Anonymous: Hiya Assholes!
Today is a great day! Wanna know why? Ton of Trust Funds, 401K and Stocks got blown the fuck up!
Oh BTW it's not over, not by a long shot.
Plus I'm hearing FHA is gonna cut the sale guidelines by 50%, that's right 50% so take the offer and get the fuck out!
USPS is gonna Layoff 120,00 workers, that's nice..
Anyway Later Obama Nut Huggers..
I've had a long couple of weeks between having guests over, work stuff, and my wife being out of town.
If I can survive today, I'll have a weekend with nothing scheduled followed by a more normal week.
Ah, sounds nice. I'm looking forward to working on some photo stuff tomorrow on gov. island; pissed that sunday is supposed to be rainy though- cuts my kid-free shooting days in half, which I can ill afford. (though not as ill as I can afford a babysitter for 8 hours. ;)
Ton of Trust Funds, 401K and Stocks got blown the fuck up!
people losing their trust funds kinda gives me a wicked sense of glee inside. 401K's i guess that is sad tho. i have no opions on stocks cuz im not exactly sure what stocks mean. but yeah if this economic collapse means less trust fund brats moving here then that is a good thing!!! and i guess parents losing their 401k's could be considered a good thing too cuz they wont be able to send their precious moonfaces anymore monthly allowances!!
thanks what, this week was awful, but you just put me in a good mood. welcome to poverty, bitch!
I'm sitting in a chair in the kitchen, having peach pie for breakfast. I'm on Sandown Road in Danville, NH. I'm looking out the window at the birds, the geese (which should be gassed) and the pond. it couldn't be a lovelier day. That said, I haven't had sex since Tuesday morning.
My IRA behaved VERY well during the past two weeks. It's VERY defensive in that it holds a lot of high dividend paying stocks. If anyone wants a list of names like that I'll gladly send it on Monday.
Due respect, everyone is entitled to their view of what constitutes personal information about them, and if they don't want it posted, it shouldn't be.
Anonymous: Hey guys it's AOK, just keep ignoring everything, just like 2008!
remember that year Assholes???
You're got until the end of the month, everything will resume crash mode!
Today is nothing but short covering, the Ten Year is at 2.17 and that means DEPRESSION Assholes!
Go run out and buy a house if you can get a mortgage ROTFLMMFAO!
It's going to be fun, latter assholes, suck it well..
I would not classify the info the M4L put up as "personal information," but I respect Rob's right to control what information about him that others post.
fuck this. this is getting fucking out of hand. that is fucking ridiculous. I took shit from textpert for the IP post. now I get this shit from rob on that????? I'm pissed
don't know trust fund babies that I can tell. if mean young people that essentially don't really have to work much because of income from family assets.
but my niece's roommate seems to be that sort (never met him though)
People talk a lot about trust fund babies etc....but who has actually met one? Seriously. I haven't.
that's cuz no one talks about their trust funds and they love pretending to be slumming it. they are less in your face about it than say people who are just flat out supported thru parental allowance. i find that most people with trust funds actually have legit careers tho, not the typical moonface with allowance who intern 2 hours a week on a fake farm and sells bedbugs at flea markets on the weekend. yes what im saying is totally stereotypying, but it's flat out the truth.
Sorry, but I find the unrelenting glee over people losing everything to be less than stellar, as well. From trust funders to working Joes with 401K's. Crowing over any random "predictions" that happened to come true is one thing, dancing on people's financial graves is just sick. I fail to see why the thought of thousands of people out on the streets jobless and hopeless would give anyone joy.
I may have known some trustfund types in college, it was that kind of college, but the thing is that kids that come from those sorts of backgrounds have really good connections and can land the best paying jobs, so most of them do. Life is not a level playing field.
no one is dancing on peoples financial graves or hoping they are on the streets montrose, stop being such a drama queen. the only glee i get is that if trust funds are shrinking it's a good thing because those kinds of people will less likely come to nyc. sorry if you think that's being mean spirited, i dont particularly see it that way.
I've known a lot of trust fund recipients (a.k.a. remittance cases) - the Village was teeming w/ them in the old days: lots of drunks at dive bars. Many extremely intelligent but indolent, not having been taught self-discipline & w/ little ego strength. Quite a few I knew died early of liver disease - some, however, lasted incredibly long times as if they were pickled & preserved.
Randolph: I think what it comes down to is that some people have ambition and a desire to work hard and create things that are meaningful to them and then there are people who are just lazy and don't give a shit and like to think the world is so so unfair and stacked against them....and none of this has anything to do with trust funds. Its just the way you are wired.
I don't think I know any straight-up trust funders (well, I'm sure I do, but I don't *know* that I do) but I know plenty of folks who are directly supported by their rich relatives. Or have trust funds which have a lot of money, but aren't their actual source of income (they have jobs, etc., they just have a giant cushion somewhere else).
They are, like most people, a mixed bag of nice people and assholes. Which doesn't mean I'm not in favor of taking their extra money away from them.
"I think what it comes down to is that some people have ambition and a desire to work hard and create things that are meaningful to them and then there are people who are just lazy and don't give a shit and like to think the world is so so unfair and stacked against them.."
And to be clear, there are lots of people who DO have lots of shit stacked against them, and lots of people who have shit stacked in their favor.
One thing that still surprises me about New York is the quantity and age of money here.
There were certainly super rich families in other places I lived, but they were not very common, and most of their money was less than a generation or two old.
Discussions about "Trust fund babies" never happened, because if they existed it was in very small numbers.
I knew some incredibly wealthy people in college, too. Not well, as we didn't hang in the same groups, not by a longshot. Minard is right, they often have connections the rest of us dream about, and are not sending resume's through, that's for sure. But I find it a waste of time to be jealous of, or worry about what other people have. It's not a fair world. The best way to maneuver through it is to concede the point, and move on around it as best you can.
I knew a couple years ago and at a party they got a little tipsy and told me that when they married each thought the other one was a trustfund baby, turns out neither one of them had a dime. They both looked the part though, and absent the real thing, looking the part gets you halfway there.
Rob, take a chill pill, I really wasn't talking about you. And you better give up on hoping trust funders, or any of the types you hate, will stop coming here. For whatever this city is, was, or is perceived to be, it's always going to be a magnet for people.
scott- It's interesting - nyc has had a fairly constant nouveau riche element, always trying to claw its way into the social aristocracy, while the establishment tried to keep 'em out. The old 'Knickerbockers' vs. the new finance/industrialist types. Still, nothing like the old country's aristocracy of old money.
Anonymous: Yeah I'm gleeful as a motherfucker!
Yep when the retards was blowing up New York no one gave a fuck about people being displaced!
Motherfucker all of 'em!
It's over and where's all the "Brownstone Love" gonna come from? Muah!
Hey suck it well....
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning...
Oh M4L if you can't stand the 'Blowback' then.....
But I find it a waste of time to be jealous of, or worry about what other people have. It's not a fair world. The best way to maneuver through it is to concede the point, and move on around it as best you can.
that's true. it can be hard tho. i grew up around some very SERIOUS class envy tho..
I never wore a yellow turtleneck. Then again, I've always hated turtlenecks. Military shirts, on the other hand, are pretty cool. John Lennon proved it's ok for pacifists to wear them. Lenin proved it's ok for Communists to wear them.
you also have to remember that there is a HUGE stigma attached to being poor in the gay community. or being ugly or being fat or being bald or not having a fabulously expensive wardrobe, etc etc etc the list goes on and on. it's a very self-hating lifestyle which is why i essentially shun it.
"you also have to remember that there is a HUGE stigma attached to being poor in the gay community. or being ugly or being fat or being bald or not having a fabulously expensive wardrobe, etc etc"
A friend of mine always said that the worst thing in the world would be "old, gay and poor."
Anonymous: Ruh Roh...
U.S. Money Funds Shun Italian, Spanish Banks
Wow the money shot came fast (pun intended)
The six largest U.S. money market funds have eliminated their lending to Italian and Spanish banks, reduced investments in French banks and are favoring Swiss securities for their $511 billion of assets.
How long before the rest of the Short Bus riders figure out everything is insolvent???!!!!
I knew the guy who wrote the songs for Once Upon A Mattress (Jay Thompson). He did a send up of "Nobody loves you when you're old & gay." It was hilarious but I can't remember all the lyric.
"A friend of mine always said that the worst thing in the world would be "old, gay and poor.""
-- totally not true. the older and poorer I get the gayer I am.
I know two. The don't have regular jobs but, they spend as many hours doing community and charity work. If you met them you would never guess by appearance or their homes - very modest all around.
i used to hang out with a mad trust funder who had a mansion in new jersey. she used to collect gays like people collect faberge eggs. she blew thru her trust fund (fast), sold every piece of furniture and piece of artwork from the entire mansion except for one room that was all pink and filled with toys (kid toys not sex toys) where she'd smoke crack all day and send some of the gays out to newark on crack runs :-/ i was not part of that scene at ALL but i found it fascinating to be there and observe. it was also the only room that had any heat (they had a space heater in there). they used to send me out to do yardwork.
dibs, kristen bjorn had some good canadian mountie porn with latins. Canada had open immigration from el salvador and nicarauga. What happened to the AC here???
Anonymous: "During the recent turmoil, no money market funds "broke the buck" which was significant."
During the recent turmoil, no money market funds "broke the buck" yet which was significant.
Fixed it for ya Dave-O
The way some commentators on TV and in print refer to Spain and Italy, you would think they were talking about backward little economies. I sometimes detect cultural prejudice in these supposedly factual economic reports.
Trustfund baby- oh how I wish! But even us downtrodden can enjoy a nicely filled pair of jodhpurs. And that gorgeous red jacket. Did I mention the shiny leather boots?
Hi everyone! I'm back from a not fun trip to see my family in Alabama. Tomorrow's my birthday, so I'm trying to decide where to make Scott take me to eat tonight or tomorrow. Ideas?
I sense that Wendy wants to power down a lot of food - to drown out the sorrow. that sounds like a trip to a Chinatown restaurant - ie great eats, big portions, & low prices. then stroll thru little italy / Nolita for desert before heading home
I find Chinatown on a Friday night gruesome, same for Little italy, tourist-ville.
you want to dine somewhere al fresco today. lots of nice places on Smith Street with nice back yards.
Thanks for the good suggestions.
We don't go out to eat often, but I am already finding that we are getting into a rut of going to the same 5 or so places.
Alma and Peaches both look especially nice, and in my price range.
in some respects, I hope those massive toll increases proposed by the MTA does pass so I can use that as reason for why my ass wont be showing up to the NJ office. It appears the increase is to pay for the massive (~$2.7B) over-run at the ground zero construction. Come on DIBS, bust our your rants for MTA or was that Benson's area (ie you only do Amtrak)
Scott, I posted last week that River Deli on Joralemon was very good and not too pricey. Could be a nice change of pace, although probably very crowded on a Friday.
The river cafe is not bad (expense wise) if you go for cocktails outside, they have a nice noshing menu too.
It is a nice place for a special occasion.
The roofdeck at Alma sounds really nice too. never been there, but I bet its nice.
Of course there is always Monteros for a nightcap.
No. Given the market segregation between the two sites, I think litter box misuse would be a better topic here to build the brand and clientele. Let the brownstoner brand own the dog poop association. (How the mighty have fallen.)
Anonymous: The River Deli is very delish as well with fun casual atmosphere they are at 32 Joralemon St
only down side is cash only but the prices are very fair
We certainly have a range of consultants on litter box issues. I believe we did once discuss the relative merits of different kinds of cat litter, did we not, arkady?
The new transit center is now budgeted at $3.4 billion, and will not have any additional service or platforms beyond what the "temporary" station has offered for the last 7 years.
Minard, issue is what/how will that over-run be solved/plugged - ie if they dont spank us on tolls for the over-run, they're going to fire PA employees and/or reduce employee benefits/pensions?
wow, dylan ratigan's recent rant state of current US financial affairs on his show is really going viral on youtube. dude really knows how to say it with gusto
Anonymous: "lunch time and brownstoner stilldoesn't have 6 months ago or open house picks up yet."
I told ya'll Brownstoner is on auto pilot and his nanny defended him.
The sad thing is this place fucking sucks, BHS is not trying to improve it and Brownstoner is fucking dead.
Thanks for proving me right ----> ya'll are just a bunch of "Edmucated Assholes" !!!!!
"Thanks for proving me right ----> ya'll are just a bunch of "Edmucated Assholes" !!!!!"
Why? Because we like to chitchat and joke around? BHS put this site together so we could sustain our OT. No one has any expectations that he will turn it into something more. BHS works and this does not appear to be a business gig for him. It's just an online water cooler. Not sure why you care so much what BHS does with the site.
Talk about mad envy-that's your problem, What. You can't stand not being the center of attention or that someone, even the much-reviled Jon, can do something you can't. As for BHS- you must not be paying attention. He's been adding improvements and we've all been talking about what we want to do and how to do it. Don't like it here? By all means please post your whiny crap somewhere else. We aren't interested. Or didn't you get that memo?
You must love us "edumacated a-holes" because you just can't keep away. I think you post every single day that you are not coming back. And yet, like clockwork, here you are......
Rob, i have a schedule of buses you can take to Danville, New Hampshire to visit Dibs.
If you take the 10:30 tomorrow morning you will be there by cocktail hour! Brilliant!
you know who i hate? brooklyn rental brokers. apparently the fees now are 10-15% instead of one month's rent and the bait-and-switching is as high as ever.
and brownstone owners who rent their stuff by owner want you to submit to a prostate exam before they'll let you live and subsidize their mortgage.
that's awful DH. seriously i think landlords need to back the f*ck up sometimes and not be so anal about who they "let live" in their crappy apartments.
hey a signed contract is NOT BINDING till the deposit check is deposited into the bank right? Are you talking about an "offer to purchase" or "contract for sale"
but seriously though - there are better deals in manhattan as far as rentals go. i've seen nice one bedrooms available in UWS doorman bldgs for around the same price as dingy walk ups in BoCoCa. Crazy town.
manhattan is NOT bland tho really. manhattan has REAL glamour. the people who clamor on about how uncool manhattan are and how much better brooklyn are just not well connected, glitzy, and beautiful those three things are what makes manhattan appealing. true glamor, not the phoney baloney DIY farm to table wannabe artist modern day brooklyn. there's no point of living in manhattan if you are not rich and beautiful because you wont be able to enjoy the things that are ONLY available to the rich and/or beautiful.
DH, yeah it's crazy shit with BK rents. I aint complaining as I'm going to be the landlord but it's crazy from an unbiased standpoint. when I started renov at the crown pad, mkt was maybe 2k but more probable 1850 or so. 3 months later, mkt is maybe 2.4k but more probable around 2.1k. during those 3 months, econ got worst but yet up it goes. it just doesn't feel sustainable.
it probably is sustainable, m4l - sure, rents are high - but it's also insanely competitive to get into one of these high rent places.
i've seen absolute DUMPS for 2k - 2.3k in primo hoods (and non - like greenpoint) - and they get snatched up in a day or have like 10 people putting in applications.
housing stock in greenpoint is so substandard it's not even funny. anyone who buys a house up there and does a nice reno with rental units will make bank.
that's why the lux rental bldg up there is getting 2,700 a month for one bedrooms up on Green St. People want to be up there but don't want to live in squalor.
M4L - When I did real estate, I never had an occassion where someone signed a contract with handing over a check for the earnest money. Most contracts are written so the seller has the option to release the buyer from the contract based on the buyers inability to get financing or if there was a cloud or title or defect in the property. Not sure about this. Maybe DIBs knows. I will call a friend who is an active broker and ask her.
so someone has to make 108,000 dollars a year to live in a one bedroom in greenpoint then? that's just fucking depraved. this city is NOT worth these prices. everything is the same these days there is very little that makes nyc special to have these insane prices. oh but i guess that 2700 dollar a month bedroom is designed for a young lame moonface "couple" BARF. a lovely little starter rental apartment at 2700 dollars for two moonfaces to play house in. BARF x 10
someone should do an analysis on the rentals on the market for a certain neighborhood and the income required to rent them vs neighborhood median income.
you're anger is misplaced if you're blaming people coming here working for low wages.
working unpaid internships or whatever is all under the guise of getting experience to one day get a job that pays well in their field of preference. it's business owners taking advantage of the current job market that are the real scum.
someone should do an analysis on the rentals on the market for a certain neighborhood and the income required to rent them vs neighborhood median income.
DH - Someone might give you a grant to do just that. Get one with a housing subsidy
Ha, rob- MM and I had the same conversation about Brooklyn the other day. We've lost all sense of proportion when it comes to rents and buying in NYC. If it keeps up they're going to put a moat filled with crocodiles around Manhattan,and BoCoCa- you going to see Richland, wasteland (gotta have a buffer) and Poorland. the Bronx and Staten Island will become Prison Land- kind of like a theme park for felons.
And I agree with DH who the real scum are. And immigrants, even illegal ones, do add to the economy. They aer consumers, they buy food, clothing, pay rent, etc. Some of them even pay into the social security system- money which they won't get when they retire.
does anyone have a moment to spare and can do me a favor? can you call this number 212-473-6571 (it's gamestop) and ask how much trade in credit and how much cash they give for used DS Lite's? i dont really feel like talking to any gamestop employees at the moment but i want to see how much they buy old DS lites for in cash.
true bsm - and it's not really too far outside of my current skillset to mine and analyze data like that.
i just find all these articles in local papers about gentrification so one sided as far as focusing on the social (race) aspects of it and not really the economic aspects of it.
pretty much every article is "oh shit, white peeps are moving to bed stuy" so what??
Sure, BSM- that way we can start a security protection business to protect the wealthy who will then have to live in less easily protected areas. It'll create jobs! And with all those security jobs, we can buy more and better weapons! Then we'll become rich, retire and hire ourselves to protect us- it's a win-win. :)
my statement was not about immigrants, it was about moonfaces depressing wages and putting up with being unpaid chronic interns until they are 45 years old. of course employers are going to see an unlimited supply of idiots who come to live here in nyc to work for free. grrrrrrr
Anonymous: Yeah, you know you've lost your mind when you look at an apartment rental for $3000 a month, and go "Oh, that's not bad." That's $36,000 a year, just to lay your head on a pillow. That's more than the median income of many neighborhoods, including the one I'm in. If you leave the city and go 100 miles upstate, that's about a 50% downpayment on a halfway decent house.
BSM, thanks for looking into my question. think the deposit check is "clearing" now so it's binding for sure. was asking before cause I saw the listing was still doing open houses etc AFTER the contract was signed but check not deposited yet hence why I was wondering if seller was purposely not depositing the check yet and holding out for better offer
pretty much every article is "oh shit, white peeps are moving to bed stuy" so what?? - The journalist get to make it a race issue or a poor versus rich issue. The same kind of population shifts are happening in other areas - but who cares that south asians are moving to Bensonhurst.
'the ONLY people who write such idiotic articles such as "white peeps are moving to bed stuy" ARE those same white people."
That's because for far too many people, NO neighborhood has any validity until it's "discovered" by trendy white folks. Write up a couple of articles in the Times and New York magazine and watch the people pour in, especially for "authentic" food.
Tonight is a Sturgeon Moon....The fishing tribes are given credit for the naming of this Moon, since sturgeon, a large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water, were most readily caught during this month. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because, as the Moon rises, it appears reddish through any sultry haze. It was also called the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.
It was Rob and Jessi's idea, but my interpretation was that if the booth got busy, potentially offensive threads would not be displayed by people who did not want to them, and people would not accidentally stumble on offensive content without having first asked for the access.
It also has the side benefit of not being visible to Google or non booth members searching site .
Today is a great day! Wanna know why? Ton of Trust Funds, 401K and Stocks got blown the fuck up!
Oh BTW it's not over, not by a long shot.
Plus I'm hearing FHA is gonna cut the sale guidelines by 50%, that's right 50% so take the offer and get the fuck out!
USPS is gonna Layoff 120,00 workers, that's nice..
Anyway Later Obama Nut Huggers..
The What
I love the smell of Napalm in the morning..
If a tree falls in the forest...
GM What
I've had a long couple of weeks between having guests over, work stuff, and my wife being out of town.
If I can survive today, I'll have a weekend with nothing scheduled followed by a more normal week.
What a crazy week.
I have read some articles that indicate high volatility will be the new normal for a while.
really???? Where?????
Ton of Trust Funds, 401K and Stocks got blown the fuck up!
people losing their trust funds kinda gives me a wicked sense of glee inside. 401K's i guess that is sad tho. i have no opions on stocks cuz im not exactly sure what stocks mean. but yeah if this economic collapse means less trust fund brats moving here then that is a good thing!!! and i guess parents losing their 401k's could be considered a good thing too cuz they wont be able to send their precious moonfaces anymore monthly allowances!!
thanks what, this week was awful, but you just put me in a good mood. welcome to poverty, bitch!
I'm sitting in a chair in the kitchen, having peach pie for breakfast. I'm on Sandown Road in Danville, NH. I'm looking out the window at the birds, the geese (which should be gassed) and the pond. it couldn't be a lovelier day. That said, I haven't had sex since Tuesday morning.
Due respect, everyone is entitled to their view of what constitutes personal information about them, and if they don't want it posted, it shouldn't be.
m4l, PLEASE, put them back up!!!!!
remember that year Assholes???
You're got until the end of the month, everything will resume crash mode!
Today is nothing but short covering, the Ten Year is at 2.17 and that means DEPRESSION Assholes!
Go run out and buy a house if you can get a mortgage ROTFLMMFAO!
It's going to be fun, latter assholes, suck it well..
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning..
when did you start dating jewish guys? glad you are so into this diversity thing.
Someone shove a brownie in that guys pie hole.
but my niece's roommate seems to be that sort (never met him though)
People talk a lot about trust fund babies etc....but who has actually met one? Seriously. I haven't.
that's cuz no one talks about their trust funds and they love pretending to be slumming it. they are less in your face about it than say people who are just flat out supported thru parental allowance. i find that most people with trust funds actually have legit careers tho, not the typical moonface with allowance who intern 2 hours a week on a fake farm and sells bedbugs at flea markets on the weekend. yes what im saying is totally stereotypying, but it's flat out the truth.
In that I trust *somebody* will fund it. So far, seems to work out.
they never had to worry about much.
They are, like most people, a mixed bag of nice people and assholes. Which doesn't mean I'm not in favor of taking their extra money away from them.
And to be clear, there are lots of people who DO have lots of shit stacked against them, and lots of people who have shit stacked in their favor.
is that puerto rican fondue?
There were certainly super rich families in other places I lived, but they were not very common, and most of their money was less than a generation or two old.
Discussions about "Trust fund babies" never happened, because if they existed it was in very small numbers.
Yep when the retards was blowing up New York no one gave a fuck about people being displaced!
Motherfucker all of 'em!
It's over and where's all the "Brownstone Love" gonna come from? Muah!
Hey suck it well....
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning...
Oh M4L if you can't stand the 'Blowback' then.....
read between lines in robs comments and you'll realize he is the trust fundie around here.
lol. how funny would that be
But if you mean 'people who complain do not, by definition, have actual things to complain about' that's bullshit.
But I find it a waste of time to be jealous of, or worry about what other people have. It's not a fair world. The best way to maneuver through it is to concede the point, and move on around it as best you can.
that's true. it can be hard tho. i grew up around some very SERIOUS class envy tho..
Usually these days, the "new ones" have more of it!!!
he never seems to have a worry in the world.
-if Monteros doesn't serve it, I don't know it.
Where do fold-up bikes fit into this?
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
I'm game to wear any clothing that comes with a handcuff pouch.
A friend of mine always said that the worst thing in the world would be "old, gay and poor."
sigh....I'll never get over him.
U.S. Money Funds Shun Italian, Spanish Banks
Wow the money shot came fast (pun intended)
The six largest U.S. money market funds have eliminated their lending to Italian and Spanish banks, reduced investments in French banks and are favoring Swiss securities for their $511 billion of assets.
How long before the rest of the Short Bus riders figure out everything is insolvent???!!!!
Suck it well kiddies...
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning
-- totally not true. the older and poorer I get the gayer I am.
sigh....I'll never get over him."
When was your "gay phase" Minard???????????
we were all spurned.
During the recent turmoil, no money market funds "broke the buck" yet which was significant.
Fixed it for ya Dave-O
The What
I love the smell of napalm in the morning
Two Bums Up?
Hi, BSM!!
Scott, how about One if By Land, TIBS?
you want to dine somewhere al fresco today. lots of nice places on Smith Street with nice back yards.
'cos I will be your honey bee
open up your fruitcage
where the fruit is as sweet as can be
-I'll take it.
maybe, if we're lucky. we will end the week flat?
We don't go out to eat often, but I am already finding that we are getting into a rut of going to the same 5 or so places.
Alma and Peaches both look especially nice, and in my price range.
Is that a topic we should be exploring more here?
It is a nice place for a special occasion.
The roofdeck at Alma sounds really nice too. never been there, but I bet its nice.
Of course there is always Monteros for a nightcap.
I also read that they want to raise the fare on PATH to be $2.75, which seems totally outrageous for such a small system.
And it's karaoke night. Nothing sets the mood like belting out "Birthday" by the Beatles in an old sailors dive bar.
only down side is cash only but the prices are very fair
The new transit center is now budgeted at $3.4 billion, and will not have any additional service or platforms beyond what the "temporary" station has offered for the last 7 years.
No way Christie or Cuomo would approve those kinds of hikes.
I suppose you are right with all the talk of johdpurs, trustfunds, and seersucker.
But I think Dibs does a fine job of dragging it down already.
They can shift money between ports, airports, real estate, bridges and tunnels, and PATH, but eventually the bottom line needs to be zero or above.
-picky sharks or flavorless seals?
it's true that sometimes you have to go through 4, 5, 6 seals before you find a good one.
he told us where he is staying. I took that as an open invitation.
I have not driven a car in the last 14 months. Before then I don't think I had gone more than 2 weeks without driving since the time I turned 15.
I told ya'll Brownstoner is on auto pilot and his nanny defended him.
The sad thing is this place fucking sucks, BHS is not trying to improve it and Brownstoner is fucking dead.
Thanks for proving me right ----> ya'll are just a bunch of "Edmucated Assholes" !!!!!
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
Why? Because we like to chitchat and joke around? BHS put this site together so we could sustain our OT. No one has any expectations that he will turn it into something more. BHS works and this does not appear to be a business gig for him. It's just an online water cooler. Not sure why you care so much what BHS does with the site.
Tusk, tusk, that was bad...
Otterly predictable, biff.
That song makes me happy as a Klum
If you take the 10:30 tomorrow morning you will be there by cocktail hour! Brilliant!
Now you're talking! I can fit seven in my car.
I'm in the mood for seal burgers.
did i just "how my" jesus
-we know you're in there, open the damn door!!
flash the sign if you claim to be him
you know who i hate? brooklyn rental brokers. apparently the fees now are 10-15% instead of one month's rent and the bait-and-switching is as high as ever.
and brownstone owners who rent their stuff by owner want you to submit to a prostate exam before they'll let you live and subsidize their mortgage.
i've seen absolute DUMPS for 2k - 2.3k in primo hoods (and non - like greenpoint) - and they get snatched up in a day or have like 10 people putting in applications.
housing stock in greenpoint is so substandard it's not even funny. anyone who buys a house up there and does a nice reno with rental units will make bank.
that's why the lux rental bldg up there is getting 2,700 a month for one bedrooms up on Green St. People want to be up there but don't want to live in squalor.
That's true, rob, but there's no jobs elsewhere.
there are no jobs here either. and these filthy vermin come here and depress current wages!
working unpaid internships or whatever is all under the guise of getting experience to one day get a job that pays well in their field of preference. it's business owners taking advantage of the current job market that are the real scum.
real trust funders don't work anyways.
someone should do an analysis on the rentals on the market for a certain neighborhood and the income required to rent them vs neighborhood median income.
DH - Someone might give you a grant to do just that. Get one with a housing subsidy
i just find all these articles in local papers about gentrification so one sided as far as focusing on the social (race) aspects of it and not really the economic aspects of it.
pretty much every article is "oh shit, white peeps are moving to bed stuy" so what??
Stupid question
That's because for far too many people, NO neighborhood has any validity until it's "discovered" by trendy white folks. Write up a couple of articles in the Times and New York magazine and watch the people pour in, especially for "authentic" food.
Ooohhhh, getting way too cynical here today.
Within a few years of their arrival all the especially for "authentic" food is gone, replaced by fusion and nouvelle cuisine.
...or are you just happy to see me?
Sorry Rob.
Here's a closer look
Dibs, we should be there in Danville tomorrow around fourish.
I'll bring the gin, be sure to have plenty of tonic and limes around.
Should I take a poll???
actually more interested to see his guns - ie how big are they that it's definitely bigger than Xing's
I guess Blankfein and Tony Hayward can breathe a sigh of relief!!!
It also has the side benefit of not being visible to Google or non booth members searching site .
That's what Mexicans from the southern mountain areas look like. You need to get further south than Atlantic Ave.
has everyone else noticed that dibs is always giving me geographical advice?