Restaurant Review : White Castle
August 12, 2011 9:44 AM - Open Thread - BoerumHillScott
959 Atlantic Ave. (Just east of Grand)
Clinton Hill

I had a real craving for greasy food on Wednesday evening, and based on advice form people on the LifeinBlkn OT, I decided to give White Castle a try.
Having lived my entire life in the Southeast and California, I had never tried one before, although I was familiar with the chain through various pop culture references.

We walked there, but there appears to be amble spaces in their parking lot. The inside of the restaurant was somewhat dingy, but not overly nasty. It was clearly designed to “high crime area” standards, with a small window for ordering and pickup instead of a counter, and a bathroom that required employees to buzz you into.

Being my first time, I decided to stick to the hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and onion rings, although the “Chicken Rings” looked like they could be interesting. The total for 4 hamburgers, 2 cheeseburgers, 1 order of onion rings, and 1 medium fountain drink (which I would call large) was $8.80, including tax.

The drinks are self-serve, which means unlimited free refills while you are there. There is a large stash of ketchup and mayo packets for customers, although it looked like a ketchup packet had leaked at one time, leaving the rest slightly sticky. The tables were clean, and we had the choice between standard tables, booths, or high table.

It took the food around 5 minutes to arrive, largely because they cooked us a fresh order of onion rings. The onion rings were standard fast food quality, made of shaped tiny pieces of onion and not whole rings.
The tiny burgers were quite interesting. They were very moist, both from the onions they are cooked on as well as from fat. The bottom bun was quite soggy on all of the burgers, although sometimes the sogginess pattern was uneven. The burgers went down quite easy, seeming so “slide” down my throat. The onions gave them a good flavor not usually found in low end fast food burgers.
Overall, the burgers seem to find an odd combination of deliciousness and utter disgustingness.

Ratings (out of 5):
Facilities and Ambiance : 2
Price: 5
Food Quality : 1 and 4
Overall rating : 3

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