August 16, 2011 7:38 AM - dibs
Interestingly, I have seen reference to Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce two days in a row by seperate commentators; yesterday by the esteemed Slopefarm, Esq. and this morning by a British chap who writes a daily market commentary.
youths that laid waste to much of London and surrounds
last week have apparently had their fill of destruction, for
things have quiet down there… thankfully. But still we are
amazed at the idiocy on the part of the Left and of
academia when trying to ascertain why it was that this
group destruction swept through England. As one
academic said of the young men and women involved in
the destruction, “This is an alienated and very
disenfranchised youth population,” as if this were a
plausible excuse for what happened. Who cares if they
were disenfranchised and who cares if these were
alienated youths; these were destructive, violent,
anarchists living outside the bounds of society, “coddled”
by society and given all-too-much free rein to live their
lives anarchically. This is the England foreseen in A
Clockwork Orange: a nation inhabited by feral, antiintellectual
hooligans living outside the bounds of society
and allowed to do so by government and parents afraid to
discipline the nation’s children. “Alienated and
disenfranchised” is political correctness of the first and
worst order and unless British society is able to change
materially and radically… away from this left-of-centre
nonsense and toward reason and discipline… and so
very, very soon we fear that what we saw last week is but
the first of many such clashes with reason and discipline
losing in the end while chaos and anarchy win.
The Global Elite is destroying to live of many people thru the free money bullshit!
I know you benifit from all this nonsense but, is this shit sustainable??
We keep printing money and blow up people live thru higher prices, unemployment and zero return on our savings?
The anger is coming to a theater near you, let's see you flaunt your "Wealth" in the Hood..
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning..
What's your money invest in, What???? Treasuries???? ROTFLMMFAO
and a well-stocked wine cellar.
Don't encourage him, BHI.
That's ok, BHI — Just try not to let it happen again. : P
That would indicate that you also took him home and had sex with him already and that he didn't steal anything.
Tell us more.
Coward! Stay and suffer with the rest of us! We're going to need you in the coming rebellion!
This is an alienated and very
disenfranchised youth population,”
bite me. boo hoo world's smallest violin. they wanted free shit, it's as simple as that. if things got out of control here in nyc and the opportunity was there i'd be taking as much free shit as i could as well. im making turkey meatloaf tonight anyone have any good recipes?
Re: "The One." 25. Brown graduate(Art history major). Doesn't work and spends his time reading books and redecorating his loft in the West Village. He has enough of a trust fund so that my parents won't accuse me of supporting a "house boy," but not so large that he will become obnoxious or a drug addict. We have the same taste in clothes, William IV furniture and Pashley bicycles. He is shorter than I am(something I like) and looks like a Greek statue when unclothed. And sweet. He is terrifically sweet.
i know it's wrong to with death on people, but i do on this person.
omg WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! someone on the train this morning was reading (let me find my bag, i wrote it down) a book, with a black man on the cover, called "What is the What" by dave eggers. im gonna google that book now.
9:38 was not me though but the comment about the pillowcases was
Fine. Don't come.
I saw your comment on Brownstoner turning into a "Hyper Hipster Asshole Blog" and you're right.
Covert Race /Class warfare at it's finest!
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning...
My sister lives in Geneva; she says Zurich is more fun. I'm going to visit next April I think.
The public opinion, legal, and demographic trends all point in the the other direction.
We have perfectly good flat sheets and pillow cases, but it seems like you almost have to buy an entire set to get the fitted.
Like most other aspects of my life as a consumer, I am quite happy with buying mainstream sheets of fairly low price.
I like soft, worn sheets - don't like crispy, ironed hotel bedding.
I bought a twin for our quasi guest room. It's absurdly high/thick! Feels like the princess and the pea mattress!
I really would like to get a new fitted sheet before my parents come, since we only have one now and it is getting threadbare and starting to develop a few holes.
M4L, our son went through a time when he was getting several nosebleeds a week. His room had carpet, so we became experts on getting blood out of sheets and carpet.
Eventually, the doctor cauterized a vein inside his nose, and the number of nosebleeds went down dramatically.
Yet another reason you are broke. Wash them at home by hand if you don't like the public machines.
Religion is destroying this country. Aside from its polarizing effects & encouragement of ignorance it's now putting lives at risk. At the country fair accident a rescue worker suggested they pray before starting to help people!
Let it seep into the sofa/mattress?
Not from your place they don't. When's the last time you had sex with another human being??????
I believe this as well. It all stems from the fact that people are less and less educated and therefore more gullible and prone to suggestion, the same way the radical Muslims attract youth to their causes.
Rob, you busting our chops with the new undie post right?
no. ask snappy. she was the one who first introduced me to the wonders of DII on 5th avenue. fresh underwears for every day! reusing underewear is skanky. i do reuse some tho, i have a few favorite pair of underwears but for the most part i prefer a fresh pair everyday
Couldn't agree more.
When's the last time you had sex with another human being??????
my right hand > other human beings
rob, if you do read it and see what "the what" means in the book, it may give you a clue about how "the what" here derived his moniker. I'm sure what will comment and trash this conjecture on my part, but I would not be surprised if that's where the name comes from.
dibs -- you didn't quote the Jarndyce reference.
Yep. People aren't being taught to THINK in school anymore. Just to memorize and take tests. I also think the media contributes a huge amount of fear mongering, which terrorizes people.
Where can you still get old-fashioned spring mattresses that flip over? I am pretty sure IKEA still does it that way, but it seems like Macy's, Sleepy's etc. have given up.
I loathe the contemporary no-flip 13" thick style -- CH is right that it's very princess/pea.
Dammit! I hate when that happens! : P
I get the feeling that they are making a "last stand" in a culture war that they are loosing.
I get the feeling that they are making a "last stand" in a culture war that they are loosing."
I hope you're right, BHS.
Regarding the "scary Right Wing taking over",
let's go over some recent history:
-which group wants to bring back the "fairness doctrine",
the idiotic idea that the government can determine what goes out on the airwaves (in other words: restricting free speech)
-Which government appointee actually states that we have too much freedom as Americans and that the First Amendment needs to modified? Hint Obama's Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein
-Which group of Americans has been prone to hijack the Democratic process wholesale as exemplified by the Wisconsin Democrats who went so far as to hide out in neighboring states in order to deny the citizens of that state their rightful representation?
-Which group wants to curtail the Second amendment outright?
-Which group stokes the fire of class warfare with every campaign talking point?
You do know that Stalin has been credited with killing 25 million of his countrymen in his attempt to expand leftist ideology while Mao is credited with 30 million deaths in his attempt to "re-educate" the population. Not sure where exactly the fear of the Right wing here in the US is coming from.
I could go on but really, you folks should know better.
I'll raise you one and say that Hitler was a right wing conservative.
That never made sense in my opinion. We have a loose amalgamation of Leftists, radical Islamists and Anarchists all working together to foment discord in the USA which is seen as the ultimate source of personal freedoms.
If anything the demise of "right wing" (read Christian) influence will only strengthen the influcence of more radical and less tolerant religion.
(Please, let's not bring up the Inquisition. I'm trying to keep the topic relevant to the last 100 years)
Both have plenty of inconsistencies and exceptions, both at the level of individual leaders and overall party platforms.
Both bend and break rules to satisfy the needs and desires of their supporters.
I'll raise you one and say that Hitler was a right wing conservative."
What did Communist Russia have to do with China?
What did Communist China have to do with Pol Pot?
What did they have to do with Cuba?
You get the idea, don't you?
Hitler? NAZI stands for National Socialist Workers Party
Oh, but comparing the Republican/conservatives to Brown Shirts is?
Please read all comments on the thread as I always do. That Brown Shirt reference is cobble's I believe.
Well said, BHI, well said.
Just yesterday, some Tea Party "official" had the nerve to call Obama out in a Q&A at a public appearance. I'm sorry. I know I'm probably going to get reamed out for seeing race in this, but Obama is the only president in modern history who has been disrespected by his own citizenry to this extent. And I have to say it's greatly due to race. In spite of the fact that he is the duly elected president of the United States, some of them, including elected officials in Congress and elsewhere, treat him like he's just another black guy that they can talk to like he's their yard man. Many people did not think much of George Bush, but when addressing him in public, even criticizing his policies, MOST people gave the office its props, and at least addressed him with some kind of respect. Of course, someone will find the one or two people who did not, but they were not the norm.
But with Obama, it seems that every yahoo with a cause think they can just talk to him like he's no one important. He's the friggin' President, and it's really time these people get called on the carpet for it. And I blame the Republicans and the Right for tolerating it, as well as the Democrats for not demanding due respect. When members of Congress call the President a "liar" during the State of the Union, and there are no repercussions, then everyone should be ashamed, and should be upset by it. In the old days, both sides would have lined up to slap around that Congressman, and it probably would have ended his career. We've really gone downhill fast.
In their wildest dreams, they are aiming for us to be more like Sweden.
"Stokes the fire of class warfare"?? A bit overheated, dontcha think?
And, talk about democratic process in Wisconsin? Which party enacted a voter ID law then defunded the DMV to curtail window hours right before the recall elections to make it harder to get IDs? Supporters of which party sent out mailings to Dems purporting to provide official information that voting was on Thursday (as opposed to Tuesday)?
I keep the blog on my list just for those occasions where someone wants to forget the virulent hate speech directed at Bush.
I'm not here to defend every Bush policy as I didn't support all of them, but I will point out that Obama is by no means the first President to be disrespected.
I know I'm probably going to get reamed out for seeing race in this, but Obama is the only president in modern history who has been disrespected by his own citizenry to this extent. And I have to say it's greatly due to race.
that's hard to say really. there is no time in the history of earth that earth has been more fucked up than it is right now. bad timing for obama, but thems the breaks. of course whoever the current president is will be blamed for the sorry state of our world. there is no coming back from this point. we are DOOMED! (and im lovin' every minute of it)
Anita Dunn
Van Jones
Donald Berwick
Carol Browner
Cass Sunstein
The Supreme Court has spoken on the 2nd amendment.
It sided with the right for citizens to bear arms.
how soon they all forget,
Bush even had a movie made about his assassination!
You won't hear about that reading only the NY Times folks.
I fear MM is right there is something more behind this attempt to take down the president and discredit him.
sounds like an excuse. i dont know, im sure in some ways youre right tho. there are mad racists out there. but he truly is one of the most incompetent presidents we've ever had.
I happen to think that the office demands respect, no matter who is in it. I couldn't stand George Bush, or his policies, but when he was in office, he was the President, and those who disrespected that office were wrong, even if I agree with what they were saying. They helped cheapen the respect for the office. That doesn't make what this current crop is doing right, not in the least, and they shouldn't be excused because of past actions by other people. Obama is not a placeholder, he's not the stand-in, he's the duly elected President. You don't stand there and yell at the President like he's a high school basketball coach, and your kid got benched. Where is the respect?
I happen to think that the office demands respect, no matter who is in it.
that is batshit INSANE
I think many were in denial over the 2000 election results.
My favorite is how many totally hated "No Child Left Behind," and blamed of its problems on Bush's stupidity, when it was written by Kennedy.
My gut feeling is that Obama is taking more heat, and at least some of it is racially based.
The President's approval ratings are below 40%.
He was elected by 52% of the vote.
Sounds to me like he's losing on performance.
I don't believe in disrespecting any President by the way,
they deserve all our respect. However, if they are wrong, that should be pointed out by the citizens who elected them.
If the media did its job properly and asked the tough questions perhaps the discourse wouldn't degenerate to such a base level.
Preferably on top of you on the bed!!!!!!!!
You can hear me now and believe me later!
That would include me.
He CONTINUES to rant about Congress being dysfunctional and that jobs are the isuues YET HE IS PROPOSING NOTHING.
The people see this weakness in leadership and lack of initiative and are getting more and more upset over it.
i've been scouting out time warner internet service for my new place - seems they have a new service called "wideband" which downloads at 50Mbps - but is 100 bux a month. I currently have FIOS which is 25 or 30MBps - and stream alot of video to my tv and works very well.
so should i spring for the 50MB wideband? i think the next fastest TWC offers is 15MBps - is that fast enough to stream music/video over wifi?
That's because the mainstream press is not doing its job.
That list includes people influencing all levels of policy from communications to health.
honey badger
"Honey Badgers don't give a shit!"
I hate the Republican party, and my politics are pretty far left, but I voted for McCain, because I thought he was the stronger candidate of the two. I still do.
Anyone left to defend Brownstoner????!!
Fucking Motherfucking Asshole!!!!!
iCrime Wave Continues in Greene Hill
"OK, looks like it’s time to lose the white earphones and keep your Apple products in your pocket…The Brooklyn Paper reports six iPhone-related muggings in the Fort Greene/Clinton Hill area last week, including a 34-year-old man who was approached by a couple of fellows who said “What’s Up” before punching him in the face repeatedly until he gave up his iPhone. The thieves then adjourned to Choice Greene where they used the phone to check in on Foursquare while pick up an aged gruyere and some artisanal sausages. Well, maybe not."
Come on guys please defend this bullshit, let take a peek from the sheets, Mkay????!!!!!!
Where's MM at, Oh she's picking his kids up from summer school..
The What
Someday this war is gonna end...
I would only go for the more expensive package if you routinely download (not stream) entire movies, and even then chances are that the services on the other side could not deliver them that fast.
The What
Someday this war is gonna end...
My service has been really bad for the last 2 weeks, with static on the phone lines and frequent DSL drops.
Why no physical descriptions of the assailants????
You are assuming something not in evidence.
Who's the racist now??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Israel is the main drumbeater.
she was screaming "get them!!! he stole my phone waaaaah he stole my phone"
Brownstoner creates a hostile environment between Whites and Blacks for no reason. It's not about Real Estate anymore, he's crossed the Rubicon!
As far of the descriptions of the Perps, he got blasted for that!
This is how 'things' get started Dave..
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
Never argue with someone who argues at this level, because they will bring you down to thir level, and then beat you with experience.
No, I'm afraid no argument could be mad for Bush losing his elections.
The recount in Florida was done 3 times and in the end he did win.
Continuing along those lines is what makes the political climate so contentious.
He also won a plurality of states in both elections.
Again, I'm not here to defend Bush policies. I'm basically stating that all politicians should be held accountable for their policies by the people. If you feel you are better off next November than you were in 2008 then vote for Obama. If not, vote for the opposition.
You need a course on MPEG 4 compression bit rates. If you was getting 40-50 MPS, that service would cost 100+ a month!!!
Very few towers can pump out that stream, that's why cell phone companies have place caps on bandwidth! $0-50 MPS. RIGHT!!
Nice try Homie, see how lies and bullshit get started??!!!
The What
Someday this war is gonna end....
Never argue with someone who argues at this level, because they will bring you down to thir level, and then beat you with the facts.
Here fixed for you!
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
Funny thing is,
I'm quite liberal myself on many issues, but I find myself defending right wing positions here frequently because I know the truth lies somewhere in between.
And please. Brownstoner is read by a very small demographic, in a small area of a much larger Brooklyn. Any "hostile environment between blacks and whites" in Brooklyn certainly was not created by a local blog that is not read by the majority of the people, black, white or otherwise. You keep saying Jon ain't all that, yet you give him the ability to incite the populace to near-riot. Right.
There's nothing racist about it if race isn't mentioned.
Christ, what a jackass you are today.
Hopefully the cops shoot one of these kids stealing an iPhone and maybe the rest will take notice.
I think this was Benson's mistake. He had a point to make, but he fired off like a loose cannon. And then when his approach was rebuffed, he got insulted and left.
Which left him and us in a less good place then before he posted.
You have has an issue with READING COMPREHENSION!!!!!
If you was getting 40-50 MPS that plan would cost 100+ per month.
I'm on the Clear Wireless website right now - Look like 25/5 to me!
Too bad there're going bankrupt, Spring and T-Moble is going to get Cornholed for giving them all that money!
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
I was voted down however. That's democracy.
That's how it goes, so I deal with it.
I hope benson decides to begin posting again,
I enjoyed reading his comments.
...and where has Donatella been hiding lately?
OK Fucktard, let go!
That's not "Perception" that's the reality....
The What
Someday this war is gonna end...
Anyone care to articulate an opposing view on this?
I'm glad we don't have a "dear leader" sort of society and people who go into politics have to develop very thick skins.
That what happen when you bang the truth on motherfuckers!!!
I'm going to earn a living while the US Clownbuck is worth something!
Suck it well Montrose...
The What
Someday this war is gonna end...
What do you mean she commited blogacide?
I am considerably better off financially than my parents, I am happy with my life overall, and I see no major roadblocks ahead.
Then you apparently aren't part of the "lunatic fringe." Come on, get with it.
As for respect for the presidency -- I think there is always going to be a healthy amount of namecalling and course discourse from commentators, the public, advocates, entertainers, etc. It happened with Bush, happens with Obama, really every president. The founders adopted false names so they could attack each other viciously while continuing to work together. On this, my view is probably mroe aligned with legion. Where I tend to agree with Montrose, however, is the discourse of national elected leaders. I don't recall a moment comparable to "you lie!" where a federal elected democrat interrupted a speech by President Bush by yelling out a challenge to his integrity. Likewise, I don't recall a sitting dem governor, in challenging Bush's military policies (and there was much to challenge) to insinuate a lack of respect from the troops. While partisanship is to be expected and is part of the system, I expect presidents, senators, congressmembers, governors, etc. to express that partisanship with a healthier respect for the office of the presidency. I see the lines blurring far more than before as to what is acceptable discourse inside the chambers of government as opposed to outside, where far more is fair game -- and I am troubled by that.
I heard that you were talking about me. A few words in my defense:
-yes, indeed - I have decided to no longer participate in this OT.
-I would ask folks to go back to the encounter that led to my demise. If you do so, I believe you will see that I did not take the matter personally, nor was I insulted about what happened.
-My decision was due to my belief that there is a double-standard at play. I do not want to get into it, because I doubt that I will change anyone's mind on the topic. Suffice it to say that the passage of a couple of week's time has not changed my belief on the matter.
-No hard feelings, and best wishes to all. It was time for me to move on.
Besides, the Delete capability has been removed
We did collectively agree to not be so quick to use it, but we have not come up with any real procedures or standards.
I agree reply is pretty useless as it is now implemented.
Hopefully a link to the post being replied to can be added at some point.
Does anyone else get logged out?
I have not been logged out since I put the site up, using 2 different browsers.
Slopey, need any help with the avatar?
My initial guess is that there is some program/process that deletes cookies on a regular basis.
you can tell if you are logged off if you get the box asking you to enter your name when posting.
Our system is very far from perfect, considering that power is distributed in the hands of 11 people with no procedural or technological checks.
On the other hand, we have only had 2 post deleting decisions that seemed controversial, which I'd call a decent record all things considered.
If you are logged in via one url, you will not be logged in via the other.
Personally, I only use, but I can see via the site statistics that both are used.
I wouldn't worry about it. It's happened 3 x today but once was after I had to restart for something else anyway.
WonTon - McCain chose Sarah Palin as a running mate: how does that give you more confidence in him than in Obama?
What I've lost greatest faith in is the Supreme Ct. They sold the country down the tubes in Bush/Gore & in the Campaign Contribution decision last year. One sees a lot of injustice in our legal system but I had a deep belief in the Supreme Ct. as a truly impartial Solon.
While I am a political moderate in many ways, when it comes to many issues decided in the court I am very much to the left.
to activate gifs or not?
That way somebody at work could deactivate the gifs option.
In the current environment, I see any candidate who gets through the nomination process coming out too ideologically pure.
Past examples of such candidates include George HW Bush and Bob Dole.
In that sense, McCain's calculated choice of Palin doesn't seem like such bad judgement. He needed to toss the wacky right wing of his party a bone. Why not toss them one that most likely would end up having zero impact on his Presidency?
Dave! Would you vote for amdeal that had 10 to 1 spending cuts to tax increases? I'd not you are a MORON!
I rest my case.
Gore's worst miscalculation was picking this guy to be on his ticket. In fact, I think that Lieberman, not Ralph Nader, and not the Supreme Court is the key reason why Gore lost.
On Supreme Court, I have and continue to have tremendous respect for the institution and its role in our system. Interpreting the constitution is not a science and it is far more complex than calling "balls and strikes" as Roberts put it at his hearing. But I do think the current conservative majority of the court is tilting the playing field quickly and heavily. Dahlia Lithwick commented recently that some if its decisions offer corporations a playbook on how to avoid responsibility for things like discrimination, misrepresentations in securiteis public filings, etc.
As for Obama and the economy, dibs, we see the world differently. I wish ARRA had been better designed, both for effectiveness and for politics. But I really think the emerging trend on the GOP side is an approach to governance that would effectively disabled the Fed government from being able to respond effectively to anything. I think they are irresponsible. Not all of teh dissatisfaction with obama is to his right. Some of the dissatisfaction with Obama is that he won't stick to his guns more. Not that I would vote GOP, but I don't see anyone on the GOP side (save possibly Huntsman) who appears to bring a responsible approach to governance. Even Karl Rove is out there calling Perry un-presidential for calling QE "treasonous" yesterday.
Well we'll never know unless we try but it seems clear as day that Obama can't do anything, or won't, or doesn't seem to know what to try.
These statements about no one else could do a better job or Mccain wouldn't be doing a better job if he were here are trulym, TRULY MORONIC since you cannot know until it happens
The "White trash" Special
Poor grammar. What are you trying to say????
Hillary would have us out of Iraq and halfway out of Afghst by now.
And she would have probably concentrated more on jobs than healthcare. But who knows?
If we have no economy
all other issues go out the window.
It's like sitting on the Titanic and contemplating whether you want to take a seat on a life raft or get a better view at the stern.
From my layman's chair, way over here, I can see mistakes I think Obama has made, but I think the statement that it is "clear as day" that he can't do anything, won't do anything, and doesn't know what to do, is a bit much.
Here's how BR:
-Repealing/defunding Obamacare and starting on the right footing instead.
-Stopping an agenda which has, as its core, a philosophy of redistribution.
-Placing an end to the uncertainty that clouds this administration and places a pall over our economy. It helps for our President to be honest in his core beliefs and I'm not being disrespectful here, only pointing out that Obama has said one thing and done another on a number of issues. At the very least he was not entirely direct in conveying his core conviction that he sees America as a basically flawed nation.
-Re-establishing the idea of individual accountability over collective culpability.
-Establishing reasonable monetary policy.
-Understanding that the engine of this great engine lies in the aspirations of the people and not the machinations of bureaucracy.
-Not penalizing those that produce.
You can stop taunting dibs, WT, he's seen you already.
Replace Obamacare with single payer and I am on board!
I'm not averse to a single payer system,
as long as it properly addresses the actual structural problems causing healthcare costs to explode. Unfortunately, those problems were never even on the drawing board. :o(
The Obamacare court decision is set for sometime next summer.
That's gonna be a blockbuster.
It's mind-boggling.
minard -- more district court judges have upheld the law than found it unconstitutional and so far it is an even split at the circuit level.
As an actuarial and administrative matter, single payer is the way to go. No cherry picking or adverse selection problems. Fewer admin costs as the effort to deny coverage becomes moot. And yes, it has never really been on the table. I'd happily give in on med-mal in exchange for a single payer system and a reasonable no fault comp system. I suppose I have to turn in my bar membership now.
That sounds like a grand compromise!
Too bad our congress can't even compromise on what to serve in the congressional dining hall!
This guy is quickly going into my "nut job" category.
The plan deserves to die a quick death. We need Medicare for all, with optional private insurance supplements for those who want and can afford more.
This is the actual timeline for Obamacare provisions:
The provisions which have already started to impact us are those that impose mandates on insurance companies to cover children until age 26 and to expand the medicaid rolls.
The former has been responsible for the sharp increase in private medical insurance plan payments which many have experience here on the OT as well as increased requests for "waivers" from private companies struggling to meed insurance costs.
The latter is responsible for exploding budget crises in many states which now find themselves required by the federal government to provide health coverage for millions of individuals and the cost of establishing a new bureaucracy to administer those mandates.
Insurance regulations are beginning to take effect in terms of the phase out of "medicare advantage" plans. Seniors will in fact, not have as great a choice as they had before as the Advantage plans are being phased out.
Similarly, this year begins the back door deflation of HSA's which are the anti-obamacare alternative.
There is more to come. much more.
I see randolph is back
Did you finally find a place????
mandates on insurance companies to cover children until age 26
CHILDREN until the age of TWENTY SIX?! get the fuck out of here. that is absurd. no wonder people never grow the hell up anymore, there's no need to!
That provision always gets *rob* pissed.
...but really, kids should be leaving the nest before age 26.
I wonder if the coverage includes pacifiers and breast feeding courses for "children" in their 20's.
Is there any analysis regarding how much of the rise in insurance costs lat year is due to new laws as opposed to "standard" health care inflation?
ours went up so much we had to look for a different plan. but it's still more expensive and more will be taken out of checks. really annoying. people who work for a living having to support freeloaders. :-/ how is healthcare ANY different than everything else in the world?! why should anything in life be free? (granted i DO wish EVERYthing was free) but that's not how society is supposed to work! nothing is free in life, why do some people get free healthcare while others have to pay for it? boggles my mind.
and no one NEEDS to live past childbearing age btw.
This is a partisan article,
but it gives solid data on cost analysis regarding the rise in insurance premiums.
They say the difference is approx. $2,100 per individual as compared to not implementing Obamacare.
there's the article ^^^^^^
On the surface, it seems like the requirement to add children up to age 26 would not have a huge impact on premiums, since this age group is the healthiest.
You said you would have input into the design choices,
what are you choosing?
Here's the insurance premium issue from the insurer's side:
...they say it's Obamacare.
I've experienced a ton of joy in ass searches
i saw a unit he recently finished and he did very nice work. might also ask if he can get a stove with a microwave above (pay for difference)
the revenue to fund the mandates has to come from somewhere.
Of course much of it comes from the government printing presses (which has its own consequences)
but much was bound to come at the expense of the private sector or more directly : the middle class.
and re: health care. i know how to make it EXTREMELY affordable for everyone. get rid of all the nurses they are unnecessary. orderlies can do their jobs. hells most patients can do their jobs on themselves. why does a nurse get good money to do things like take blood pressure whereas someone can do that themself? most.useless.profession EVER!!! also getting rid of them would allow hospitals to have a friendly atmospher instead of the nightmarish meanie genie hell hole they are now.
french doors sound great!
The last person I rented from was a real witch.
She kept the thermostat at precisely 55 degrees overnight. I had to pee every 2 hours in the winter!
Additional regulations and making more items "free" will certainly add additional inefficiencies to the system on top of that.
As I have said before, I consider the plan failure because it made no attempts to either cut costs or improve care.
I really just needed to get away from the williamsburg waterfront bedford L area. i'm back out where i was when i actually liked williamsburg.
after looking at dozens of grimy ass apartments in brownstone brooklyn with weird live-in landlords - i realized brooklyn is pretty much all the same (except "prime" williamsburg and park slope - which are sorta more annoying than the rest)
I agree, it's too large to be efficient in the end.
ha ha,
your posts have taken on a new dimension of urgency with the addition of the Charlie Sheen avatar. I always read them with his voice attached.
that's a big decision,
especially considering she's your "ex".
As for scrubs....yeah, don't wear Em on the subway.
What, one of the funniest posts ever on Brownstone was when you told her that and she said she doesn't like cocktail sausage!
there's no appliances in it now - it's totally gutted. i'm offering to add value to the place once i move out.
(hint- they all said the same thing)
They all said NO.
kitchen is typical williamsburg railroad size - huge with plenty of counter space - so not having a dishwasher won't be that big of a deal if there's plenty of space for dish drainer. he's already agreed to blow out the walls between the two internal railroad rooms to make a bigger living space - so that's definitely a big plus.
What about Doctor Fink in Prince's band The Revolution?
As Laura Petrie used to say, "Oh, Rob!"
it's pretty asinine what places out there are charging for very simple, not very well made dining tables.
i like the idea of a picnic table bc if peeps are just chillin you can sit on the top and rest your feet on the seat.
On the other hand, I really don't have the energy/willpower to push for a better system at this time.
My personal feeling is that Benson's post should not have been deleted.
As I've said before, on the challenges of a site like this is that everyone has a slightly different vision of what should be allowed, and there is no way to make everyone 100% happy about how things are done.
Some people considered the joke to be racist, and it was deleted.
"Perry is now saying it would be treasonous if Bernanke tried to use Federal Reserve policy to stimulate the economy before the election.
This guy is quickly going into my "nut job" category."
Perry and Bachmann will hang themselves. It's only a matter of time. I just finished reading the New Yorker mag article on Bachmann. She's pretty scary in that she's been mentored by some VERY serious right wing religious fruitcakes. I'm just biding time waiting for her to be forced to answer some questions she does NOT want to discuss, and has already been asked but evaded answering.
Be more specific or STFU.
On the surface, the answer is no but since there was no detail in the question, you get no detail as to why the answer is no.
Don't be so obtuse.
Ooh, I missed that one, DIBS! Dammit!
Every single President from day one has purported some form of religious belief and yet now certain sectors of our society seem to feel that there is somehow more urgency in the matter in this day and age.
Let's take it to the ridiculous extreme and say Obama turns out to actually be secretly Muslim as the extreme Right wing believes. Does that idea suddenly give him more power to implement his wishes on this nation?
Apparently not since he's having a damned hard time doing much as a Christian President.
My point here is to say that the whole "religion" issue is a sort of straw man when it comes to the President. Supreme court candidates still have to get through congressional approval. Laws still have to go through bipartisan committees and the Senate. The people still have to voice their approval or disapproval of a given agenda. The media still has to weigh in as do untold number of pundits Left and Right.
Not to mention, you still have the issue of convincing 310 million Americans, several million of which are armed, to go along with the program.
Does an Evangelical Christian have much sway with Catholics? or Jews? or Muslims? or Atheists?
Would a Mormon elected President, suddenly deploy a secret army of white shirted, black tied mormons to "reprogram" the population?
They wouldn't make it past Provo.
Ridiculous. They would meet the same type of opposing forces that the current President is meeting in his attempt to re-shape the nation wholesale.
The next President, even if it is Obama, will have to be skilled enough to walk the middle ground of pragmatism and prudence.
If it happens to be a religious woman, well we can all be sure that fully half the nation will be scrutinizing her every move and reporting on it daily.
It's the economy, stupid.
I like the pics of Bachmann with the crazy eyes. You can know a lot about people by looking at their eyes.
Given his bravado and "swagger" that he portrays, bet he's the BOTTOM in any gay relationship!!!!!!!
I don't think it's a straw man when it comes to Bachmann, if you read up on her background and what she says, it's clear she wants to change not only policy but laws according to her beliefs.
The Newsweek picture does a good job of making her look crazed by having her look into the lens above and into a harsh light.
I have an old book on Hollywood photo portraits.
The book describes how to light and position the subject for the best photographs. I picked it up at a garage sale and it's very interesting.
Bachmann's photo basically does the opposite of everything they say in the book.
When I heard that Tina Brown was the editor of Newsweek, it didn't surprise me. It was a political hit piece from the get go.
I do wonder however about Bachmann's judgement in not getting veto power over the photos after the Palin incident in the same magazine.
Just like her dumbass John Wayne/John Wayne Gacy 'confusion'. La di da! I love these! Chip chip chipping away! She's going down. It's going to be a joy to watch.
If the economy is running well,
which would be the next President's primary mission,
I don't think it would be easy for a leader to offer up a religious agenda.
The matter of religion is very important, why I don't know, but a president must have a socially acceptable religious affiliation, the definition of socially acceptable is fluid, and he also has to be pretty tall, and at least passably photogenic, not too good looking, like Kerry, who looked like he was sent out from central casting.
In other words, a lot of extraneous stuff goes into winning elections. Oh, and did I mention hair? gotta have good hair.
Christie should grow a beard and crash some of those caucus parties.
He should just drive up in a dark sedan with some body guards,
pick up some finger foods and start dropping some common sense on the press while pointing at them with a chicken wing or something.
...that would be pretty cool.
No! Really! Wow, DIBS. Thanks for 'schooling' me, jackass! : P
goodnight everyone.
" don't think it's a straw man when it comes to Bachmann, if you read up on her background and what she says, it's clear she wants to change not only policy but laws according to her beliefs."
That statement would indicate, no evidence to the contrary, that you believed it was a possibility.
Is he really? oh, oh.
then he better lose 100 lbs.
Kerry needed to lose 150 lbs -his wife! Boy was she a bad sound byte. Remember when she said she was African American? I mean technically it was true, but politically it was STUPID.
The Catholics at least have hospitals and orphanages and schools and such. The Mormons are a little creepy.
The only thing about Mormonism that I find not creepy is polygamy and they had to give that up because it was illegal somehow.
Personally, I have no problem with anyone having religious beliefs, I have them myself. I don't think it's appropriate to spew them over the airways and on the campaign trail. I don't have a problem with a leader seeking help from the Divine PRIVATELY, when he/she is making the big decisions. It's totally inappropriate to show him/her rasslin' with God in public.
I don't think it's appropriate to spew them over the airways and on the campaign trail. I don't have a problem with a leader seeking help from the Divine PRIVATELY, when he/she is making the big decisions. It's totally inappropriate to show him/her rasslin' with God in public.
total agreeance.
and today was madonna's birthday, no elvis's.
Traditional Mormon polygamy could very creepy for the women who were forced into it at an early age.
Actually that system is really hard on the boys and young men who the elders want outta the way.
But putting serious matters aside, I bid you all good night with a modest offering from my collection of snapshots taken here and there in Brooklyn.
Personally, I have no issues with just about any relationship structure, as long as it is consensual.
And are then forced to marry whomever is selected for them at 15 or whatever age it is that such things occur. And are kept secluded from social services, which are considered 'outsiders' if they have a problem. It's not all "Big Love" out there.
batshit crazy bug-eyed females
weirdo mormons
cowboy texas governors
guarantee one of the others is a closeted homosexual pedophile. just playin the odds.
Read up on him, you'll figure it out, DH.
And are then forced to marry whomever is selected for them at 15 or whatever age it is that such things occur. And are kept secluded from social services, which are considered 'outsiders' if they have a problem. It's not all "Big Love" out there.
meh. the same shit happens in a TON of other cultures, but it's given a pass cuz "it's their cultures and customs" even in within this country as well. who cares. they are all fucking freaks. no one represents me in government, NO ONE. the day people stop voting en masse is that day i will fully finally feel like an american.
people who really DO love their country, hells people who love their PLANET, dont vote. voting is for sheep.