agree that Obama is a very good politician and it will be a tough race. My only point is that it is liberal fantasy to believe that one or more wing of the Republican party is going to sit out this election because their guy didn't get the nomination. They are all motivated to see him out the door. That's not enough to carry the day - the independents will decide.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:04 PM
January 19, 2012 2:04 PM - Legion improving economic outlook didn't help Bush I get a second term.
And this was before the internet.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:04 PM
January 19, 2012 2:08 PM - dibs
Obama needs the young vote again. It's a lot riskier for him now. Not sure as many are still on board and they tend to be 1. not loyal and 2. lazy about voting.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:08 PM
January 19, 2012 2:13 PM - MontroseMorris
"Obama the narcissist won't be able to stay low. His liberal agenda beckons for him to further ruin the country. People caught on and there was a shellacking."

Oh, how absolutely absurd.
January 19, 2012 2:13 PM - rf
Obama needs the young vote again. It's a lot riskier for him now. Not sure as many are still on board and they tend to be 1. not loyal and 2. lazy about voting.

Yeah, you wish! Like they really want President Romney or, better yet, President Gingrich!
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:13 PM
January 19, 2012 2:14 PM - dibs
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:14 PM
January 19, 2012 2:14 PM - Slopefarm
benson -- and this is true for both parties -- if the general election turns out to be a nail-biter, small changes in the level of enthusiasm of each party's base can tip the balance. It is a delicate balance to make a play for the middle and rev up the base. And a tough primary can either soften up the winner or add luster. Assuming Romney wins the nod, question is still open for me as to whether he is hurt or helped by the primary -- does he hone his case and look like a winner over a surging Gingrich, or does he take too many hits and carry too much baggage into the fall? Jury very much still out on that one, IMHO.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:14 PM
January 19, 2012 2:15 PM - dibs
Well, his class warfare rampage really isn't going to bring them back.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:15 PM
January 19, 2012 2:17 PM - sixyearsandcounting
1. Can someone find me a candidate who's not a narcissist? Who else wants to shake thousands of hands, keep smiling, answering the same questions repeatedly, expose their entire lives and family to scrutiny, etc.?

2. Doesn't matter which way the economy is actually going. It matters whether people believe it's going in the right direction. See Reagan 1984 and Bush 1992.
January 19, 2012 2:18 PM - Slopefarm
"class warfare rampage"
dibs, you are like the dowager countess in Downton Abbey. You see the guillotine around every corner.

Edited at January 19, 2012 2:18 PM
January 19, 2012 2:18 PM - dibs
CGar...out drinking with you and I missed American Idol. :(

Edited at January 19, 2012 2:18 PM
January 19, 2012 2:20 PM - DeadCatBounce
SF, I don't think any of the "hits" Romney has taken so far amount to a hill of beans.
For example: his income is derived from investments, which explains the 15% rate.
So what?
January 19, 2012 2:20 PM - Donatella

........That's not enough to carry the day - the independents will decide.

Oh, you mean people like me? Who are watching the Republican primary race very carefully and paying close attention to the issues, the economy and Obama's response? (not talking about the disingenuous ones....)

BTW, I went to the Dr. to see about some test he wanted me to have. I got there early, during his lunch and he took me early. 2 minutes to discuss my health, "fine, fine no problem". And about 10 minutes teaching me about the latest iphone tricks and aps. He loves technology and always has the latest toy.

Edited at January 19, 2012 2:20 PM
January 19, 2012 2:20 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
quote: improving economic outlook didn't help Bush I get a second term.
And this was before the internet.

that was NOT before the internet.


Edited at January 19, 2012 2:20 PM
January 19, 2012 2:24 PM - Slopefarm
DCB -- time will tell -- it is more about how he handles these hits than the logic behind him. If he doesn't sharpen up a bit, he looks a little vulnerable to been seen as out of touch, like GHWB and price scanners, splash of tea, etc. Again, time will tell how the atmospherics take hold on this stuff.
January 19, 2012 2:25 PM - Donatella
Re Casey Anthony.....Floridians got a mega dose of this coverage. We all did but down there, news coverage was relentless. I made some mention of this to my mother who I quickly discovered LOATHES Casey Anthony (that's the mother's name, right?). Holy Smokes. The defense wouldn't pray not to have my mother on that jury.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:25 PM
January 19, 2012 2:26 PM - Deleted

Don't tempt me........stay calm Benson....Donatella has her own way of thinking about politics.....Maureen Dowd....cites Chris Matthews as a historian......breath deep, Benson!!!
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:26 PM
January 19, 2012 2:34 PM - BoerumHillScott
The last few election cycles certainly show that a large number of people change their decision on who to vote for or whether to vote at all from election to election.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:34 PM
January 19, 2012 2:34 PM - Deleted
^^^^^^That was a joke, btw.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:34 PM
January 19, 2012 2:35 PM - dibs
Scott, I would also add, "and at the last minute."

Edited at January 19, 2012 2:35 PM
January 19, 2012 2:36 PM - dibs
Minard and I have been in agreement on a few things over there for two days in a row. it feels creepy.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:36 PM
January 19, 2012 2:37 PM - Donatella
There were several areas of disappointment I have with Obama which I have discussed. For one, I am distressed at the turn financial regulation has taken. I am appalled at the way Dodd Frank is being rolled out in my industry. All the Democratic appointees on the CFTC have shown a really poor understanding of the industry and I believe that the changes will be even more damaging. The fix-it people are clueless. I went to more than one seminar, conference, panel where I came out pissed. Now I am just depressed and disgusted. Is that a reason to vote against Obama? I tell you if for whatever reason, Gingrich gets the nomination I will vote democratic. And Romney, at this point he is still trying to prove some kind of conservative bona fides. Who knows what he will do? But one thing I can say about Obama, he is a smart guy and learns. We'll see.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:37 PM
January 19, 2012 2:48 PM - Donatella
oooh. Just saw this.....


Don't tempt me........stay calm Benson....Donatella has her own way of thinking about politics.....Maureen Dowd....cites Chris Matthews as a historian......breath deep, Benson!!!

That's it, Benson. Breathe in deeeeeeeeply and breathe ouuuuuut...... I never said Chris Matthews was a historian. Come'on I made that disclaimer. And Maureen over estimate her influence on my life. As a matter of fact, I find her general political commentary to be useless. And yes, she is snarky and nasty. I used to snicker vicariously reading her stuff during the reign of W, who I couldn't stomach. Breathe iiiiinnnnn and breathe oooouuuuut.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:48 PM
January 19, 2012 2:51 PM - Arkady
dona - I hesitate to say it since most of what you wrote is so reasonable but, you can't snicker vicariously.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:51 PM
January 19, 2012 2:54 PM - Donatella
Ok Arkady, I snickered along with Maureen?
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:53 PM
January 19, 2012 2:55 PM - Donatella
Can I say I got a vicarious thrill from Maureen skewering W?

Ok, I don't want Benson to have a coronary. I'll stop now. I have to do some work anyhow.

Edited at January 19, 2012 2:55 PM
January 19, 2012 2:57 PM - Deleted
I hope that Rush Limbaugh writes a book on Ronald Reagan. I would snap it up and read it. Of course, I would caution people that I don't consider Rush to be a historian....why I, I...just felt like reading it, that's all.

Edited at January 19, 2012 2:57 PM
January 19, 2012 2:58 PM - MontroseMorris
Rush can write? Amazing.
January 19, 2012 2:58 PM - Donatella
Be careful not to hyperventilate when you breathe deeply, Benson. That's all I'm asking.
Edited at January 19, 2012 2:58 PM
January 19, 2012 3:02 PM - Slopefarm



Edited at January 19, 2012 3:02 PM
January 19, 2012 3:03 PM - BoerumHillScott
Does anyone listen to Rush anymore?
I don't keep up with talk radio , but my understanding was that the younger ones had pushed him aside.
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:03 PM
January 19, 2012 3:07 PM - Deleted
Rush is till tops: 15 million listeners:
January 19, 2012 3:07 PM - BoerumHillScott
If you think drivers in NYC are bad:

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON)--Muni trains are moving again following a service disruption Thursday morning after a motorist drove a vehicle into an underground tunnel and traveled about a half mile.

Muni spokesman Paul Rose says just after 6 a.m, an SUV entered the tunnel on Church Street and drove toward the Van Ness Station before getting stuck on the tracks.

Police say the driver was arrested at the scene and has been identified as 40-year-old Sebastapol resident Scott Mitchell. According to police, Mitchell is being charged with suspicion of DUI, failure to obey traffic signs and driving on train tracks. Underground train service was shut down following the incident and shuttle bus service was available for stranded passengers while crews worked to remove the vehicle from the tracks.

According to Muni, crews were able to remove the SUV from the tracks but the vehicle remains inside the tunnel off to the side. Muni says normal train service resumed by 8:15 a.m. and crews will work to remove the SUV from the tunnel after midnight.

Edited at January 19, 2012 3:07 PM
January 19, 2012 3:15 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
we just got our W2's!


Edited at January 19, 2012 3:15 PM
January 19, 2012 3:17 PM - DeadCatBounce
One aspect of the Liberal viewpoint that has me completely baffled is the seemingly magical belief in the power of regulations to make everything right with the world. Dodd Frank is a prime example.
2500 pages long - doesn't that seem like a bit too much?
If there are still problems, what do we do next, create 25,000 pages of regulations? 250,000 pages? 2.5 Million pages?
How can anyone expect that anyone could write workable rules that would dictate the minutiae of something as complicated as the financial industry?
Imagine what will happen when the regulators go to work trying to fix the problems that arise out of the Obama healthcare plan. There isn't enough paper in the world to print enough regulations to cover all the possibilities.
No wonder Lech invested in a tree farm!
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:17 PM
January 19, 2012 3:22 PM - Arkady
dibs - I just heard that the Big O is in town tonight - gridlock starting at 4. You might want to head home now since you've made your nut (NH) for the day.
January 19, 2012 3:22 PM - dibs
DCB, most congressmen and women (Pelosi admitted it) have read neither Dodd frank nor the healthcare bill
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:22 PM
January 19, 2012 3:24 PM - dibs
Yes, Arkady. i heard that this morning. Traffic was already bad at lunchtime
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:24 PM
January 19, 2012 3:26 PM - DeadCatBounce
Of course, how could they read that stuff?
But why don't they see the absurdity in trying to enforce regulations which are so massively overweight that they can't even be read?
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:26 PM
January 19, 2012 3:28 PM - dibs
DeLepp, DeLepp, DeLepp...REPOTD...walking distance to the Black bass....right on the river...$549,000...

Edited at January 19, 2012 3:28 PM
January 19, 2012 3:31 PM - DeLepp
Any bill should be read in it's entirity on the senate/house floors, verbosity will be banished soon thereafter.
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:31 PM
January 19, 2012 3:31 PM - sixyearsandcounting
The opposite belief is equally baffling - left alone, the finance industry will regulate itself. Not even Alan Greenspan believes that anymore.

January 19, 2012 3:34 PM - DeLepp
dibs, that is a gem. Love the floors and the views. Probably could get one of the cute young guys at BB to stroll me home safely everynight.
January 19, 2012 3:36 PM - Slopefarm
Don't show that to Mrs. Slopey, dibs. She might pick that house over college tuition for our daughter.
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:36 PM
January 19, 2012 3:37 PM - dibs
Slopey...there are a couple really nice places on the Kurfiss website for under $400,000. Tell the kids that plans have changed & they should learn a trade.
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:39 PM
January 19, 2012 3:42 PM - DeadCatBounce
Six, if you believe that there is such a thing as too much regulation then you are miles ahead of many.
Imagine this scene in the future:
Regulator: Mr. Banker you are accused of stealing the depositors money.
Banker: Yes we know. We are also accused of violating 732 other provisions of Dodd Frank, that we demand to be heard on.
Like this one, that we used the wrong sized paper clips. Our lawyers have prepared 850 pages of testimony on that, and we will start depositions next week.
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:42 PM
January 19, 2012 3:47 PM - sixyearsandcounting
DCB, I'm against excessive concentrations of power in the hands of a few entities, private or public. The problem is that the two feed off each other, i.e. the excesses of capitalism have to be reined in by big government; as one grows, so does the other. The knowledge required on both sides is quite arcane and specialized, which produces a class of experts shuttling back and forth between the public and private sectors. I don't see a way out of this situation.
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:47 PM
January 19, 2012 3:52 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
where are the frau today?


Edited at January 19, 2012 3:52 PM
January 19, 2012 3:54 PM - Deleted
Six Years;

If you put aside the financial industry, the power of the large corporations has diminished considerably over the past 30 years, by every measure: percent of GDP, number of employees, etc. I think your real concern is the financial institutions, and I would ask: who rendered this situation? Who built up Fannie and Freddie Mac? Who is try to trying to keep them under government control? Who is still trying to steer more money to Wall Street? (see: Cap and Trade) Who wrote regulations that only large institutions could paossibly manage? (see: Dodd-Frank).
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:54 PM
January 19, 2012 3:56 PM - dibs
In fact, Dodd Frank makes it IMPOSSIBLE for new startup financial institutions, further concentrating the business among the few large ones. Smaller outfits will have to be acquired because they can't meet the financial burdens of the regulations. It's really idiotic.
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:56 PM
January 19, 2012 3:56 PM - Deleted
Oh, and one more thing, Six Years: if you are against the concentration of power: who is that rammed a law down our throats that would require that every American buy a product from private financial colossi known as health insurance companies?
Edited at January 19, 2012 3:56 PM
January 19, 2012 4:00 PM - DeadCatBounce
Benson - If Obamacare goes forward, a similar concentration of power will exist in the healthcare industry.
It is happening already, as doctors in private practice are slowly being forced to give up their small businesses and join large organizations. As this systems hurtles forward into a bureaucratic nightmare, I expect people to clamor for vast regulations to try and reign in the mega institutions. Ugh!
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:00 PM
January 19, 2012 4:01 PM - DeadCatBounce
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:01 PM
January 19, 2012 4:09 PM - Legion
No matter how you look at it, Obama loses.
If he wins in November, he's likely to be facing an overwhelming majority in the House and a new Senate majority who will see to it that his far left agenda is hampered.
If Obamacare is not overturned by the Supreme Court this year and he still wins, he's left to deal with the continued drag of this program, among others, like Dodd-Frank, on our nation thus setting him up for a veto proof supermajority in 2014.
If Obamacare is overturned his legacy is left in shambles to be reconstructed within the framework of a most likely to be Republican House and Senate. Good luck with that since he has not been shown willing to play ball with the opposition well.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:09 PM
January 19, 2012 4:09 PM - Donatella
Salman Khan, is on Dylan Radigan. He is talking about his Khan Academy and learning.

He is wonderful!! I can't think of anything more beautiful, generous, GOOD, than what he has done puttting together his You tube video Khan Academy. An example of a 21st century hero.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:09 PM
January 19, 2012 4:12 PM - dibs
GM just surpassed Toyota, taking back the lead in global sales numbers.
January 19, 2012 4:12 PM - Legion

Bush I was in office from 88-92.
As far as I know, there really wasn't much internet action going on.
I didn't even have a cell phone back then.
I know you mentioned being on some sort of internet forum early on but what year was that?
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:12 PM
January 19, 2012 4:16 PM - dibs
I think Arkady said she invented the internet. Or was that radio?
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:17 PM
January 19, 2012 4:18 PM - Deleted

What is the Khan Academy?
January 19, 2012 4:20 PM - Legion

"I don't see a way out of this situation."

There is a quite simple way out of this situation and it requires nothing more than a return to the foundation documents of this nation.

Madison and Jefferson understood full well, the problems with too much concentrated power.
That's the reason they gave so much credit to Locke and Montesquieu. It's why they delineated the powers of the federal government in particular terms in the Constitution.

We need to get back to the basics here. A government accountable to the people, not the other way around.

Edited at January 19, 2012 4:20 PM
January 19, 2012 4:24 PM - Legion
I have seen nothing from this current government but the constant assault on state's rights and individual rights to the advancement of a more centralized power structure.

It is no coincidence. It is necessary for statists who want to achieve their own visions of society, to take the power necessary away from the people first. In this case, by way of weakening State's rights.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:24 PM
January 19, 2012 4:25 PM - More4Less
man, trying to shed old job while ramping up new job is really impacting my OT participation
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:25 PM
January 19, 2012 4:27 PM - dibs
We don't want to hear excuses, m4l.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:27 PM
January 19, 2012 4:28 PM - DeadCatBounce
M4L - Work is a terrible interference.
How about that SHLD?
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:28 PM
January 19, 2012 4:29 PM - Legion
You owe us 30 posts by 5PM.
Do you think the OT is a union gig or something? We demand accountablity here.
January 19, 2012 4:29 PM - sixyearsandcounting
Legion: ideologically, yes, that's a solution. Practically speaking, most Americans (on all sides of the political spectrum) cannot comprehend how different life would be if we relinquished our superpower status and most functions of modern government.

Benson, I suppose it depends on what sector of the economy you're talking about. Think of Walmart vs. mom-and-pop stores, chain vs. local restaurants, and so on (it's ok here, but once you're out of NYC I see chains all over). However, since there's no business without money, centralization matters most in banking and finance. As for health care, the system is a disaster now, and will morph into a different disaster as Obamacare - really Max Baucuscare - takes effect.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:29 PM
January 19, 2012 4:33 PM - sixyearsandcounting
LOL we just got a notice in our building:

"Please be advised that napkins and facial tissues as well as toilet paper have been found in the recycling containers...Toilet paper is made to be and must be flushed down the toilet."
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:33 PM
January 19, 2012 4:33 PM - Deleted
Six Years;

You didn't answer my questions.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:33 PM
January 19, 2012 4:36 PM - Arkady
dibs - I invented smoke signals! Learned semaphore & Morse code as a kid (also ASL because mother of a friend was deaf). Have been online since late 70s.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:36 PM
January 19, 2012 4:36 PM - dibs
... --- ...
January 19, 2012 4:39 PM - sixyearsandcounting
Yes, Benson, government did all of that. But it's not like the gubmint just maliciously hates business for no reason at all. Business and government both fill needs of the people - if there's a demand for something, they'll both do their best to supply it. If business never did anything wrong, the people wouldn't stand for regulating it. If government did nothing wrong, would anti-government ideologies exist?
January 19, 2012 4:41 PM - Donatella
Benson, look at this:

This young man who has a Phd from MIT as well as several Masters degrees from that university, worked as a quant for a hedge fund. He started tutoring a cousin in math and began to build up a library of short You Tube videos teaching math and science. He eventually quit the hedge fund to concentrate on building up his coursework on line. There is a massive (2800 lectures?) that he recorded on You Tube that are now being used by people individually, home schoolers, any body who wants to get a certain base of knowledge in math and science. It is best for high school and undergraduate use but can be a great help to anyone who wants to review or develop a new skill. After this, using MIT's open courseware, you can get quite an education autodidactically.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:41 PM
January 19, 2012 4:41 PM - sixyearsandcounting
Wow! Colorado just signed Jamie Moyer to a minor league contract. He's 49 and started pitching when I was in 4th grade.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:41 PM
January 19, 2012 4:42 PM - BoerumHillScott
The Internet existed since the late 60s and most of the core protocols in use today date from the early 80s.
HTTP is from the early 90s, and the first graphical web browser was released in 1993 or 1994.

All that being said, most people had not heard of the Internet until 1995 or so, and usage did not really take off until around 1997.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:42 PM
January 19, 2012 4:42 PM - Donatella

Speaking of slackers, where is DH?

Oh and jester......

Come back!!
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:42 PM
January 19, 2012 4:44 PM - Deleted
Six Years;

That had to be the biggest dodge I've seen on this thread. No one talked about intent ("maliciously"). You stated that you decry the concentration of power and its consequences. Yet when someone points out that the biggest concentration of power in American lifeover the past 40 years has been the federal government, you make it out that it's some anti-government rant.

-50 blog points.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:44 PM
January 19, 2012 4:45 PM - More4Less
if I hit lotto, I'll tell them to take both jobs and ...............

till then, I'll do as I'm told for as long as they pay my ass
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:45 PM
January 19, 2012 4:49 PM - Legion

I'm not talking about going back colonial days.
Simply demanding a federal government for instance, that:

-Has a justice department that actually enforces constitutional law regarding our borders instead of suing States for protecting themselves.

-Has no interest in making people pay for things they don't want,
be it healthcare or union dues that go towards political payoffs.

-Has homeland security more interested in protecting the homeland than looking up grandma's skirt and patting down children.

-Has no interest in subsidizing large scale politically active organizations that take the guise of non for profits groups only to reap huge payoffs and favors after elections.

-Has a notion of its responsibility to protect the American treasury instead of using it to purchase a larger percentage of the private sector and to place more Americans on some form of government dependence.
Edited at January 19, 2012 4:49 PM
January 19, 2012 5:02 PM - Legion

Thanks for the clarification.
I think everyone here should have understood that when I said that George Bush (the first) didn't benefit from a recovering economy in 1992 and that "there wasn't even an internet then".

1. I was speaking figuratively in the sense that everyone didn't have their entire political/social/sexual lives out there 24/7 in an interconnected manner as we do today with tweeting, texting, facebooking and blogging.

2. That the fact that there is such a level of constant communication today, bodes poorly for a President hoping to get points for a recovering economy when every other internet headline reveals the underlyiing instability of our economy with such out of control spending.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:02 PM
January 19, 2012 5:04 PM - Donatella
oh and ps about Khan Academy, he has provided all his work for free.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:04 PM
January 19, 2012 5:08 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
Bush I was in office from 88-92.
As far as I know, there really wasn't much internet action going on.
I didn't even have a cell phone back then.
I know you mentioned being on some sort of internet forum early on but what year was that?

Local BBS boards and prodigy in 90-91


January 19, 2012 5:09 PM - dibs
rob, are you emailing me your W-2?
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:09 PM
January 19, 2012 5:10 PM - BoerumHillScott
I remember trying to watch the 92 election results on Prodigy, but they kept running out of capacity.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:10 PM
January 19, 2012 5:13 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
rob, are you emailing me your W-2?

ill do it tomorrow. how did i do it last year? email you a pdf?


Edited at January 19, 2012 5:13 PM
January 19, 2012 5:13 PM - dibs
not sure...or you can fax it

Edited at January 19, 2012 5:13 PM
January 19, 2012 5:14 PM - More4Less
Rob, I would ensure you get free food and shelter if I do your taxes
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:14 PM
January 19, 2012 5:15 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
NOT enough CAT pictures, people!

(grumble, grumble, come home from a busy day, bunch of slackers, sheesh, can't bothered to do the important work of posting CAT PICS!, grumble grumble, do I have to do all the work around here???!!!)
January 19, 2012 5:15 PM - Legion
what computers were you guys using in those early internet years?

my first one was a Compaq Presario around 93-94
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:15 PM
January 19, 2012 5:16 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
i used to hang out in the poetry rooms on prodigy when i was 14-15 on prodigy. i had like 5 internet girlfriends at once. i was quite the player. i never met them any of them but they considered me their long distance boyfriend lol. ew, they were all in their late teens and 20s.. wouldnt be shocked if a few of them were 40


January 19, 2012 5:17 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
i begged and whined for a computer when christmas of 9th grade (1991).. it was a Laser (lazer?) 386. 16 mhz speed and a whopping 40 meg harddrive, with 2400 baud modem.


Edited at January 19, 2012 5:17 PM
January 19, 2012 5:18 PM - BoerumHillScott
I had a "beige box" 12 Mhz 286 I got in 1990.

In 1994 I put in a 33 Mhz 486sx motherboard.

Most of my computers over the years have been ones I built myself.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:17 PM
January 19, 2012 5:18 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
More...why you ask? never can have too many... : P
January 19, 2012 5:18 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
yeah dave, i emailed it to myself on the copy machine then forwarded it to you. ill do it tomorrow.


Edited at January 19, 2012 5:18 PM
January 19, 2012 5:20 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
And just one more, because I feel like it! : P
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:20 PM
January 19, 2012 5:20 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
That's better. Good evening, PLUSAs.
January 19, 2012 5:21 PM - More4Less
CES rolled out a ton of new computers so we should be seeing some killer deals for the models that'll be displaced by those new models - ie if new models can be had for 475 or less, the old models probably 350-375?
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:21 PM
January 19, 2012 5:22 PM - Legion
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:22 PM
January 19, 2012 5:23 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
cheap ass HP netbook works for all my needs.


Edited at January 19, 2012 5:23 PM
January 19, 2012 5:23 PM - DeadCatBounce
Cobble - here is a present for you:
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:23 PM
January 19, 2012 5:24 PM - rf
Here you go, Cobble.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:24 PM
January 19, 2012 5:26 PM - Legion
You built your own computer BHS?
That's hardcore.

...I did have a commodore 64 in the 80's but that was really for games on floppy disc.
Not windows based obviously.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:26 PM
January 19, 2012 5:26 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
legion, That's a minus 10 points for you.
DCB, That's helpful, but cat, not cake, needs to be center stage!
rf, That's the ticket! ; )
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:26 PM
January 19, 2012 5:28 PM - BoerumHillScott
Now that I think about it, the only computer I have ever purchased as a complete system was the laptop Wendy uses now.
We have had a couple of throw away systems from work, and one new system my company bought as part of be nice to employees plan.

I have probably purchased 8 to 10 motherboard/chip combos for us in the last 17 years, along with plenty of other components.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:28 PM
January 19, 2012 5:28 PM - rf
And for you smokers...
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:28 PM
January 19, 2012 5:29 PM - Slopefarm
dcat -- the cat in your pic has Turkish Van markings.
January 19, 2012 5:29 PM - BoerumHillScott
I have a TI-99 4A and a Commodore 64 before I got my first PC in 1990. Both were mostly used for games, although I did a bit of programming on both and wrote several school papers on the C64.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:29 PM
January 19, 2012 5:30 PM - Legion
didn't you say that you were banned from the internet back then?
What the hell were you telling people on prodigy?
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:30 PM
January 19, 2012 5:30 PM - BoerumHillScott
Prodigy had super strict censors. Their staff would glance at every message before it was publicly posted on their message boards.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:30 PM
January 19, 2012 5:35 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
This was the first computer I actually owned, but I'd worked on computers for years before this came out. The color was called "blueberry", I think.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:35 PM
January 19, 2012 5:45 PM - Slopefarm
We had some clunky PCs in the early 90s. The not-yet Mrs. Slopey wrote her dissertation on one, and did all her statistical analyses on it using SPSS. The tables took hours to print.

First time I saw email was during my clerkship, 1995. First color monitor, too, It was fun trying to figure out which friends also had email.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:45 PM
January 19, 2012 5:46 PM - Donatella
My cat doing analysis on HP laptop.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:46 PM
January 19, 2012 5:50 PM - rf
I don't know, Donatella, it looks like the cat's wasting time writing an email. Or is it psychoanalysis?
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:50 PM
January 19, 2012 5:55 PM - Arkady
My first was an AVL Eagle.
Edited at January 19, 2012 5:55 PM
January 19, 2012 6:05 PM - Donatella
She might have been sending emails, but she was often lost there in deep thought. I know she loved the heat of the laptop and lay on top it it, dropping fur all over the the keys.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:05 PM
January 19, 2012 6:06 PM - DeadCatBounce
My first was a really beautiful girl who went to Stuyvesant HS. I looked her up on the internet recently, and it looks like she switched to the other team. :(.
Wait, you weren't talking about computers, were you?
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:06 PM
January 19, 2012 6:11 PM - MontroseMorris
Awww cute, Cobble.

RF, the collection in that box strikes really close to home.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:11 PM
January 19, 2012 6:20 PM - bfar
Also, goddamn metrocard machine said it put $20 on my card, I go through the turnstile, it says I have $0.40 left. No agent at 23rd st, go down to W4th, where the nimrod says "you should have checked the balance before you swiped." Right. Because it's not like the damn machine just told me what it was, and it's not like finding out it didn't put any damn money on it would have helped me out: there's no agent there. Thanks for the staff cutbacks, MTA. But 'luckily' I can file some sort of claim through their website.

If I have the # of the machine that cheated me.


Edited at January 19, 2012 6:20 PM
January 19, 2012 6:22 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
"Cat Love" is a blessing and a burden, MM! ; )
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:22 PM
January 19, 2012 6:23 PM - bfar
Heath/Zenith Z89 "Heathkit," built up by my uncle (Stanford comp sci guy back when that was a brand new thing) running CP/M. Wrote a bunch of stuff in BASIC, played some games. A perfectly reasonable machine.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:23 PM
January 19, 2012 6:27 PM - DeadCatBounce
Here is a cat I like.
And the cat is actually featured in the picture.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:27 PM
January 19, 2012 6:29 PM - Slopefarm
Top Cat!! One of my favorite cartoons as a kid.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:29 PM
January 19, 2012 6:33 PM - Donatella
Here's my favorite cat.
January 19, 2012 6:37 PM - MontroseMorris
I used to have a cat named Felix T. Cat.
He was a great kitty.
I still miss him.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:37 PM
January 19, 2012 6:38 PM - DeadCatBounce
That's my cousin Felix. Whenever he gets in a fix, he reaches into his bag of tricks.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:38 PM
January 19, 2012 6:39 PM - petebklyn
I hate all the stupid polls ( and stupid pols of course) - media always tries to make elections look like sports games contests === who is ahead - who is catching up--- what is strated- who pulled a knockout punch ----
Never about real issues and analysis.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:39 PM
January 19, 2012 6:40 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
ACK! That's terrible, bfar!

I hate not having more staffed booths in the subway.

My REAL First (there was a fake first, that I thought was real, but wasn't), now that was SOMETHING! OMG. I should have married him. BH and I'd be living in a brownstone now. First and I'd be divorced, but he would have given the brownstone to me in the divorce when he bought himself a bigger one on a nicer block. : P He is a ridiculously wealthy trustafarian. Oh, and we're still good friends too, but he can't be friends with me on FB because his wife can't bear to even hear my name, which my brother told me, and he knows because First is his best friend. Somehow First got a pass to come to both my parent's funerals, which was really nice.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:46 PM
January 19, 2012 6:43 PM - DeadCatBounce
Karma strikes again:
I went and re-looked up my first girlfriend on the internet. She is now one of the top "regulators" in England.
There are videos of her giving boring regulatory speeches all over the internet.
She was always (and still is) brilliant. What a shame.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:43 PM
January 19, 2012 6:46 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
snappy, i bought you a puzzle from housing works this evening! i think youll like it. it had a note taped on the box that said "all pieces". does that mean the other puzzles were missing pieces!?!


Edited at January 19, 2012 6:46 PM
January 19, 2012 6:48 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
You built your own computer BHS?
That's hardcore.

it i NOT hardcore! it just means they aren't part of the iSheep generation


Edited at January 19, 2012 6:48 PM
January 19, 2012 6:48 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
"Never about real issues and analysis."

It's InfoTainment.

How's Florida, Pete? You still in St. Pete's, or at friend with hip issue?
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:48 PM
January 19, 2012 6:50 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
didn't you say that you were banned from the internet back then?
What the hell were you telling people on prodigy?

my account was suspended on prodigy a couple of times and they sent letters HOME to my grandparents lol, luckily i was the one who went thru the mail (not like they would have cared i guess they were not fans of paying the monthly subscription for me to sit in my room all night and be antisocial hahah). i recall the reasons were harrassing other members and inappropriate language :-/ i wasn't harrassing anyone. but back then i think all it took was one complain to headquarters, maybe two and you were suspended. so lame. but im used to always getting banned on the internet, people are just haters who dont understand


Edited at January 19, 2012 6:50 PM
January 19, 2012 6:52 PM - petebklyn
headed to ft laud on saturday -- surgery is went to tarpon springs -- big lunch at greek restaurant.
st. pete has some very nice old blocks with arts/crafts bungalows
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:52 PM
January 19, 2012 6:55 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
My great aunt used to live there winters. Somewhere in St. Pete, and he may be dead now, is an allegedly transvestite lawyer who she left all her (substantial) money to!
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:55 PM
January 19, 2012 6:57 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
i think my first boyfriend is dead or something. (makes sense, he actually murdered a family and got off scotch free!). karma maybe. he's not on facebook and i just assume people who are not on facebook are dead. i think my second boyfriend is dead as well. he's also not on facebook and he spent a long time in and out of psychiatric hospitals. i ended our relationship by throwing a blowpop at his head in a crowded diner and he cried. (im not violent and ive never HIT anyone, but for some reason hitting him with a blowpop seemed like the right thing to do at the time). one other time i did something like that, flung a bag of duke's poop on my last ltr's ex's head in riverside park and ouch i was never punched so hard lol. nothing funnier than gay domestic violence.


January 19, 2012 6:58 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Domestic violence is never funny.
Edited at January 19, 2012 6:58 PM
January 19, 2012 7:00 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
you are right, i was going to add that it's never funny. okay, swinging a bag of doodoo on your boyfriend's head IS kinda funny tho. i thought it was funny, it was double bagged and he didnt get poo ON his person. i dont think i deserved the punch. i should have called the police on his ass. but i didnt feel abused, i felt like i deserved that punch. wouldnt you punch someone if they did that to you too?

Edited at January 19, 2012 7:00 PM
January 19, 2012 7:01 PM - dibs
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:01 PM
January 19, 2012 7:01 PM - Legion
have you been to the Salvadore Dali museum in St. Pete?

That would drive me nuts to lose $20 dollars like that in a machine.
Being somewhat obsessive compulsive, I'd probably end up putting more money in and losing it. Like when I put a quarter in the meter and it eats it. Usually I end up putting in two more before I accept that it's broken.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:01 PM
January 19, 2012 7:02 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
weird how i just wavered from thinking i deserved the punch only to think i did deserve it a sentence later. ::bubbles::


Edited at January 19, 2012 7:02 PM
January 19, 2012 7:04 PM - petebklyn
I was at dali museum like 10 years ago....friend said they have moved into new building now. very close to here.
(not my surgery -- friend in ft laud having hip replacement)
January 19, 2012 7:07 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
you dated a tranny cobble? dave is dating a mexican tranny. i dated a tranny for 2 months and he never told then one day he was like can i bring some stuff over and i was like SURE. i thought he was talking about weed or something. he brought over the most insane pair of shoes ive ever seen. something a woman would NEVER wear, but they were not mens shoes. then he showed me a photoalbum of him in drag, etc etc. i thought he was really cute as a guy and, and well, i have no problem if someone wants to do that on the side, but after he revealed himself to me his queeny side completely came out, and i was like hmmm aww i guess he's now just being himself around me?! i broke it off. we became friends years later. he too was another ex who was in an out of psychiatric hospitals. oddly, he TOO is not on facebook.

he did like to play video games tho. and we never had sex other than making out. lol. that's the kind of relationship i want. but not with a tranny.


January 19, 2012 7:07 PM - Legion
A good revenge would be to place a shopping bag full of poo in front of his door.
...with the bottom of the bag torn so it falls apart when he picks it up.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:07 PM
January 19, 2012 7:08 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
i thought the MTA was good with getting your money back (they send you a card with the money u lost on it). that happened twice to me where i got a card back within a few weeks. the last time it happened i never heard back from them and i didnt make copies of anything. so if you do send it back in make sure to make copies of the receipt if you have it, and the metrocard, etc.

Edited at January 19, 2012 7:08 PM
January 19, 2012 7:08 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
No, rob, my great aunt had a lawyer whom rumor had it was a transvestite. But that was probably just rumor and anger that she left (or was cheated — depending on which family member you're speaking to) her substantial pile o' money to!
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:08 PM
January 19, 2012 7:10 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
A good revenge would be to place a shopping bag full of poo in front of his door.
...with the bottom of the bag torn so it falls apart when he picks it up.

im not a revenge type of a person. the best revenge was getting out of that relationship.

Edited at January 19, 2012 7:10 PM
January 19, 2012 7:10 PM - petebklyn
so what dating site did you meet all these guys ---
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:10 PM
January 19, 2012 7:12 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
You really know how to pick 'em, rob.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:12 PM
January 19, 2012 7:12 PM - Deleted
sup mofos?
January 19, 2012 7:13 PM - rf
Remind me not to tell you where my front door is, Legion.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:13 PM
January 19, 2012 7:14 PM - petebklyn
we're just hangin'
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:14 PM
January 19, 2012 7:15 PM - Donatella
I never understood domestic violence. If somebody touched me it would be permanently, irrevocably OVER. No second chances. Over. But even before that, you know if someone can't control themselves and has an out of control temper.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:15 PM
January 19, 2012 7:15 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Hey DH, you better? Liking the new job?
January 19, 2012 7:16 PM - Donatella
Where the hay have you been dh? I called you a slacker today.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:16 PM
January 19, 2012 7:16 PM - Legion
"im not a revenge type of a person. the best revenge was getting out of that relationship."

Too bad,
...well maybe you can use the giant bag of poo with torn bottom, for some other purpose?
It would be good just as a practical joke on the apartment next door, no?
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:16 PM
January 19, 2012 7:17 PM - Deleted
been workin hard! and i was sick as a dog last week. loving the new job but my boss can be a lil irritable.

Edited at January 19, 2012 7:17 PM
January 19, 2012 7:18 PM - Donatella
Sarasota has a great museum -- the Ringling museum. The circus family. It is filled with Baroque art. It occurred to me that circuses are very Baroque. The designs of the chariots from the circus and a lot of the stuff I think they took from Baroque paintings.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:18 PM
January 19, 2012 7:20 PM - Legion
alright dh is in the house!
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:20 PM
January 19, 2012 7:21 PM - bfar
legion, per the repeated quarters comment, one of my favorite comics of all time:
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:21 PM
January 19, 2012 7:21 PM - Donatella
dh, cranky people are ok. They appreciate it if you cut them slack. Life makes you cranky sometimes. I just hope he is good to you.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:21 PM
January 19, 2012 7:25 PM - Legion
In your case it would be more fun to crazy glue a photo of Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly to your van.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:25 PM
January 19, 2012 7:27 PM - Legion
LOL , bfar
that cartoon totally describes my behavior at times!

If you've ever "tested" a 9 volt battery by placing it on your tongue,
you know how bad that is.
For some reason I always have to do it twice. :o(
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:27 PM
January 19, 2012 7:28 PM - petebklyn
lot of cranky people here...if don't get their vino
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:28 PM
January 19, 2012 7:29 PM - Donatella
Does anybody know what time Nightline is? I want to see this Marianne Gingrich interview.
January 19, 2012 7:29 PM - petebklyn
you been to tarpon springs, dona?
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:29 PM
January 19, 2012 7:30 PM - Donatella
No, Pete. Where is that?
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:30 PM
January 19, 2012 7:30 PM - petebklyn
dona, you are a news junkie it seems. I don't have the patience to listen to all the nonsense.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:30 PM
January 19, 2012 7:32 PM - petebklyn
tarpon springs is about 25 miles north of st. pete. active fishing and sponge diving ......very greek. great authentic greek restaurants.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:32 PM
January 19, 2012 7:34 PM - Donatella
I AM a news junkie. It comes from working with the markets. I really feel the way you do Pete. The news is basically crap entertainment. I really need to turn it off. It is a gigantic waste of time. So what is this dame going to say? "My ex-husband was a selfish, adulterous beast". There. I just saved myself 30 minutes.
January 19, 2012 7:35 PM - Donatella
Wow, that sounds nice Pete. I fly into Tampa when my sister picks me up. I bet she knows Tarpon Springs well.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:35 PM
January 19, 2012 7:36 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Full interview tonight on ABC News' Nightline at 11:35 p.m. ET. dona.

Article in New Yorker, on Gingrich, not very flattering.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:36 PM
January 19, 2012 7:37 PM - DeadCatBounce
Apparently Newt wanted an open marriage.
Not that I care about his personal life, but I expect that this will hurt him.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:37 PM
January 19, 2012 7:38 PM - rf
Legion, actually putting someone in contact with animal poop is a disgusting way to get back at them. Rob's dog poop missile was enclosed in a plastic bag.

If you did that to my van (not that I think you would!), and I knew it was you, I would call the police.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:38 PM
January 19, 2012 7:39 PM - Donatella
tks, cobble. Yes, D-Cat, I saw that. I know some conservatives are willing to over look his foibles, but I can't stand him.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:39 PM
January 19, 2012 7:44 PM - petebklyn
problem with gingrinch is he looks like a newt. romney totally photogenic.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:44 PM
January 19, 2012 7:46 PM - rf
Legion, that is, a dog poop trick is very bizarre for someone older than twelve.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:46 PM
January 19, 2012 7:46 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Newton is a hypocrite and a raving lunatic. He can argue, but he isn't often right.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:46 PM
January 19, 2012 7:47 PM - Donatella
I read something about cartoonists saying that Newt is a DREAM for them. Romney not so much. Romney is a handsome guy and really looks like his father.
January 19, 2012 7:48 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Half the fun is waiting for Newt to self-destruct.
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:48 PM
January 19, 2012 7:49 PM - Deleted
"dh, cranky people are ok. They appreciate it if you cut them slack. Life makes you cranky sometimes. I just hope he is good to you."

haha yeah, for sure. she's just overworked and easily frazzled. good to me, but she's definitely let loose on some of the directors who have messed stuff up. some people in business get people to do what they want by being overwhelmingly nice (me) and some do so by intimidation (her). its all good tho, just have no time to post on blogs during the day! :(
Edited at January 19, 2012 7:49 PM
January 19, 2012 7:54 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
If you've ever "tested" a 9 volt battery by placing it on your tongue,
you know how bad that is.

yep i do that too hahahhaa. you can actually do it with any kinda of battery btw as long as you can get your tongue on both ends of the battery at the same time.


Edited at January 19, 2012 7:54 PM
January 19, 2012 8:00 PM - BoerumHillScott
I get all my news online, in text form.
I hate getting any information from video or audio other than live conversations.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:00 PM
January 19, 2012 8:01 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
dona, you are a news junkie it seems. I don't have the patience to listen to all the nonsense.

me too. cant stand the all the politics the year before the election, these days it's like MANY years before the next election, it's worse than stores putting out xmas decorations on halloween. wtf? cant we hold all this stupid shit off til after this summer or something? im trying my best to tune out ALL politic shit, but it's impossible as i read the times and the WSJ journal everyday. actually, no i guess it's not that hard, but when it comes to this place (here, im talking this board) ugh. i dont come here for politics. it gets a tad long in the tooth after a while. luckily i work in the kind of office where people talk about reality tv and other such things and not politics. there is the occassional politics talk, but i just excuse myself and say i have lots of filing to do.

i think i have a lot to add to most random topics, but politics is totally NOT one of them. my eyes glaze over, i never know who anyone is talking about, and i wonder if what they say/ask is really a loaded statement or question. too many people judge other people based on their political (government politics) leanings. i prefer when talking to people they leave that part of themselves out of the equation. much like i dont particularly give a shit to hear about what god you worship or if you worship any god at all. i know politics and religion (and weather) are the three biggest things that sort of make what humans ARE, but at the same time it really bores me and don't like the psychodynamics it presents in day to day conversation with people im not intimately involved with.


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:01 PM
January 19, 2012 8:02 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
however i have noticed that when one chooses NOT to discuss religion or politics in any social setting and instead bring up other topics, they are often labelled (fairly or unfairly) a flake and an airhead.

has ANYONE here been watching the new episodes of Ab Fab?
SOOO good.


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:02 PM
January 19, 2012 8:03 PM - rf
Donatella, Nightline is on Channel 7 at 11:30. I am sure the interview will be available online at
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:03 PM
January 19, 2012 8:05 PM - Donatella
That's good Scott. I had this epiphany when I lived in Japan. Watching TV news was language lesson time. I couldn't get much from it. Plus NHK was like the old BBC. Actually less stations and they were on a news loop. I did not get any news from TV or radio. It was pre-Internet. I used to get the Economist magazine and read the whole thing. I realized that because we are living in a media bath here, we think we are informed but we aren't really. It is important to read.
January 19, 2012 8:07 PM - rf
The only TV news I watch is the Newshour on PBS. The rest is really bullshit.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:07 PM
January 19, 2012 8:09 PM - Donatella
Tks, rf. The man I used to see was obsessed with politics. It really got to be too much. I would plead with him. Please Hillary is giving you the weekend off.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:09 PM
January 19, 2012 8:09 PM - Legion
"If you did that to my van (not that I think you would!), and I knew it was you, I would call the police."

haha rf,
Ok, so I'll just use Elhmer's glue instead of the crazy glue. How about that?

Edited at January 19, 2012 8:09 PM
January 19, 2012 8:11 PM - BoerumHillScott
I've had some sort of online access since my senior year of high school, so all of my adult life I have only really only done online news.
I think my first year out of college we subscribed to the local paper for 6 months, but then they went online too (via a BBS)
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:11 PM
January 19, 2012 8:13 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
some people in business get people to do what they want by being overwhelmingly nice (me) and some do so by intimidation (her).

heh. youve just basically described the difference between male and female supervisors. sorry, but it's pretty spot on the differences. not saying me *really im not* but so many many many many many people really just wish their female supervisors and coworkers would leave their bitchface at home. men seem not to to make things when working with others "personal". women, not so much. sorry if that is a stereotype, but it's very true for the most part from what i read about and hear.

i gotten along with everyone ive ever worked with. i've never experienced actual work drama (like hardcore work related drama-rama). but ive heard horror stories of other people. it's what makes me so hesitant to be one of those career hoppers. of course that means im doing that saying, how does it go? cutting your nose off to spite your face kinda thing? im aware of having a very big avoidant-personality type personality, and that's okay. i'll never be rolling in the dough, but it also means i never have to deal with some bitchy ho.


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:13 PM
January 19, 2012 8:13 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Oh rob, don't be an airhead. : P
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:13 PM
January 19, 2012 8:15 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
The only TV news I watch is the Newshour on PBS. The rest is really bullshit.

i watch the pix morning news when i get ready to go to work in the morning. sorry, but i adore the cast of pix morning news <3 tho, whatever happened to linda church the weather caster? :(


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:15 PM
January 19, 2012 8:15 PM - Legion
After considering it further,
I still say a bag of dog doody is a fair trade for somebody punching you in the gut.

...the bag of dog poo poo in front of a harmless neighbor's home is going too far though, I admit.
Just do the fake poo poo in that case instead.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:15 PM
January 19, 2012 8:21 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
don't be an airhead. : P

it's almost impossible. when i do get all serious about anything people get all chary. also when i get serious about anything or have any kind of serious conversation my i start mincing words and, not exactly stutter, but something very close to it. ill be halfway thru what im trying to conversate (shut up i KNOW it's not a REAL world) and i envision the person imagining patting me on the head with a "that's nice dear"... blech, it's just how i view the world. maybe im autistic lol

OH btw, was in the living room earlier and roommate was watching something and they are going to downgrade autistic diagnoses!!!!!! YES, FINALLY! it has spun out of control how many kids are diagnosed with autism these days, it's ABSURD! ill have to look this up and read more into it... yes there are people with LEGIT autism, but a vast majority these days? um, sorry, NO. it's a designer affliction and i cant tell you how many UPPER MIDDLE CLASS people get tax breaks by having shady doctors diagnose the disease and how many other people on the lower economic scale get mad SSDI SSI monies for it. it's really not fair to the children when you think about it.


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:20 PM
January 19, 2012 8:22 PM - Legion
A news hour on PBS?
[placing my head in the oven]
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:22 PM
January 19, 2012 8:23 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
legion, i wasnt punched in the gut, i was punched in the arm. if anyone ever punched me in the gut my first instinct would be to shove my finger down my throat and just barf on them.


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:23 PM
January 19, 2012 8:24 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
(i think i learned about that move from Garbage Pail Kids: The Movie)


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:24 PM
January 19, 2012 8:25 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
oh actualy food question... im making baked ziti tonight and was at the supermarket picking out a sauce and stumbled upon something called italian baking sauce? (it's a red sauce) that on the jar says made for baked pastas... what is the difference? i purchased it.. just to see how different it than using other kinds of sauces. ive never heard of baking sauce before. this wasn't a moonface brand, it was barilla and on sale 2 jars for 5 bux.


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:25 PM
January 19, 2012 8:26 PM - rf
Rob, didn't he punch you in the arm AFTER you threw the bag of dogshit at him?
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:26 PM
January 19, 2012 8:31 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
yes. i didnt throw a bag of dog shit AT him. it was poop tightly wrapped in a bag with another bag. and i lopped my arm over from a direction he never would have seen coming and hit him over the head in a homey dont play dat kinda move. if someone did that to me i would have laughed not go in bezerker mode and have a violent hissyfit in a public park.



Edited at January 19, 2012 8:31 PM
January 19, 2012 8:31 PM - Legion
"garbage pail kids: the movie"
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:31 PM
January 19, 2012 8:34 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
but whatever, once we got home it was totally forgotten about and i fucked the hell out of him. i wish i had had a sock waiting with a potato, or a bunch of nickels and dimes, in it by the bed :-/


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:34 PM
January 19, 2012 8:36 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
"garbage pail kids: the movie"

honestly, that thinking about that movie now totally reminds me of the OT :-/

here's the trailer (park)
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:36 PM
January 19, 2012 8:38 PM - Legion
Never heard of baking sauce but Barilla is usually a good sauce.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:38 PM
January 19, 2012 8:39 PM - BoerumHillScott
I remember garbage pail kids collecting cards.
Pure genius, or so it seemed at the time.
January 19, 2012 8:41 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Rob, You sound psycho with the sex and sock full of coins thing.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:41 PM
January 19, 2012 8:44 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
I had Mac and Cheese and some cold leftover swedish meatballs for dinner. Yum. Why do I feel guilty? Oh, I didn't have any veggies. Oh, and right, I ate those other snacks while I was waiting for the organic free-range Mac & Cheese to bake.

I can see this is going to be a fattening weekend with BH away. : P
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:44 PM
January 19, 2012 8:44 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
i collected every series up until (maybe 9 or 10?) then i got into video games and didnt want to waste my cards on stupid cards. i had every series in full up until 9 or 10 and then my grandmother gave them away to some dirtbags living in the projects. the same projects we moved to like a month later. i was livid, but it was a good way to leverage getting more video games at the time.

i <3 my grandparents but the one thing i think they did wrong raising me was never saying no to stuff. i think the first time i ever heard the word no was in college.


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:44 PM
January 19, 2012 8:45 PM - Legion
that movie looks hilarious,
like the Critters movies:
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:45 PM
January 19, 2012 8:48 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
i think critters (i could be wrong on this) was also renamed ghoulies for the sequels. is this the movie where one came up from a toilet while some woman was sitting on it?


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:48 PM
January 19, 2012 8:49 PM - Legion
cobble just reminded me,
I have an OT food recommendation!

For lunch today, I went to the Mill Basin Delicatessen.
It's considered one of the best Deli's in the city.

I ordered the pastrami knish and wow was that thing really good!
with mustard and a diet Dr. Stewart's Black Cherry soda.

Highly recommended for a total of $7.03.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:49 PM
January 19, 2012 8:51 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
organic free-range Mac & Cheese to bake.

explain to me, what organic and what free-range means to you. of course we are on the internet so you can easily google it. you ever wanna stop a poser in their tracks, stat? ask them this question in person if they ever bring it up and watch them stammer.

people who live their lives based on popular buzz-words automatically get the shoebox.


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:51 PM
January 19, 2012 8:51 PM - rf
We used to live around the corner from a video store and went through their children's movies. When we got to the Garbage Pail Kids, the guy said, don't rent it! It is really, really awful! And so it was.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:51 PM
January 19, 2012 8:52 PM - rf
My daughter would watch almost anything (Sailor Moon in Japanese?) but we turned off the Garbage Pail Kids pretty quickly.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:52 PM
January 19, 2012 8:52 PM - Legion
yes, the critter comes out of the toilet.
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:52 PM
January 19, 2012 8:54 PM - petebklyn
ever go to Jerry and something on avenue U?
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:54 PM
January 19, 2012 8:55 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
I ordered the pastrami knish and wow was that thing really good!
with mustard and a diet Dr. Stewart's Black Cherry soda.

Highly recommended for a total of $7.03.

chile you are SO uncouth!!!!! that should be free-range and organic!!!! dont you know!? and that 7.03 you paid? uh, are you ghetto? you must be ghetto. that should be 35.11 (plus tip!). i dont know they WHY they let people across the bridges and tunnels out here into brooklyn who eat so primatively like that! they must be from long island or jersey or staten island or QUEENS (the HORROR). dont mind me y'all, i'm just detoxing having spent the last 28 yers of my life having grown up on Sunny D and fruit roll-ups back in bohio while my mother sat in the sunroom popping my prescription ritalin pills. but im a REAL NEW YORK NOW and i can judge YOU! that's just how it works. BBFE!


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:55 PM
January 19, 2012 8:56 PM - Arkady
Baking sauce probably has more oil & is slightly thicker.
I loved Heath Kits when I was a kid: radio, short wave, really neat things. Kits today are too pre-assembled. W/ Heath you had to build the components - wrap wire, etc. & there weren't many places you could buy the bits on your own except maybe Gilbert Hall of Science.

Edited at January 19, 2012 8:56 PM
January 19, 2012 8:57 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Oh for cripesake!!! I was using the terms organic and free-range in jest, rob. It's just fancy over-priced Mac & Cheese from the Flatbush Food Coop, so I added on a few more descriptive words to make it more amusing for myself.

Well, actually, it might have said organic on the box, but correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think Macaroni or Cheese can be free range!!!! ROFL!!
Edited at January 19, 2012 8:57 PM
January 19, 2012 8:58 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
My daughter would watch almost anything (Sailor Moon in Japanese?) but we turned off the Garbage Pail Kids pretty quickly.

i cant blame your daughter as i cant imagine anyone that age watching that unless they were SO far into 80s kitsch it's not even funny. actually i rented the movie as an adult and only got 1/4 of the way thru cuz it was pretty boring. sailor moon is that anime, right? lots of the video game boards i lurk on have fans of that.... not a fan of anime myself at all, but i think they are more intellectual than shit like garbage pail kids the movie hahahah


Edited at January 19, 2012 8:58 PM
January 19, 2012 9:00 PM - Arkady
And Tarpon Springs is terrific.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:00 PM
January 19, 2012 9:01 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
Well, actually, it might have said organic on the box, but correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think Macaroni or Cheese can be free range!!!!

it is when it accidentally falls on the floor and you stick it in your bag. oh snaaaap


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:01 PM
January 19, 2012 9:02 PM - petebklyn
I bought some sponges in tarpon today.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:02 PM
January 19, 2012 9:04 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
It's just fancy over-priced Mac & Cheese from the Flatbush Food Coop

the next time you mention ANYTHING about your own finances im gonna pop ya over the head with a bag of duke's poop. :-/


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:04 PM
January 19, 2012 9:04 PM - Legion
Jerry on Ave U pete?
I've been to Fiorentino's restaurant and Joe's of Ave U though.

I'm seriously craving one of those Pastrami knish's now *rob*.
It wasn't free range,
but it was Kosher.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:04 PM
January 19, 2012 9:06 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
I bought some sponges in tarpon today.

I hope they were Today's (brand)


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:06 PM
January 19, 2012 9:06 PM - petebklyn
around e27th street......jewish deli....not italian.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:06 PM
January 19, 2012 9:07 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
It wasn't free range,
but it was Kosher.

LMFAO ass. no matter, im sure the rent's still the same.


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:07 PM
January 19, 2012 9:08 PM - petebklyn
fresh from the sea - all organic natural brand name...but they have different varieties and shapes. textures.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:08 PM
January 19, 2012 9:10 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
and lol @ kosher... people are so anal about their food. makes sense moonfaces would steal and appropriate food issues. (a blank brain is a sponge) omg we cant have KOSHER FOOD TOO!?!?!? NO FAIR MOMMY!!!!! okay let's make a bunch of other words to dress the shit we put in our mouths with! YAY, MOLLY!


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:10 PM
January 19, 2012 9:12 PM - petebklyn
molly is 1 of my nieces name. her sister is maggie
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:12 PM
January 19, 2012 9:12 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
fresh from the sea - all organic natural brand name...but they have different varieties and shapes. textures.

translation: High Maintenance Vagina


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:12 PM
January 19, 2012 9:13 PM - BoerumHillScott
I can't follow the conversations here tonight.
Not sure if I've had too much gin or not enough.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:13 PM
January 19, 2012 9:13 PM - Arkady
I think we hear more about your finances, rob, than we do about anyone else's on the OT!!
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:13 PM
January 19, 2012 9:14 PM - petebklyn
if too much, you'd have passed out by now. or at least wouldn't be able to spell.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:14 PM
January 19, 2012 9:15 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
molly is 1 of my nieces name. her sister is maggie

how ironic of your brother / sister / or inlaws!


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:15 PM
January 19, 2012 9:15 PM - Arkady
Real sponges, rob, not cellulose. They are marvelous.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:15 PM
January 19, 2012 9:17 PM - petebklyn
what is the irony? their brother is called Lee.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:17 PM
January 19, 2012 9:17 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
Arkady, what finances? i am the most fiscally simplistic of people ever. sorry, maybe i harp on shit, but someone's gotta hear how the other half lives! im chary of people who are NEVER broke, yet NEVER rich. that's all kinds of fucked up. (think about it)


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:17 PM
January 19, 2012 9:17 PM - BoerumHillScott
But I can't spell sober.
If I am spelling correctly, perhaps I have had too much.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:17 PM
January 19, 2012 9:21 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
also i wont talk about my finances anymore. my finances actually humanizes me tho. there is something about the way i work it, that makes it worth it.

so like who y'all voting for president this year? anyone care to flat out and say? i know it's gauche to ask.

im not voting. there is no point. everyone can kerfluffle all they want about if you dont vote you have no say in the matter, but really, so im gonna vote for obama (boooo, wanted to like you but sorry you suck ass) and the nutbags who are the repub side?! this is as far as i will get on politics talk.

there's no one for me to vote for, so really, i DO ask, what IS the point? i'd love a good answer.


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:21 PM
January 19, 2012 9:21 PM - Arkady
You are constantly going on about having to sell your MetroCards, having to eke out a weekend on $2., etc. So for you to say, "the next time you mention ANYTHING about your own finances im gonna pop ya over the head with a bag of duke's poop. :-/" is a little hypocritical.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:21 PM
January 19, 2012 9:23 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Drink more, BHS. ; )

rob, Frankly, I'm not sure it was over-priced, since I've never actually purchased frozen Mac & Cheese before, so I really have no frame of reference. It was an impulse buy! But my general working assumption is that the Flatbush Food Coop prices are equal to Union Market which I KNOW is absurdly expensive, and possibly more ridiculous than Whole Foods. That said, the Flatbush Food Coop has what seem to be pretty good "sales", for instance (is lech here? he loves this....) ORGANIC Maple Syrup 32oz. on sale for $19.99, which seems like it's at least 2-3 dollars less than other places.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:23 PM
January 19, 2012 9:24 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
i will tho say who i WANT to win. i want obama to win. but a vote for him would be totally fruitless. I want to see him have another term where he can make things perhaps better. wanting and reality are two different things tho. LOL the most i've cared about seeing of the president and his wife has been on iCarly when michelle was on a recent episode. and she kinda fucked it up and was awful. she's not even OLD old, but she she seemed it.


January 19, 2012 9:27 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
also here is another thing... iCarly has been on the air for a number of years and most of the fans are now of voting age. things that make you go hmmmmmm.... propaganda and pandering to 18 year olds who grew up watching the show, now see Michele Obama on the show? who do you think they are going to vote for? im not a fan of iCarly, im old school and was more into Hannah Montana and Lizzie McGuire, but i do not recall Laura Bush EVER hitting up the Disney channel to star on the show to get us to vote when we were of voting age.


January 19, 2012 9:28 PM - Arkady
I thought co-op prices are supposed to be cheaper than almost anywhere. You should get lech to pick up syrup for you when he's up there.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:28 PM
January 19, 2012 9:29 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
"But I can't spell sober."

You spelled it just fine there. : P
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:29 PM
January 19, 2012 9:31 PM - BoerumHillScott
I am almost certainly going to vote for Obama.
I would have considered Huntsman, but he never really had a chance.

I do have a feeling that if Romney gets elected, he will quickly move more more to the center, similar to how Bush I (and Clinton) did. If I knew that for sure I might vote for him, but instead I will vote based on what the candidates official position statements are.

Of course, as NY residents our individual votes really don't count since NY is certain to go for Obama.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:31 PM
January 19, 2012 9:31 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
You are constantly going on about having to sell your MetroCards, having to eke out a weekend on $2., etc. So for you to say, "the next time you mention ANYTHING about your own finances im gonna pop ya over the head with a bag of duke's poop. :-/" is a little hypocritical.

um, no. i dont see it that way. there's nothing hypocritical about it. i like flinging poop at cobble. that's what happens in a cyber cage


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:31 PM
January 19, 2012 9:32 PM - BoerumHillScott
I've always been clumsy, and in college my friends claimed they could tell I was drunk when I stopped spilling my drinks on myself.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:32 PM
January 19, 2012 9:35 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
"I thought co-op prices are supposed to be cheaper than almost anywhere."

Well, to be fair, some items are reasonable. But all those health foody brands are pricier than regular supermarket items. OTOH, they do have some good sales.

If I/we actually joined the FFC, I think you get a 3% discount. But you have to pay $210 to join, which negates any discount to my mind, since I don't know how long we are going to live here.
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:35 PM
January 19, 2012 9:39 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
I'm not sure it was over-priced, since I've never actually purchased frozen Mac & Cheese before, so I really have no frame of reference.

here ya go.

store brand mac and cheese which USED to be 4 boxes for a dollar is no 2 for a dollar

store brand sells wet cheese packs but it's like 1.49 - 1.99 a pack when on sale, usually 2.49. sometimes you can get on sale.

then you jump over to this hippy brand that has rabbits and bunnies decorated on the box. SAME SHIT, read the ingredients. it's 1-150 a box. same amount

then you get the moonfacey brands (which doesnt happen at Associated, thank fucking GOD) cuz you hit 3-4 dollars a box FOR THE SAME SHIT. if you are THAT ghetto where you are buying mac and cheese in a box, ugh. dont get me started right now. you are just making the price of store brand mac and cheese sky rocket cuz the managers see more moonfaces walk in the stores.

then you can go to whole foods and buy a box of mac and cheese, same weight, but it's like 4 dollars :-/ oh yeah, you saved a whole bunch of starving 3rd world children with that purchase. NOT! you just made some rich guy get richer off of selling shit to the clueless.

YES there are some things that are better when they are higher quality, but stop it,, be smart, when it comes to certain things...


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:39 PM
January 19, 2012 9:46 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
If I/we actually joined the FFC, I think you get a 3% discount. But you have to pay $210 to join, which negates any discount to my mind, since I don't know how long we are going to live here.

exactly, grasshopper. think about how many 210 dollar checks those people get? think about who is going to use that money to send their kids to private school? think about who is REALLY raising the rent... screw that shit. at least park slope keeps it real.


Edited at January 19, 2012 9:46 PM
January 19, 2012 9:47 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Oh, and meat at the FFC is just off the charts expensive. Granted, it's free-range, hormone-free, antibiotic free, grass-fed, whatever, but $25/lb for stew meat is just insane. Even Staubitz doesn't charge that!
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:48 PM
January 19, 2012 9:50 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
I'll vote for Obama. Stop! I know you're shocked, but it's true! ; )
Edited at January 19, 2012 9:50 PM
January 19, 2012 9:54 PM - Legion
Who am I voting for?

Edited at January 19, 2012 9:54 PM
January 19, 2012 10:00 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
but $25/lb

damn! im willing to chop off a limb just to cash in! okay heading back into the cold to walk my dog.


Edited at January 19, 2012 10:00 PM
January 19, 2012 10:24 PM - bfar
Anybody know wtf was up with pine nuts? We had noticed that they seemed more and more expensive every time we went to fairway, but then there was some point where we found an old bag and a new bag, the earlier of which was like $8/lb and the latter something like $40. Crazy!!* I wondered if there had been some sort of catastrophic pine-nut calamity or something.

*Or, I suppose, 'nuts'.

January 19, 2012 10:25 PM - bfar
sigh. I've been out of gin for months. I miss my evening martinis something fierce.

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:25 PM
January 19, 2012 10:27 PM - bfar
Apparently, I should google pine nut prices before I ask. Also, /blog?!?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:27 PM
January 19, 2012 10:29 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
I wondered if there had been some sort of catastrophic pine-nut calamity or something.

moonfaces finally "discovered" pine-nuts? i dont know, but the price of so much shit has sky-rocketed it's pointless to worry about it at this point. Raven Moment: i see myself swinging a bag of dog shit over someone's head and demanding a sip of their coffee in the very, VERY near future. the NYC market is still good, i think it's best to keep moonfaces out as much as possible and make their lives as difficult as possible. (the non-productive ones im talking about, the ones who take up space and raise the rents, not the really productive smart ones..)

there is a huge difference between starting starting up a tech start up and hiring people and paying and renting a 5000 dollar a month loft and hiring interns for free to sit around all day and naval gaze.

the latter need to be kicked out STAT.

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:29 PM
January 19, 2012 10:32 PM - petebklyn
sahadi's has pine nuts from china -- much cheaper than the one's they have from italy
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:32 PM
January 19, 2012 10:32 PM - rf
Uh, Bfar, that's from 2010...
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:32 PM
January 19, 2012 10:36 PM - bfar
To be honest, that may also be when my pine-nut-price shock was going on as well. I know it involved being at fairway, and I don't think I've been there with any regularity for a good year and a half or so.

Edited at January 19, 2012 10:36 PM
January 19, 2012 10:39 PM - bfar
Raven moment? As in edgar allen poe or Snowcrash?
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:39 PM
January 19, 2012 10:44 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
Raven moment? As in edgar allen poe or Snowcrash?

um no. as in my favorite show from when i was in my 20's?!


Edited at January 19, 2012 10:44 PM
January 19, 2012 10:49 PM - rf
Ugh, googling adenosarcoma, brother going for PET scan tomorrow.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:49 PM
January 19, 2012 10:53 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
I paid $7.99 @ Fresh Direct for 4 oz (1/2 pint container) of Turkish Pine Nuts last April. I keep them in the fridge and use sparingly, so I still have some.

So that would be just about $32.00/lb.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:53 PM
January 19, 2012 10:56 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
I wouldn't read that stuff, rf. It never makes me feel calmer, just more anxious.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:56 PM
January 19, 2012 10:58 PM - rf
It's very hard. They won't tell him much, probably because they won't know for sure until they look, but it doesn't look good. It is making him crazy not to know and by extension it's making me crazy too. He's my baby brother, 56 years old.
Edited at January 19, 2012 10:58 PM
January 19, 2012 11:05 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
I can only imagine the fears going through your head/heart. It's got to be incredibly scary for you, him and his wife/kids. I really don't know what to say except that there are amazing treatments for these things nowadays — so much better than even just 10-15 years ago. Which hospital is checking him out?
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:05 PM
January 19, 2012 11:06 PM - Donatella
The cheapest place for nuts that I found is Rossman's Farms. third ave and 22nd St. In fact everything is cheap. I bought red delicious apples (small ones) for 69 cents a lb last week.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:06 PM
January 19, 2012 11:08 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
I paid $7.99 @ Fresh Direct for 4 oz (1/2 pint container) of Turkish Pine Nuts last April. I keep them in the fridge and use sparingly, so I still have some.

so youre basically a moonface squirrel... okay there!


Edited at January 19, 2012 11:08 PM
January 19, 2012 11:08 PM - Donatella
Scary rf. I hope that he is getting good care here.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:08 PM
January 19, 2012 11:10 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
tell him that it's prettier on the other side? i can't offer much in the way of sympathy for the dying other than that im very sorry. i never look death in the face, i avoid it all costs and look the other way and avoid it all costs. it's contagious.


January 19, 2012 11:10 PM - rf
He's being treated at Mt. Sinai. That's where he had the liver transplant. He is thin, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, in very good shape physically. He even went to a meeting tonight. I have a lot of confidence in the liver people and I am sure the lung people (so far) and the oncologists (afterward) are good. Actually I read something tonight that was helpful and made me a little less crazy.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:10 PM
January 19, 2012 11:12 PM - rf
Donatella check your email pls.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:12 PM
January 19, 2012 11:15 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
doesn't drink, doesn't smoke

those things dont make someone a bad person. and it's not always relevant when it comes to health. it's more political really. okay, im sounding like a prick, but im hugging you now, RF *HUG* but honestly, cancer gets everyone in the end. that is just how organisms die naturally.
and everyone has a certain age where they are meant to go.


Edited at January 19, 2012 11:15 PM
January 19, 2012 11:17 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Ah, ok, very good hospital. Would be on my 'short list', for sure. Being in generally good health will only serve to help him deal with whatever they come to determine needs to be done, if anything.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:17 PM
January 19, 2012 11:17 PM - rf
Rob, smoking makes a very big difference if you have lung cancer! I know you mean well but please stfu. THank you.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:17 PM
January 19, 2012 11:18 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
when you say something like
"doesn't drink, doesn't smoke" makes it sound you think people who DO those things SHOULD die earlier. that is ridiculous. has nothing to do with "god" but people do pass on when they have to pass on much like a blizzard happens, or it rains, or the sun shines, or it hails.

politicizing death isnt cool.


Edited at January 19, 2012 11:18 PM
January 19, 2012 11:21 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
i know, i just hate how people moralize death. you said he didnt smoke or drink. but you didnt mention if he ate at mcdonalds everyday. why are some things left out of politization of morals and something things not. *hugs*

i just get pissy when people make moral judgements on peoples lifestyle choices. fyi, you drive a car. people who drive cars take risks with their lives. same thing with smoking. in fact more people get into car crashes every year than die from smoking.


January 19, 2012 11:22 PM - Cobble B. Hiller
Wishing you and your family the best with this, rf. I know it's not easy, but glad you can be there to support them and vice versa.

rob, You really need to learn when to STFU.

Ok, I have to pack it in here. Nitey nite.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:22 PM
January 19, 2012 11:28 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
rob, You really need to learn when to STFU.

:-/ so teach me or something. i am sympathetic and i love RF. sorry if i brought up tangential subjects. i dont see people holding back when they call me out on my own idiosyncracies? jeez.

anyway, i should go to sleep too, but i have hours of stuff to do right now. grrrrrrrr.

RF, *hugs* and im SURE you know anything i say is meant with love (and i doubt you care anyway), but good luck, positive energy is coming from me right now to you ~~`~~`~~~~~*



Edited at January 19, 2012 11:28 PM
January 19, 2012 11:33 PM - Arkady
Good luck to him, rf.
January 19, 2012 11:51 PM - Donatella
The Marianne Gingrich interview was not a bombshell. It was a miserable marriage. BFD. He is a miserable guy. No surprises there. He blasted King fromCNN at the debate for bringing it up. He got a standing ovation from the crowd. All right then.
Edited at January 19, 2012 11:51 PM
January 19, 2012 11:55 PM - gay smurf hoodlum
It was a miserable marriage

that's called political careers and trying to make it work. it aint happening. i'd be shocked, SHOCKED, if the Obamas have sex more than once a month. (and actually enjoy it). looks like a miserable life to me.


Edited at January 19, 2012 11:55 PM
January 20, 2012 12:31 AM - MontroseMorris
Rf, late to the dance, but I wish your brother all the best, and you and the rest of the family as well. Be strong and know you have the good wishes of your friends.
Edited at January 20, 2012 12:31 AM
January 20, 2012 7:05 AM - rf
Thanks, MM. He just left for the PET scan. I appreciate the good wishes of my friends!
Edited at January 20, 2012 7:05 AM