Any gathering of 2 or more people can find a way to create a crisis, and in my current little region of the corporate landscape, there are several factors that lead to the "crisis of the week" syndrome.
None of these are actual crises that impact the corporation in any meaningful way, but they do the have the potential to impact my job and the jobs of others.
We do occasionally get "real" crises which are usually driven by technology issues and have the ability to disrupt business activities or create regulatory/contract violations.
Was there any obvious reason why yesterday's OT would have been blocked by corporate firewalls -- I think the listed reason was adult content, but I don't know for sure?
So Obama is going to have a jobs program after Labor Day!!!!!!!
What a jackass for announcing it this way. He's getting a lot of kickback in his town visits. Got to be one of the worst advised political announcements in the history of the Presidency.
First he has to go on vacation in Nantucket. Talk about an elitist
Some firewalls/content blocking systems dynamically scan each page and try to make a decision if it is "bad" or not.
Too much dirty language or specific phrases, and the page will get flagged "adult"
Due to the fact some some individual pages here are getting blocked the day they are created, I am guessing you are behind one of those.
In comparison, the majority of firewalls/content blocking systems have static lists of known "bad" sites, usually put into a bunch of different categories.
A small number of environments layer on top of their firewall systems additional prohibitions on technologies such as flash or javascript.
Good morning, all. DIBS: I thought the president is vacationing in Martha's Vineyard....meh, Nantucket...Martha's Vineyard...I guess the percentage of "elitists" is the same, though the Vineyard has two exclusive old-money Afro-Saxon communities, whereas Nantucket's summer colony is paler than a stale piece of Wonder bread.
Maybe when Rick Perry prays for rain in Texas it rains more in New York. He should try coming to New York to pray for rain and see if it rains back in Texas.
I've been having fun the last 2 days. My first husband and his wife came to visit- they're so much fun. they live in Arkansas. We reconnected on Facebook.
Snappy: During the last drought in Texas(they have another one going on now), Governor Perry publicly prayed for God to make it rain. Within a week after that prayer, the drought had engulfed three times more of Texas.
Good morning, PLUSAs! I'm glad I took the munchkin to the beach yesterday, since it's raining again today. Now to get over the massive areas of sunburn all over. I should not have gone at 11 am.
Good morning, Wendybear. I like going to the beach in the rain. No crowds. Besides, I am so white that I can get a sunburn by sitting within three feet of a lit candle.
I use it mostly for business and only a few personal connections ,as you know ;)
But reconnecting with my first ex was great and I love his wife. turns out we have the same birthdate and we're both left-handed so we are now calling each other sister-wife. They both met MM and love her. He was a rocket scientist (really!).
The other night I had dinner with some friends I haven't seen in ages. They photograph EVERYTHING and post it on Facebook as it happens. Each time the waiter brought a course, they turned on the flashlight app on their iPhones to properly light the dish, photograph it and then post it BEFORE they ate. I really don't know what the world is coming to...
That's nice, Wendy. It is nice to hear that people still go to Coney Island even though Mr. B. claims no one goes there because the hipsters don't like it. According to him, urban blight and desolation come about when hipsters declare a neighborhood "over."
"A special unit is investigating the fires as political crimes after the police received letters claiming responsibility that derided globalization, gentrification and rising rents, he said."
I don't deny anyone else their pleasure, but I don't see the need to join. I use my alumni database to connect with anyone from the past. FB just seems like a candy-coated domestic spying program and profound time waster. I have enough time wasters in my life as it is(waves to the OT).
No, they were not Fillipinos. Just a gaggle of under-employed WASPy trust-fund babies who have decided that reaching the age of 30 gives them the right to lose their minds and assume everyone finds everything the do utterly fascinating. They are the sort of people who use the word "epic" as an adjective far too often. i.e.:"These organic micro-greens we bought in the Berkshires are epic!"
The Verizon strikers were all over Brooklyn Heights this morning, blowing whistles and annoying everyone. Based on what the men looked like, at first I thought it was a march for "Male Breast Cancer Awareness Day." Seriously, guys, don't wear tight poly-blend polo shirts if you have man boobs. Or, if you must wear them, invest in some Spanx undershirts.
i have to deal (and usually handle) a new crises pretty much everyday too. this week (well for the last 3 weeks it's the server room's AC) . before the server room ac crisis we had FOUR shipments of water bottles from poland spring ALL with leaky caps!!
I just tested clearing my cache, and that did not cause a log-out.
The only thing that I have been able to do to force a logout is deleting the site session cookie.
Can you try on a different browser and see if the problem is still there?
Is this on a corporate system?
the only thing i dont like about facebook is that people seem to only brag about the good things in their life. i wanna hear the bad shit. people filter their comments too much on there. i dont wanna hear about your new baby, i wanna hear about catching your husband with a prostitute!!! that kinda thing.
I have been on a conference call about Euribor-OIS swap levels for two hours. If the other people on the call are six hours ahead of New York, is it o.k. for me to start drinking?
you read about the german politico (head of one of their parties) who resigns after meeting 16 y.o. girl on FB.
Seems public more annoyed on what it viewed as too much time on FB -- not the sex with 16 y.o.
(the guy is 40)
I was promoted last week. I have a "real" job now. The best part of going from giving away the company's money to bringing it in is an office with a view AND a terrace. I suppose the terrace is part of our health plan...if things really tank, exit stage right and jump.
shocking! not. youre rich! rich people seem love tacky shit like that. im sorry but that carousel is a fugly eye sore and the whole thing is a metaphor for class warfare in this city.
Rob, I work on Wall Street. You have to be a billionaire to be considered "rich." In this environment, millionaires consider themselves "middle-class/small business/job creators." I like the carousel because the design is simple. I was worried that Rem Koolhaas would get the job and we would be cursed with one of his impractical LSD Lego designs that have points going in all directions and in winter shoot sheets of ice down to the street and kill pedestrians.
OK dibs, I manually went into the database and logged off all your sessions form your current computer.
This should let you start with a clean slate from a logging in perspective.
You would see a lot more negative posts on facebook if it easily let you be more selective about who your audience is.
Hopefully they will steal this idea from Google Plus soon.
dave, if you are using internet explorer, look at the top of the window. next to the refresh button should be an icon that looks like a torn piece of paper. it's 'compatibility view.' click that then try logging in and posting.
Anonymous: Breaking!!!
PHILLY FED CATASTROPHE: -30.7 On Expectations of +2.0
Hey where's Fucked in Bed Stuy!
Treasuries are rallying asshole!
I'm fine on IE.
GM, all.
Snappy - You had 8 inches of rain over the weekend - that should suffice. Let us have our sunshine back. It's hot & muggy so it may as well be sunny too.
Anonymous: The Beach worked fine, never any problems!
I know ya'll hate me but just listen one time. Drupal is horrible for forum content.
The Market is in a shit storm!
G'Morning losers....Wendy, super-whitey "cure" for sunburn. First, take aspirin. Second, tepid bath to cool your skin. Then
aloe gel. Then go out and buy 85 sun block "shroud in a bottle", then buy a cheapie beach umbrella. Then vow to use them and to limit your time 12-3. But you knew that. I am white. One of my sisters is pink with green freckles. You gotta be careful. And if Won Ton is around, I never went to a specialty capybara (also called carpincho in Argentina) shop in Buenos Aires, but they sell the bags and leather goods all over. It has this beautiful cognac color and they do Hermes knockoffs -- a la Kelly bags and birkins in that leather and it is amazing. Well, back to work at my new really hard job. Have a good day losers.....
Wendy, have you ever tried spray on stuff? It is good for kids too who are constantly in and out of the water. The water also is reflective so it makes it worse..... I hope you feel better. And just wanted to say.....I love Coney Island (and Brighton Beach). I am so relieved to hear that it has not gotten the hipster/Jon B stamp of approval. So happy. I am really back to my job now......Have a good day all...
You are right Wonton. They do die the leather other colors but the most popular is that cognac color. Yeah, I love those dots too.... Now I am really really gone. Bye good day!!!
According to respondents to the August Business Outlook Survey, the region’s manufacturing sector is much weaker this month. The survey’s indicators suggest a decline in demand for manufactured goods, and shipments and employment were also in decline. Price measures suggest continued moderation in price pressures, and more firms reported price declines for their manufactured goods this month. The broadest indicators for growth over the next six months, including employment, fell back notably this month but remain slightly favorable to expansion.
Anonymous: My retirement funds are fine. They are all still paying the same dividends and I won't have to spend any capital to live quite nicely, thank you.
My retirement funds was fine. They are all still paying the same dividends for this quarter and I won't have any capital to spend and I will die quite nicely, thank you.
Anonymous: "you haven't got a clue, what, do you???"
Thanks Dave, you response is piss poor and without any merit.
The whole world is collapsing right in your face, right here right now.
Good luck walking thru Bed Stuy with your "Wealth"!!!
You better panic now Asshole before it's too late!
You're fucked Asshole and I'm happy as hell!
I've waited to this shit to happen and the day of reckoning is here and there's nothing you can do about.
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
Anonymous: "Off his meds again."
No Bxgrl the Mutant Asset Bubble is over done and fininshed!
I vary happy and I'm enjoying the crash..
How are you doing today, fine I hope!
This was down the street where I was staying. Across from beach(no beachfront property in town). Town is 1/4th mile long and 2 miles wide. Mostly marshes.
Anonymous: "Options expire this week, so if I see a rebound coming, I am going long the Aug calls."
I don't know DCB, I think Bernanke is not going Full Retard! The DXY is at 73.00 I think and if the announce QE 3
at Jackson Hole the whole think implodes right there! You can see 1.50% on the Ten Year and 3000.00 Oz gold price!
I think you should go flat and wait, you can get blown to bits with your profolio .
GM all.
so I'm through with my ugh-lee morning meetings and am now contemplating lunch and a (relatively) carefree afternoon.
Is it true that it's supposed to rain for the next four days?
Minard - It depends on which station you listen to or which link you use for weather. Last night's rain wasn't supposed to happen according to CBS but it looks as if it did. A couple of sites say it'll clear starting Sat. afternoon. But who knows?
Firefighter Running for L.A. Council Is Among Nation’s Top-Paid
Aug. 18 (Bloomberg) -- The Los Angeles labor leader who represents the highest-paid firefighters in the U.S. is running for the City Council on a pledge to preserve public-safety spending even as the city faces $911 million in deficits during the next four years.
Pat McOsker, 51, president of the United Firefighters of Los Angeles City since 2003, set the fastest pace for campaign contributions among 18 candidates and is endorsed by four of the biggest public-worker unions for a special election to fill an open seat Nov. 8.
“It is vital that we protect public safety,” McOsker said in declaring his candidacy last month. “I will fight any cuts to police and fire protection and work to bring long-needed reforms to City Hall.”
Los Angeles firefighters made an average of $126,258 last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, more than twice the national mean. Fifty-three of the city’s 100 top-paid employees in 2010 were firefighters. Each collected more than the $195,869 earned by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. In an interview, McOsker said his pay was $145,000.
The mean wage for the nation’s 302,000 salaried firefighters was $47,730 in 2010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the Los Angeles metropolitan area, which includes other cities as well as county employees, the figure was $95,000. That compared with $57,360 in the Chicago area, $51,710 in Boston and $66,800 in metropolitan New York.
no, not amphibious, and the rain effs up my hair, but alas i love the sound and smell. plus, it pulls all the allergens out of the air so i don't walk around sneezing repeatedly. good for me and my fellow subway riders :-)
Anonymous: "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
funny lookin' cat...and sadly, the cat looks better than I do after getting caught in the rain! yes, rain effs up my hair, but it helps me breathe easier. it's a trade off i'm willing to make.
Thank you, Minard. I look forward to future discussions(over drinks at the St. Regis, for example) during which we can delve into topics such as Robert A.M. Stern's work or the City Beautiful Movement.
BHI, If you can't afford Monteros, the Old King Cole bar at the St.Regis is the next best thing.
I would love to have drinks with you there sometime, the only thing is, I don't think you are a real person.
Perfect, Minard. I prefer to elicit the lowest possible expectations in others before they get to know me. I don't think one can be any more successful at achieving that goal than having one's very existence denied. I am like global warming: you hear all this hype and just when you think about joining the Tea Party, like the warming waves of the Atlantic my genuine charm will wash over you.
There's a new hat store going in on 5th Av. in the Slope - called Old Hat. Very pretty gold-lettering in the window.
Montero's is fine if one is in the mood for glass blocks and that nostalgic "On the Waterfront" post-war feel. Alas, they don't have Old Raj gin or madeleines.
Oh, Minard. The complexities of a difficult childhood, near-death experiences and gay identity often lead to a heightened self-awareness and detachment from the standard high-WASP mindset. My goodness, Episcopalians ARE capable of irony, darling! Rarity isn't proof of impossibility...
BHI, don't get me wrong, I think your persona is a hoot, if a bit over-the-top.
I mean, two tours of Afghanistan and thousand dollar Belgian linens? Dunno 'bout that.
One day you have to fire your whole department and the next day you're madly in love? hmmm.
dibs, yep worst house on street. There are others in dis-repair in area but unlikely they'll be developed due to land issues.
Arkady, very moderate week for me. Saw sun rises because I was on sofa in living room which looked east at water and was blazing at 6:15. Tuesday was a burnt orange sun rise.
DH: Hermès would agree with you, however, Frette does indeed lower prices on collections that are being phased out. Of course, they would never let them be sold by some other retailer at an even steeper discount.
Anonymous: Excise me, I'm looking for Fucked In Bed Stuy.
Have you seen him?
I mean he was all chirpy a while ago but, now he's gone silent.
In fact everyone has gone silent and have nothing to say.
Does it mean *I Won* (sniffles)...
Does it mean the war is over?
Gentrification is collapsing wilh Housing Valuations?
No one wants to respond to the truth?
Anonymous: "Montero's is fine if one is in the mood for glass blocks and that nostalgic "On the Waterfront" post-war feel. Alas, they don't have Old Raj gin or madeleines."
That's how we keep the riff raff away.
And the Monteros are family to some of us, so tread carefully.
When the sun gets less strong, I'm going to Frette to look at sheets. I'm not taking my sunburn out of the apartment until it gets less painful out there.
true bhi - and i suppose lux sheets aren't as fickle as couture. some of our brands even stopped burning and did employee sales during the economic downturn, trying to at least cover cost.
Dear Anonymous,
I happen to like Montero's, so long as the hipsters don't take over Karaoke night and think they are being original by picking Duran Duran songs. It is a stalwart and nearly unique in NYC for its sheer unchangeableness. However, it doesn't help me live up to my "persona."
DH: You actually believe that? Have you been to Williamsburg recently? My wardrobe choices have led to much name calling by others(dandy, priss, faggot, doucheouise asshole), but never "hipster." I am not easily offended, but...ouch.
Have a pleasant lunch, all.
they did a killer job on the interior. byo for now. staff was really on top of things, tho almost over eager. one of the best things we had was the cheapest--pickled daikon with shaved horseradish and chile flakes for $4. not gonna fill anyone's belly, but delicious.
if you walked into marlow and sons and saw a 25 yr old wearing a seersucker suit and a pair of tortise shelled oliver peoples spectacles - what would you call them?
if you walked into marlow and sons and saw a 25 yr old wearing a seersucker suit and a pair of tortise shelled oliver peoples spectacles - what would you call them?
I have seen young guys in tight seersucker jackets over t-shirts with grandpa hats.
But there are also guys wearing the full regalia including wingtips and bowties.
WT, I know about five people who could be BHI in the sense that they are really good observers of the scene and have sophisticated senses of humor.
However the real specimens, whether gay or straight, take their heritage and lineage extremely seriously, are very proud of it although they would never boast, and really have very little sense of humor about it.
Dave, don't you have an aged widow or sickly orphan to evict? Or a small business to eviscerate?
Personally, with all the stuff the Prez has on his plate, I'd want him to take a bit of time off and relax. Overwhelmed and uptight people don't make great decisions. Besides, there are those things called phones, fax machines, and hand held communications devices that connect to the internet. It's not like he's in the Yukon hunting on an ice floe. Considering the amount of time some of his predecessors took off, the man's a workaholic. I love it when people rag on Obama for having a good time once in a while. Every president in living memory has done so, but when it's him, it's a big deal.
Randolph: Obama should not be taking vacations now. I mean even Biden is on the job in china for fucks sake. How in the world can Obama think taking vacation now could do anything but tarnish an already tarnished image? As much as it pains me I am really starting to agree with those who say he's just not cut out for the job. What a disappointment.
I can't think of a time since he's been in office, where it DIDN'T look bad when he took a vacation. The economy's been in the toilet since day one. There's always been a war, or some international catastrophe somewhere, it's always something. Some one always had something to say. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Not sure about Obama not being cut out for the job, although one can probably say that about over half the past Presidents. Otherwise, I agree with Randi.
sorry about the double, the computer sort of froze the first time.
I spoke with upperlowerwester, for a good long time at the bar. he is a very nice,
serious young man. I think he has his hands full with the new house, renovating, etc.
he's still on call tho regardless, and he has like 10 staffers / advisors on vacation with him as well. doesn't really sound THAT relaxing. and people NEED vacation time.
obama, like many managers our paid to take it on the chin. How many of us delayed vacations for fiascos? It gives his oponents ammo and his supporters pause, especially many don't have the benefit of taking vacations themselves.
dibs, you would've appreciated the movie I watched last night. korean movie called 'the man from nowhere'. tough, pretty male korean protagonist and conspicuous lack of hot asian female love interest. I felt robbed.
Obama is in a bit of a disadvantage in that, like Clinton, he really doesn't have a home outside of DC where he can go with the fam and say it is "the little white house".
Renting multi-million dollar houses on Martha's Vineyard just has a different sound than going back "home".
It's all appearances. He should not be seen with golf clubs or doing any of those normal fun summer things at a time of financial crisis verging on meltdown. That's politics. And Michelle should cut back a bit on the haute couture and on the glam vacations of her own. I actually think she is doing that and keeping a lower profile ala Laura Bush.
Anonymous: "You think you're smarter than everyone else here yet you can't grasp the ability to borrow at 4.5% and get higher returns on that money elsewhere."
Here let me help you retarded fuck.
If I'm not paying rent or a mortgage can I put the saving to work for me?
Let's say T pay 2500 a month in mortgage payments but I pay off the debt and START FUCKING BANKING THE PAYMENTS!!!!
From Wikipedia...Raunch Hour has officially started:
"A drydock (also commonly dry dock) is a narrow basin or vessel that can be flooded to allow a load to be floated in, then drained to allow that load to come to rest on a dry platform."
Just hooked up with Clear 4G. Connection here in North Slope is awesomely good. Unlike most user reviews I've read, I don't need to stick my modem in the window. Five bars of power with the modem on my desk.
Getting download speeds of 5.3 mb, uploads of 1mb. Waaaay zippier than my Verizon DSL connection.
Best part: it works with my Vonage phone.
Will give it another week of trial, but my first reaction is: Bye Bye Verizon!
Randolph: Biff - same over here re hotd on bstoner. I could post but both my accounts are still banned. So fucking lame, just cuz I said the hot seat broker was hot and then made fun of mr b for telling people to stay on comment.
just saw that HOTD thread, wow there's an awful amount of jealous and closed-minded people in that thread. i'd LOVE to see their little ikea overloaded shitholes they probably call home.
2008 was like a boat badly drydocked and about to keel over -- this is more like a boat in need of some work that is still out at sea with a tropical storm getting too close for comfort. In other words, the boat could very likely be in stormy weather and take some knocks, but will sail again soon enough.
boerumresident, you apparently haven't been following the recent (last week and a half) economic data. GDP estimates have been cut and some are predicting that the economy may have actually slipped into a recession in August.
Can I bring up Global Warming again,
since I see that a few people posted about it the past two days?
But only if people are interested in learning something about the actual science of the debate. I know that's a lot to ask but I'm putting it out there nonetheless.
Anonymous: That's exactly what the What was talking about,
would you really go back if he suddenly realized it was good to have 1000 posts per day?
As soon as Brownstoner puts the OT back, the fucktards will line up for his Jizz spray!
Knobbing on his nut sack and begging for their head to be smashed into the sheetrock!
I love it that though the What hates all of us, thinks this site is inferior to his own (nonexistent) site and continues to say goodbye, he monitors every single post here
Moved my floating fund into Wells Fargo fund, and rolled over my annuity. I told him, "All I want is for it to grow and be available when I want to buy a place, sometime in the next ten years."
Jester, I'm not banned, but I'm blocked from posting while I'm at The Death Star, which is pretty much the only place I'd post from as, contrary to popular belief, I have a life outside of work.
Yes he does. Hartford Floating Rate Fund into a Wells Fargo somethng or other, diversification rebalancing blah blahblah I know nothing. Known him for a long time so I'm comfy with it.
"I wouldn't stick one finger in that hideous house, but those two brokers? Definitely. A former soap opera "doctor" and the former personal assistant to a cosmetics executive? Table for three, please!"
Dave, the soap opera failure is cute, but I tend to avoid long term involvement with men who use that much hair spray. The "ethnic" one is gorge...I much prefer him actually. If I was single and he is a bottom, oh the possibilities.
I actually tried to come out of my involuntary Brownstoner retirement to post on the HOTD thread via Blackberry, but alas, looks like that's not an option for me anymore.
Ok, just got back from Laytner's. I got a queen fitted sheet, a votive holder, and a votive candle for $32. The service sucked bad, but the prices are worth it.
Scott said yesterday that they only wore out their bottom sheets.
dibs - This listing said it's Heavy Metal - I wouldn't've thought that was your style.
"Please, befriend a gay that you can take shopping with you."
It's not that, DIBS, it's my husband. I'd have more than one set of sheets, if it weren't for his practicality.
And I'd love to have a gay go shopping with me. I'm sure my boudoir would benefit greatly.
If anyone has a chance to refinance I think you should do it , My charts are pointing to a low by Monday with the market also bottoming on Monday. But those may be short term lows.. And I am no psychic so I could be wrong and am not offering any advice.. Just my opinion.. Nice to see the site going strong..
dibs if we go back up from this point the downturn will be worse in the long term, I want a break down . If we get a break down than we will see a nice 3-6 month rally . If we break down than I see 1013 -1050 as support and where I would be buying..
I've been doing more and more lectures, walking tours and writing than ever, so I need to establish my real name, for Google-ability, not just "Montrose Morris". I did give permission for it.
The things I do for my craft. I also got my brother to buy me a bike.
That said, did you see that the Bay Ridge house has a heated and air conditioned dog house? Do they give Pooch a remote so he can regulate the temperature? Americans are SO due a revolution.
Phew! I was getting nervous for you, MM! Oh, and about that heated and cooled pooch house? I'll be stealing that and turning it into a crash pad for my wee ones :-)
Randolph: Closing bell. The second comment says "I just googled her and saw her Facebook...." hahahaha. So then I did the same and now I know MM went to Yale and graduated high school in 1973. I wasn't even born yet!
First rule of shopping with me - only shop in Brooklyn! Rule #2, you must love (or learn to tolerate) riding buses. Snappy does not take the train when there is a comparable bus route! How do you feel about riding a bus all the way down to 86th Street? :-)
i want to congratulate Montrose -Suzanne- on her idea of bicycle architectural tours of Brooklyn. How excellent.
It may even get me to buy a bicycle -a Kmart bicycle-.
LOL MM. SO not the name i pictured. tho for the most part i dont call anyone by their real names, even people i know in real life and not from the internet.
and this:
That said, did you see that the Bay Ridge house has a heated and air conditioned dog house? Do they give Pooch a remote so he can regulate the temperature? Americans are SO due a revolution.
a revolution because dogs dont deserve heat and air conditioning!?!? i think not. sometimes i leave the ac on my for dog during the day. dogs get hot in the summer!!
Montrose, I spent 3 years in grad school at Yale's Afro-Am department in the 1990s! I was the head teaching assistant to "Master T" of Timothy Dwight.....
WonTon, John Thompson! Ashe! He ruled. I took his class, and absolutely loved it. The man is amazing. Small world!
If my brother had offered to buy me a $1200 bike, I'd have asked for the cash. Bike, with accessories, cost $300.
Bike tour was NOT my idea, Minard, although it is a good one. It was the brainchild of the Historic Districts Council. They did one earlier this year in Gowanus.
wait im confused. it says the bike tour costs 10 dollars. what is to stop anyone from tagging along if they dont pay the 10 dollars? i tagged along once on a walking tour in park slope (not sure if they charged) no one really said anything. this was like 3 years ago
dh, I was more or less in your old neighborhood last week (I consider anything north and west of the Wythe Ave BQE exit your hood as long as it's still in Brooklyn). I did some serious damage at Permanent Records, then we had a nice dinner out back at Anella. I know that's GP, not WB, but, still, a record store and restaurant on the hipster waterfront.
I know dogs get hot in the summer, and have no problem if you want to keep your A/C on, cats suffer too, in the heat. But a heated and cooled doghouse is just too much. Just my opinion.
Trees are great.
I never understood owners who didn't like trees.
First of all, they produce Oxygen, which is kind of important,
while soaking up Carbon Dioxide.
They provide shade and lower cooling costs in the summer.
They beautify the neighborhood and soak up tons of ground water so it doesn't end up in your basement.
And, they increase property value.
All these people say they are worried about roots in their sewer system,
so what, get a small tree then.
I agree, Legion. Trees are wonderful things. I hate it on those HGTV shows when they just rip them up out of yards for someone's "vision" of the ultimate landscape.
not that i would do it cuz im not a dick, but you cant stop someone from tagging along a group of people. you are not a protected class of people. are you telling me there are bodyguards and police or something with you making sure people pay up? that makes no sense and is completely unenforceable.
It'd be easy to keep non-payers far enough away that they couldn't hear the commentary.
Trees are fine in their places - not dropping leaves into swimming pools & not shading gardens to such an extent that things cannot grow.
A/C was on for my cats the entire 3 weeks I was in the hospital last year. Having it in a small dog-house-type thing would be a LOT cheaper!
Rob, you claim to be gay. Surely you know how a group of people can drive an interloper away with a few well-chosen glances or comments about weight or wardrobe choice.
Last year I even got 8 peaches from one tree.
In Brooklyn, no less!
how old is randi that he missed the 70's, 80's AND 90's?!
...the 80's was great just for the un-ironic goofiness of it all.
In those days, when you wore a mullet, you meant it.
Business in the front, party in the back.
And in other news, forgot to mention yesterday that Dems held both seats. So dems bat 1000 on holding seats and GOP loses on-third of seats in play. At that rate, if the whole Wisc. senate was up for recall at once, Dems end up with 20-13 edge.
Meanwhile, here's Perry on evolution: "In Texas we teach both creationism and evolution, because I figure you're smart enough to figure out which one's right." As if those are equivalent, alternative scientific theories.
OK, adding to the list legion and I agree on:
The Ramones
Billie Holiday
[There was something else I can't remember] and now . . .
Trees. Yes, trees are good.
slopefarm and arkady,
Given the fact that the last two Democratic Presidents both indicated a belief in Creationism by way of their faith,
I don't see the point exactly?
as much as i hate to jump into this, why is his comment about teaching creationism and evolution a problem? was there more to the statement? what'd i miss?
i think "biblical creation story as a science fact" is kind of a misnomer. most religious folks would argue that creation's got nothing to do with science.
If they are Christian, as they both have said,
then they believe in the idea of God and their faith stems from the words of the Bible.
If not, that's fine, except that it would make them both liars.
In my reckoning, I'd rather have someone with some kind of solid belief in something than a liar as President.
but for some, it may be science. not the science everyone belives, but science nonetheless. just the same way that evolution may be science to some, but some don't believe it as science.
Creationism doesn't debase education any more than the introduction of imaginary numbers or string theory does in the study of mathematics and physics.
The world still goes around the sun and people still argue with or without these ideas.
"religious folks would argue that creation's got nothing to do with science"
I would agree. So, this is the dilemma and why I have a problem with it in schools. If it is a matter of faith, and not science, it should not be taught in public schools (except, perhaps, dispassionately in a class on religions or history of religion or something like that). It certainly should not be posited as a choice/alternative with evolution. And if it is a matter of faith, it should not be taught as science. Also,, why would one choose the biblical creation myth, as opposed to, say that of Hindus, or native Americans. And if it is being taught as science, where is the scientific method that supports such teaching?
slopey, i can respect that argument. my only problem with creationism taught in schools isn't what class you teach it in, it's the fact that it's religion based and religion should not be taught in schools.
Christians are mostly interested in the New Testament. The Old Testament is basically a lengthy foreword or preamble. Even the most fundamental christians mix meat and dairy and don't have to circumcise their boy babies and etc. etc. American fundamentalists have an uneasy time with the OT. They kind of trip themselves with it. And Mormons believe they have the lost books of the Bible.
I'm not sure in what context creationism is taught in schools at this point.
I would tend to agree that creationism, if taught, should be offered as a religious belief in a larger discussion of world religions.
That being said,
Given the recent dismal performace of American school kids on standardized testing, you can be sure that most children, if they are being taught creationism, are forgetting any and all discussion of the matter as soon as they get to the lunch room.
Those that continue in their educational endeavors probably sort these ideas out by the 6th grade.
In our increasingly secular and disconnected society, I doubt creationism will suddenly take hold of their imaginations any more than the Harry Potter anthology or the Twilight Saga.
"American fundamentalists have an uneasy time with the OT. They kind of trip themselves with it."
Respectfully disagree. This is why fundamentalists are so very pro-Israel, because of their reverence for the OT. Every fundmentalist preacher I watch/read constantly draws examples from the OT.
Fundamentalists do tend to pick and choose which laws from the Old Testament still apply, and they are not exactly consistent on how much of the Gospels they listen to either.
Jesus was pretty clear on the value of being wealthy.
legion -- I am more concerned about its use in undermining the teaching of scientific method. There's always something new substantively with science, and knowledge changes over time, but understanding method is essential. As for creation, there is a harm if it is taught in any way as a truth-claim -- a harm to the teaching of science and a harm to children being raised with different religious (or not) beliefs.
Took me a while to realize people were writing OT as shorthand for Old Testament, not, well, you know. As for fundamentalists and Israel, some of that is about Israel (and middle east conflict) as precursors to end times. Without the eschatology, Israel is just a matter of politics.
I'm just not aware of it being taught as science to the extent that it competes with the scientific method.
I mean, I know there is ongoing debate about creationism being brought up sometime during early educational discussions of how plants and animals came into being.
As you know though, the scientific principles continue throughout the educational course work from 2nd to 12th grade. I have heard no news that creationism is brought up again in 6th grade Algebra or in 9th grade Materials Science for instance or 11th grade Biology.
The scientific method of hypothesis, analysis, conclusion, theory and consensus is well established and understood by most children by the 12th grade.
This doesn't even consider the formidible influence of family, friends, community and experience on an individual.
Those that believe will believe, those that don't, won't.
"I don't want all those damn bikes in my neighborhood.
Stay off my lawn and don't lean those damn bikes on my railing."
Yeah...dat's the ticket. Get ridda dem all!!!
Snappy, I know where you are going on the bus to
buy sheets. Century 21, right!?! Best for towels too.
I just saw a car hit a guy on a motorcycle on my corner. The guy fell off and was bleeding and injured his leg
but was sort of limping, trying to walk (dumb) so didn't look too seriously injured. It was the car who was
at fault. Very upsetting. The driver was very angry and sort of yelling at the bleeding guy laying in the street but wised up and shut up and then the Firemen EMS guys came. Deep breath. Very scary.
BTW I am still too scared to ride my bike on the street. I am going to Red Hook early Sunday am. Then maybe Riis Park next week. No biking in traffic for me.
Fundamentalists have no interest in the OT per se. As slopey says, it's about end times for them. Israel is where it's all supposed to happen so it isn't a matter of mother country either. For the fundamentalists, its all about them. I have heard people call the OT a precursor or preamble to the NT and I have to say that's only for those who believe in the NT. For Jews, the OT is the Bible and it is a stand alone document. It is also the document of a living religion, not an incomplete religion.
After seeing the effect of a motorcycle accident under my window a couple of nights ago, I don't think I would ever go on the streets on a motorcycle or bicycle.
I use the term fundamentalists as synonym for "socially conservative Christian".
More accurately, my understanding is the term refers to someone who believes the Bible is infallible and should be taken as literal truth.
Southern Baptists and many evangelical non-denominational churches are usually considered to be fundamentalists.
I think most religions believe the Bible to be infallible, the literal thing, I only see Orthodox Judaism as being in that category (mixing milk and meat, etc.).
My thoughts about bicycles and bicycle riding in traffic has become crystalized.
I believe that the ideas about biking sharing NYC roads as a wonderful, healthful, fossil fuel alternative
faciliated by bike lanes is a complete delusion. I really think that biking is extremely dangerous and
that the bike lanes are NOT good for bikers. They actually lull people into thinking that they are safe.
At any moment on our skinny, commercially clogged streets, bike lanes can be blocked by UPS trucks,
delivery trucks of any kind, double parkers (and there is a whole informal set of "illegal by not enforceable"
rules about double parking), pot holes, drivers doing K turns, U turns legal or illegal, construction and the
list goes on and on. Drivers have so many variables now in negotiating already chaotic streets that
a second of inattention can kill a bicyclist. How about a distracted person getting out of their parked car -
a second of inattention -- and they can "door" and kill a bicycle rider. I am not even thinking about bike riders
who do crazy things. I really believe that bikes don't belong in NYC traffic and if I had a kid, I would buy them
a bike, a helmet and take them to a park or boardwalk or a bike path.....not tell them to go play in traffic.
And how is it different for people on motorcycles? It is so dangerous here , it's nuts.
Many religions treat the bible as folklore: i.e. the universe wasn't created in 7 days - that's just a poetic metaphor. That's not to say they don't see it as 'truth', but they don't take certain things quite so literally as fundamentalists do. For one thing, you can support totally opposing arguments w/ sayings of any of the prophets who weren't known for consistency.
The Catholic church accepts the fact that the world has grown in scientific knowledge and that
when the Old Testament was written this scientific knowledge didn't exist. However, the belief is
that that is not to say that there isn't a metaphoric truth in what has been written.
No, it's mother country too, not just end times. Otherwise the Jerusalem Syndrome would have no explanation. Believe it or not, fundamentalists aren't all about being antagonists.
Technically, for Christians, the Abrahamic covenant in the OT is replaced by the New Covenant of Jesus Christ. As I constantly say in my small groups, Christianity is a very subtle, intellectual faith.
snappy, there are the Jewish fundamentalists who believe that every word of the Torah (the first three books of the old testament) were dictated by God and are literally the only real truth. and there are Christian fundamentalists who believe that every word of both the new and old testament is literally true although since the gospels sometimes contradict each other and the old testament has so many arcane and downright weird rules (women are unclean after menstruation and must sacrifice birds at the temple as part of the purification ritual etc etc -as one example) even the fundamentalists pick and choose. Some American christian fundamentalists believe in something called the Rapture, which is when the righteous will be physically transported to heaven and this will only happen at the end of days, which will begin with the destruction of Jerusalem. Hence their interest in Israel. it is very arcane and mysterious, but then that is precisely the draw of religion for many.
sorry i've been mia on the last part of this dicussion. snappy family argument has gotten outta hand. and of course, i'm playing peace maker. if it weren't a school night i'd suck down another beer.
gonna go shove my head under some pillows. nite folks
I dislike fundamentalists of any ilk-but for the most part Orthodox Jews are not fundamentalist. The ultra-orthodox- Satmars, Lubavitcher- are. The one thing I find about most fundamentalists is that they are close-minded, insist that their religious beliefs are the only true ones and have no compassion (other than what is paid by lip service) for other human beings if they are not of the same beliefs.
On the other hand, the Southern Baptists and the Salvation Army run two of the finest disaster relief organizations in the world and there rules forbid them from proselytizing when they are doing disaster relief. Some of the best people I met were SB's and Sallie Anns. So there are fundamentalists who do good for the sake of humanity. (Now thoroughly blowing my own arguemnt apart).
At least I will be on vacation starting tomorrow.
None of these are actual crises that impact the corporation in any meaningful way, but they do the have the potential to impact my job and the jobs of others.
We do occasionally get "real" crises which are usually driven by technology issues and have the ability to disrupt business activities or create regulatory/contract violations.
'here we have joe jones, he's 104 today and he enjoys doing his own grocery shopping and eating taco bell!!"
I'm holding out a few more decades for dibs'
"here we have dave _______. he still enjoys having sex with 25 year old asian bodybuilders and eatings $1 oysters"
And good morning to everyone...
Here we have rob_____. He's 102 today and never thought he'd live that long. He enjoys setting up his own stoop sale and is still able to beanbag
What a jackass for announcing it this way. He's getting a lot of kickback in his town visits. Got to be one of the worst advised political announcements in the history of the Presidency.
First he has to go on vacation in Nantucket. Talk about an elitist
Some firewalls/content blocking systems dynamically scan each page and try to make a decision if it is "bad" or not.
Too much dirty language or specific phrases, and the page will get flagged "adult"
Due to the fact some some individual pages here are getting blocked the day they are created, I am guessing you are behind one of those.
In comparison, the majority of firewalls/content blocking systems have static lists of known "bad" sites, usually put into a bunch of different categories.
A small number of environments layer on top of their firewall systems additional prohibitions on technologies such as flash or javascript.
I do hope it goes away for most of next week, when my mom and step dad are in town.
How is everyone?
Turn the volume down if you're at the office!!!!!!!!!
But reconnecting with my first ex was great and I love his wife. turns out we have the same birthdate and we're both left-handed so we are now calling each other sister-wife. They both met MM and love her. He was a rocket scientist (really!).
bxgirl, a rocket scientist? wowzer!
wendy...take me with you! i'd rather be at a beach than in an office!
"A special unit is investigating the fires as political crimes after the police received letters claiming responsibility that derided globalization, gentrification and rising rents, he said."
I'm done...
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning..
It's ridiculopus, embarrassing and annoying
I hate FB, but it is useful for some things. I will never get into the whole "Niiiite alll. I'm off to take a shower and beddy-bye" thing.
getting logged out after I cleared cache
Just cleared cahe
Whats' up????
I keep getting logged out here after every post or view!!!!!
The only thing that I have been able to do to force a logout is deleting the site session cookie.
Can you try on a different browser and see if the problem is still there?
Is this on a corporate system?
I deleted cache, cookies, etc and now this is the only site that keeps logging me out
I thought you did something regarding charitable giving for the firm.
Seems public more annoyed on what it viewed as too much time on FB -- not the sex with 16 y.o.
(the guy is 40)
Swimming in the rain is delightful, did it Sunday and Monday, saves me money on sunscreen.
I like the carousel.
shocking! not. youre rich! rich people seem love tacky shit like that. im sorry but that carousel is a fugly eye sore and the whole thing is a metaphor for class warfare in this city.
sounds perfect for sunset cocktails!
This should let you start with a clean slate from a logging in perspective.
Hopefully they will steal this idea from Google Plus soon.
logged out already
PHILLY FED CATASTROPHE: -30.7 On Expectations of +2.0
Hey where's Fucked in Bed Stuy!
Treasuries are rallying asshole!
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning..
GM, all.
Snappy - You had 8 inches of rain over the weekend - that should suffice. Let us have our sunshine back. It's hot & muggy so it may as well be sunny too.
I know ya'll hate me but just listen one time. Drupal is horrible for forum content.
The Market is in a shit storm!
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning
The What
aloe gel. Then go out and buy 85 sun block "shroud in a bottle", then buy a cheapie beach umbrella. Then vow to use them and to limit your time 12-3. But you knew that. I am white. One of my sisters is pink with green freckles. You gotta be careful. And if Won Ton is around, I never went to a specialty capybara (also called carpincho in Argentina) shop in Buenos Aires, but they sell the bags and leather goods all over. It has this beautiful cognac color and they do Hermes knockoffs -- a la Kelly bags and birkins in that leather and it is amazing. Well, back to work at my new really hard job. Have a good day losers.....
Love the way the leather is filled with little dot points from the fir. Looks like ostrich.
Can we say all this bullshit has failed..
Can we say the Mutant Asset Bubble is over?
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning!!!
The Market is in freefall!!!!!
The What
Where's everyone??????
What's your retirement plan?????
What's your retirement plan?????"
Is that all you got??!!!
Your retirement is blown to fucking bits!!
Put your house on the market now asshole, I fucking dare ya!!!!
You know the steel Dildo is coming for ya!
Funny a few years ago the retards couldn't shut up about Real Estate and now no one want to talk about it!!!
Funny how that happens..
Nighty nite asshole...
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning!!!
Have at it...
According to respondents to the August Business Outlook Survey, the region’s manufacturing sector is much weaker this month. The survey’s indicators suggest a decline in demand for manufactured goods, and shipments and employment were also in decline. Price measures suggest continued moderation in price pressures, and more firms reported price declines for their manufactured goods this month. The broadest indicators for growth over the next six months, including employment, fell back notably this month but remain slightly favorable to expansion.
The What
I love this shit!!!
My retirement funds was fine. They are all still paying the same dividends for this quarter and I won't have any capital to spend and I will die quite nicely, thank you.
Here fix it for you!
The What
Thanks Dave, you response is piss poor and without any merit.
The whole world is collapsing right in your face, right here right now.
Good luck walking thru Bed Stuy with your "Wealth"!!!
You better panic now Asshole before it's too late!
You're fucked Asshole and I'm happy as hell!
I've waited to this shit to happen and the day of reckoning is here and there's nothing you can do about.
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
No Bxgrl the Mutant Asset Bubble is over done and fininshed!
I vary happy and I'm enjoying the crash..
How are you doing today, fine I hope!
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning..
Options expire this week, so if I see a rebound coming, I am going long the Aug calls.
This was down the street where I was staying. Across from beach(no beachfront property in town). Town is 1/4th mile long and 2 miles wide. Mostly marshes.
Sold above ask.
I don't know DCB, I think Bernanke is not going Full Retard! The DXY is at 73.00 I think and if the announce QE 3
at Jackson Hole the whole think implodes right there! You can see 1.50% on the Ten Year and 3000.00 Oz gold price!
I think you should go flat and wait, you can get blown to bits with your profolio .
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
so I'm through with my ugh-lee morning meetings and am now contemplating lunch and a (relatively) carefree afternoon.
Is it true that it's supposed to rain for the next four days?
Firefighter Running for L.A. Council Is Among Nation’s Top-Paid
Aug. 18 (Bloomberg) -- The Los Angeles labor leader who represents the highest-paid firefighters in the U.S. is running for the City Council on a pledge to preserve public-safety spending even as the city faces $911 million in deficits during the next four years.
Pat McOsker, 51, president of the United Firefighters of Los Angeles City since 2003, set the fastest pace for campaign contributions among 18 candidates and is endorsed by four of the biggest public-worker unions for a special election to fill an open seat Nov. 8.
“It is vital that we protect public safety,” McOsker said in declaring his candidacy last month. “I will fight any cuts to police and fire protection and work to bring long-needed reforms to City Hall.”
Los Angeles firefighters made an average of $126,258 last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, more than twice the national mean. Fifty-three of the city’s 100 top-paid employees in 2010 were firefighters. Each collected more than the $195,869 earned by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. In an interview, McOsker said his pay was $145,000.
The mean wage for the nation’s 302,000 salaried firefighters was $47,730 in 2010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the Los Angeles metropolitan area, which includes other cities as well as county employees, the figure was $95,000. That compared with $57,360 in the Chicago area, $51,710 in Boston and $66,800 in metropolitan New York.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." --- Mahatma Gandhi
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning...
If you're not complaining about all sorts of food you're usually complaining about that!!!!!!!
I would love to have drinks with you there sometime, the only thing is, I don't think you are a real person.
See here for a good description but this place is WAY overpriced.......
This is the old Worth & Worth business that was sold to the current owner
do you think BHI is a real person?
Have you ever met a high WASP with an ironic self view?
I mean, two tours of Afghanistan and thousand dollar Belgian linens? Dunno 'bout that.
One day you have to fire your whole department and the next day you're madly in love? hmmm.
Arkady, very moderate week for me. Saw sun rises because I was on sofa in living room which looked east at water and was blazing at 6:15. Tuesday was a burnt orange sun rise.
Have you seen him?
I mean he was all chirpy a while ago but, now he's gone silent.
In fact everyone has gone silent and have nothing to say.
Does it mean *I Won* (sniffles)...
Does it mean the war is over?
Gentrification is collapsing wilh Housing Valuations?
No one wants to respond to the truth?
I'm done (Chris Brown Voice)
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning..
That's how we keep the riff raff away.
And the Monteros are family to some of us, so tread carefully.
I like a nice bed, but spending thousands on cloth to sleep in is a little too diva-ish for me.
I happen to like Montero's, so long as the hipsters don't take over Karaoke night and think they are being original by picking Duran Duran songs. It is a stalwart and nearly unique in NYC for its sheer unchangeableness. However, it doesn't help me live up to my "persona."
BHI, no it doesn't. Morans is more in keeping. Nice place. I like that part of town much more than Midtown.
-no, not really. Brooks Brothers and Paul Stuart still sell a lot of seersuker.
great record... it's really too bad chris cornell has turned into such a mega-douche.
you need to be of a certain age to pull it off and not look like you're trying too hard
i personally love the look - i'd feel like a jackaass in one tho
Have a pleasant lunch, all.
i heard the STP show at the waterfront was terrible this year.
what that rhetorical?
BHI - it sounds like you wake up 4 hours early to get dressed.
What's your retirement plan??? I asked earlier but like the douchebag you are, you can't respond
I am so uncivilized.
if you walked into marlow and sons and saw a 25 yr old wearing a seersucker suit and a pair of tortise shelled oliver peoples spectacles - what would you call them?
If he's clean shaven and wearing chinos, it's a different story
You've been in Williamsburg too long
blazer by itself can be fine. that's not how i imagine BHI
That's NOT hipster. You're being obtuse.
if you walked into marlow and sons and saw a 25 yr old wearing a seersucker suit and a pair of tortise shelled oliver peoples spectacles - what would you call them?
a spoiled moonface
off to meet landlord - later gaters.
not exclusively, dibs, but the seersucker has definitely been co-opted by hipsters.
Because they are striving to be something that they are not.
If they are still wearing the pork pie hat, they seem even more ridiculous.
Hey, what does that mean? :)
Hey DH, I'm with you. If Dave would just admit we're right, the world would be a better place for all.
Montrose, you should just STFU and EAT YOUR PEAS as our dear leader heads off to nantucket for a well deserved vacation.
But there are also guys wearing the full regalia including wingtips and bowties.
To live in my house rent free *Opps* Did I say "my house"???
Ohhhhh All these years I let that slip out.....
Oh it's paid for... *Opps* another one.. I'm sorry haters...
The What
I lurve the smell of napalm in the morning...
How are you going to earn your tax money and your living expenses????
Social Security?????
However the real specimens, whether gay or straight, take their heritage and lineage extremely seriously, are very proud of it although they would never boast, and really have very little sense of humor about it.
VERY, VERY stupid thing in this low interest rate environment. Shows a real lack of financial acumen.
Personally, with all the stuff the Prez has on his plate, I'd want him to take a bit of time off and relax. Overwhelmed and uptight people don't make great decisions. Besides, there are those things called phones, fax machines, and hand held communications devices that connect to the internet. It's not like he's in the Yukon hunting on an ice floe. Considering the amount of time some of his predecessors took off, the man's a workaholic. I love it when people rag on Obama for having a good time once in a while. Every president in living memory has done so, but when it's him, it's a big deal.
This is just bad timing and/or bad judgement.
He seems to have inept advisers.
Michelle too has bad bad advisers. They better get new ones asap.
Michelle too has bad bad advisers. They better get new ones asap.
I've heard different . . .
I spoke with upperlowerwester, for a good long time at the bar. he is a very nice,
serious young man. I think he has his hands full with the new house, renovating, etc.
No bukkake?
VERY, VERY stupid thing in this low interest rate environment. Shows a real lack of financial acumen."
You're a stupid motherfucker Dave!
You think you're smarter than everyone else here yet you can't grasp the ability to borrow at 4.5% and get higher returns on that money elsewhere.
dibs, you would've appreciated the movie I watched last night. korean movie called 'the man from nowhere'. tough, pretty male korean protagonist and conspicuous lack of hot asian female love interest. I felt robbed.
Renting multi-million dollar houses on Martha's Vineyard just has a different sound than going back "home".
It's all appearances. He should not be seen with golf clubs or doing any of those normal fun summer things at a time of financial crisis verging on meltdown. That's politics. And Michelle should cut back a bit on the haute couture and on the glam vacations of her own. I actually think she is doing that and keeping a lower profile ala Laura Bush.
Here let me help you retarded fuck.
If I'm not paying rent or a mortgage can I put the saving to work for me?
Let's say T pay 2500 a month in mortgage payments but I pay off the debt and START FUCKING BANKING THE PAYMENTS!!!!
The What
************* Dave************ *********** ********************
Dumbass, your payments saved don't compare to the few hundred thousand you can borrow at 4.5% and invest at a higher rate.
does it come with a drydock, biff?
"A drydock (also commonly dry dock) is a narrow basin or vessel that can be flooded to allow a load to be floated in, then drained to allow that load to come to rest on a dry platform."
Who gave you the BJ and sucked your brains out??????????????????????
The act of placing the head of ones penis inside the foreskin of another's penis.
Minard's gonna have a hissy fit when he gets back from lunch
Taking it out of drydock means putting it in the water
that's what I had in mind, but biff's is way better...
Getting download speeds of 5.3 mb, uploads of 1mb. Waaaay zippier than my Verizon DSL connection.
Best part: it works with my Vonage phone.
Will give it another week of trial, but my first reaction is: Bye Bye Verizon!
Growing up, we did not have a special term for taking a boat out of water.
(now awaiting some grosser definition of 'landlocked' from a subsequent post)
It was just called "working on a boat out of water."
As opposed to docked or moored.
back and fill
all of these sound like things dibs might have done or seen.
hence the market.
No but most Asian guys do "double dragon" when peeing in my toilet
That's exactly what the What was talking about,
would you really go back if he suddenly realized it was good to have 1000 posts per day?
since I see that a few people posted about it the past two days?
But only if people are interested in learning something about the actual science of the debate. I know that's a lot to ask but I'm putting it out there nonetheless.
would you really go back if he suddenly realized it was good to have 1000 posts per day?
As soon as Brownstoner puts the OT back, the fucktards will line up for his Jizz spray!
Knobbing on his nut sack and begging for their head to be smashed into the sheetrock!
The What
Someday this war is gonna end...
Oh yes you're Fucknugget!
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
We demand a combination of ideology and penis jokes.
The Beach was a great piece of work and after 3 weeks this place is garbage.
So yak up up homie, you got nathan..
The What
*****Dave***********, *******************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any music people out there?
cause everyone's crapping their pants.
Is the WF Fund more fixed income????? Global contagion aside, fixed income is going to take a dirtnap as rates rise!!!!!
Not fixed income, just a diversified portfolio, moderate risk.
"I got a F2M sex change operation and all I got was an even more lesbian appearance."
Did everyone have a nice lunch?
Bay Ridge has rats you know
Here we have Treasuries up nicely over the past 30 days and even munis are above July levels!!!!!
Buy NEV 7.0% federal tax free
Dave, the soap opera failure is cute, but I tend to avoid long term involvement with men who use that much hair spray. The "ethnic" one is gorge...I much prefer him actually. If I was single and he is a bottom, oh the possibilities.
You bought linens for DIBS?
Please, befriend a gay that you can take shopping with you.
dibs - This listing said it's Heavy Metal - I wouldn't've thought that was your style.
It's not that, DIBS, it's my husband. I'd have more than one set of sheets, if it weren't for his practicality.
And I'd love to have a gay go shopping with me. I'm sure my boudoir would benefit greatly.
It seems like a huge waste throwing out a perfectly good flat sheet and two pillow cases because the fitted sheet needed to be replaced.
The things I do for my craft. I also got my brother to buy me a bike.
That said, did you see that the Bay Ridge house has a heated and air conditioned dog house? Do they give Pooch a remote so he can regulate the temperature? Americans are SO due a revolution.
well then, I have to get moving and buy NEV and some adderall for my HDTV.
"So then I did the same and now I know MM went to Yale and graduated high school in 1973. I wasn't even born yet!"
Did you graduate from high school???
It may even get me to buy a bicycle -a Kmart bicycle-.
thank you.
and this:
That said, did you see that the Bay Ridge house has a heated and air conditioned dog house? Do they give Pooch a remote so he can regulate the temperature? Americans are SO due a revolution.
a revolution because dogs dont deserve heat and air conditioning!?!? i think not. sometimes i leave the ac on my for dog during the day. dogs get hot in the summer!!
If my brother had offered to buy me a $1200 bike, I'd have asked for the cash. Bike, with accessories, cost $300.
Bike tour was NOT my idea, Minard, although it is a good one. It was the brainchild of the Historic Districts Council. They did one earlier this year in Gowanus.
Magnums? For you or the other guy?
being a dick
That's great news about the lectures and writing.
Good luck and much success.
"i park in bike lanes, i'm an asshole" (white with pink lettering)
Is this a trick question? Pun intended...
Stay off my lawn and don't lean those damn bikes on my railing.
Rob, the tours have HDC staff who take the money and make sure anyone tagging along pays up. Only on the internet is information free.
I will be wearing my red capybera gloves.
being a dick
- Excellent!!
Trees are great.
I never understood owners who didn't like trees.
First of all, they produce Oxygen, which is kind of important,
while soaking up Carbon Dioxide.
They provide shade and lower cooling costs in the summer.
They beautify the neighborhood and soak up tons of ground water so it doesn't end up in your basement.
And, they increase property value.
All these people say they are worried about roots in their sewer system,
so what, get a small tree then.
I've planted trees on every property I've owned.
Trees are fine in their places - not dropping leaves into swimming pools & not shading gardens to such an extent that things cannot grow.
A/C was on for my cats the entire 3 weeks I was in the hospital last year. Having it in a small dog-house-type thing would be a LOT cheaper!
Last year I even got 8 peaches from one tree.
In Brooklyn, no less!
how old is randi that he missed the 70's, 80's AND 90's?!
...the 80's was great just for the un-ironic goofiness of it all.
In those days, when you wore a mullet, you meant it.
Business in the front, party in the back.
Meanwhile, here's Perry on evolution: "In Texas we teach both creationism and evolution, because I figure you're smart enough to figure out which one's right." As if those are equivalent, alternative scientific theories.
I bet he's never seen The Boys In The Band.
The Ramones
Billie Holiday
[There was something else I can't remember] and now . . .
Trees. Yes, trees are good.
Given the fact that the last two Democratic Presidents both indicated a belief in Creationism by way of their faith,
I don't see the point exactly?
Unfortunately New York doesn't matter at all in presidential elections.
Billie Holiday
[There was something else I can't remember] and now . . .
Trees. Yes, trees are good"
We both like The Jam as well. ;o)
then they believe in the idea of God and their faith stems from the words of the Bible.
If not, that's fine, except that it would make them both liars.
In my reckoning, I'd rather have someone with some kind of solid belief in something than a liar as President.
The world still goes around the sun and people still argue with or without these ideas.
I would agree. So, this is the dilemma and why I have a problem with it in schools. If it is a matter of faith, and not science, it should not be taught in public schools (except, perhaps, dispassionately in a class on religions or history of religion or something like that). It certainly should not be posited as a choice/alternative with evolution. And if it is a matter of faith, it should not be taught as science. Also,, why would one choose the biblical creation myth, as opposed to, say that of Hindus, or native Americans. And if it is being taught as science, where is the scientific method that supports such teaching?
you know you've agreed with me on more than one occasion. ;o)
::heaven help me!::
nitey nite folks!
I'm not sure in what context creationism is taught in schools at this point.
I would tend to agree that creationism, if taught, should be offered as a religious belief in a larger discussion of world religions.
That being said,
Given the recent dismal performace of American school kids on standardized testing, you can be sure that most children, if they are being taught creationism, are forgetting any and all discussion of the matter as soon as they get to the lunch room.
Those that continue in their educational endeavors probably sort these ideas out by the 6th grade.
In our increasingly secular and disconnected society, I doubt creationism will suddenly take hold of their imaginations any more than the Harry Potter anthology or the Twilight Saga.
Respectfully disagree. This is why fundamentalists are so very pro-Israel, because of their reverence for the OT. Every fundmentalist preacher I watch/read constantly draws examples from the OT.
Bye all.
Jesus was pretty clear on the value of being wealthy.
I'm just not aware of it being taught as science to the extent that it competes with the scientific method.
I mean, I know there is ongoing debate about creationism being brought up sometime during early educational discussions of how plants and animals came into being.
As you know though, the scientific principles continue throughout the educational course work from 2nd to 12th grade. I have heard no news that creationism is brought up again in 6th grade Algebra or in 9th grade Materials Science for instance or 11th grade Biology.
The scientific method of hypothesis, analysis, conclusion, theory and consensus is well established and understood by most children by the 12th grade.
This doesn't even consider the formidible influence of family, friends, community and experience on an individual.
Those that believe will believe, those that don't, won't.
Stay off my lawn and don't lean those damn bikes on my railing."
Yeah...dat's the ticket. Get ridda dem all!!!
Snappy, I know where you are going on the bus to
buy sheets. Century 21, right!?! Best for towels too.
I just saw a car hit a guy on a motorcycle on my corner. The guy fell off and was bleeding and injured his leg
but was sort of limping, trying to walk (dumb) so didn't look too seriously injured. It was the car who was
at fault. Very upsetting. The driver was very angry and sort of yelling at the bleeding guy laying in the street but wised up and shut up and then the Firemen EMS guys came. Deep breath. Very scary.
BTW I am still too scared to ride my bike on the street. I am going to Red Hook early Sunday am. Then maybe Riis Park next week. No biking in traffic for me.
More accurately, my understanding is the term refers to someone who believes the Bible is infallible and should be taken as literal truth.
Southern Baptists and many evangelical non-denominational churches are usually considered to be fundamentalists.
I believe that the ideas about biking sharing NYC roads as a wonderful, healthful, fossil fuel alternative
faciliated by bike lanes is a complete delusion. I really think that biking is extremely dangerous and
that the bike lanes are NOT good for bikers. They actually lull people into thinking that they are safe.
At any moment on our skinny, commercially clogged streets, bike lanes can be blocked by UPS trucks,
delivery trucks of any kind, double parkers (and there is a whole informal set of "illegal by not enforceable"
rules about double parking), pot holes, drivers doing K turns, U turns legal or illegal, construction and the
list goes on and on. Drivers have so many variables now in negotiating already chaotic streets that
a second of inattention can kill a bicyclist. How about a distracted person getting out of their parked car -
a second of inattention -- and they can "door" and kill a bicycle rider. I am not even thinking about bike riders
who do crazy things. I really believe that bikes don't belong in NYC traffic and if I had a kid, I would buy them
a bike, a helmet and take them to a park or boardwalk or a bike path.....not tell them to go play in traffic.
And how is it different for people on motorcycles? It is so dangerous here , it's nuts.
when the Old Testament was written this scientific knowledge didn't exist. However, the belief is
that that is not to say that there isn't a metaphoric truth in what has been written.
also please limit religious discussions to whatever sabbath you keep.
gonna go shove my head under some pillows. nite folks
I have been enjoying the lightning show outside this evening.
On the other hand, the Southern Baptists and the Salvation Army run two of the finest disaster relief organizations in the world and there rules forbid them from proselytizing when they are doing disaster relief. Some of the best people I met were SB's and Sallie Anns. So there are fundamentalists who do good for the sake of humanity. (Now thoroughly blowing my own arguemnt apart).